Abaddon was currently alone within the colosseum/stadium in Sheol.
In the middle of the sandy area floor, he sat cross legged on the ground with his eyes closed and his mind focused.
In the near future, he would have to travel to one of the underworlds and conquer it, so he was doing everything he could to prepare before that time.
Earlier today while he was working with the children, he had an epiphany.
As of right now, spirit magic was his greatest power.
The ability to create incredible phenomena just by making a simple request to an aspect of nature was too great to overlook.
And most of the time, he did not even have to ask them to do anything as most elements protected him of their own volition.
However, he wanted to see if he could bring another of his abilities to a greater level for assistance in the war against the gods.
And he could think of no better ability to improve than his sins.
watched my homeboy try to talk to a girl in public and she told him he looks like a bison with a wave cap.
as you can imagine, he has yet to recover.