Erica was somewhat expecting Abaddon to immediately push her away after the slightest touch.
But instead, something even more miraculous happened.
Abaddon slipped one of his hands along her waist and another on the back of her head.
The former phoenix queen sat up in an instant and stared at the man underneath her like he had just shit out a golden egg.
"Were you... about to kiss me back?"
"I... yes?" Abaddon asked in confusion.
"Excuse me?"
"Why were you about to kiss me back?"
"..." Sometimes, Abaddon felt that for all of his charm and romantic knowledge, he didn't actually understand women all that much.
"Because... I have feelings for you?"
"S-So you aren't going to be an ass and reject me again!?"
A vein bulged in Abaddon's forehead and he showed a smile that was not a smile.
"Kiss me again... and then I'll see how I feel."
debating on whether to leave you guys with a cliffhanger next chapter or just with one new surprise at the end… decisions decisions.