Abaddon hurled Poseidon and Zeus away from the calamity he had imposed on this world.
Not because he wanted to protect them, but because he wouldn't jeopardize their bodies being crushed by the black hole.
Since such a thing would not kill them permanently, these two were going to receive his own undivided attention.
And someone else's.
"ABADDONNNN!!! Who told you to stop my hunt early?!?"
Satan dropped out of the sky like a meteor and smashed both gods into the ground with his hands during his descent.
"And using magic is pussy as well! …I'll overlook it just this one time though, because it does indeed look cool!" He nodded, pleased with himself for what he considered to be a display of reasonability.
"Insolent roach, how dare you touch me!" Zeus blasted Satan with an electrical blast that contained so much voltage that it could have powered an entire country for a year.
if you ever want to see true happiness on a man face all you need is to watch the look a blue collar worker gets when he opens up his first child support free check in 18 years
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