Three simple words was all it took for the army to lose all of their composure and rush forward.
A specialty of Abaddon's army was that it was structured in so called 'organized chaos'.
While all of his soldiers were highly trained, they did not fight the same.
Some of them fought like proper warriors, others were more like berserkers, and the most bloodthirsty among them fought like rabid animals.
But no matter how different their styles were, the army of the demon seemed to be perfectly capable of working together, giving each other the proper space when needed, and providing aid as well.
But for this battle at least, there was no need for them to aid each other.
Needless to say, Orie's army was unprepared not only for the volume of soldiers, but also their style of combat.
The bloodshed was instantaneous and entirely one-sided.
I have come to the realisation that I may be easy to manipulate. All my girl has to do is speak a lil foftly to me or be extra sweet and i've handed her my wallet before I even know it.
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