It started with a light show.
Everywhere that one looked, small wispy apparitions of golden light started to float into view.
Confusion ran amok amongst the populace, as no one was really sure what these beautiful lights were.
Only Erica in the form of a flaming phoenix seemed to have some inclination as to what they could be, but even then she did not fully understand this scene.
Lesser spirits don't just show up of their own volition.
Though they are said to be everywhere, they never let themselves be seen by regular mortals.
And they especially do not show up in Luxuria where so much of Abaddon's presence is easy to be felt.
So why the change?
She and everyone else watched as the light show culminated on the ruined walls protecting the city.
They formed a sort of funnel above the rubble, and spun around and around as if they were stuck in permanent rotation.
EASILY the hardest chapter I’ve ever written.
I know you guys were super hyped for this part of the story and everything and I kept worrying that I was going to let you guys down and fail to meet your expectations.
All in all I think I rewrote this chapter like 3 times and I will definitely be calling out of work today due to exhaustion.
Christ I still have to write blessed by night after this… ah whatever.
Hope you guys were pleased with my effort on this chapter!
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