"I was wondering what you were up to when you didn't come back to the party… This wasn't high on my list of expectations though."
Bashenga snorted when he saw who had come to find him first.
"Did I ask you to come after me? Please don't disturb my beautiful quiet with your incessant prattling."
"Ah, there's my dear brother. As charming as an unplanned prison colonoscopy. It's a miracle someone as bubbly as Gaia chooses to hang around you."
Bash felt his mood beginning to plummet with the mention of the green-haired goddess still waiting on him at home.
"Why have you come, brother? Could your time not be better spent clinging to your woman like a wet-nosed dog? Oh, I'm sorry, what do you call her again...? Your darling 'Mon-Mon'."
Straga stared at his brother with a look that screamed annoyance.
He sat down beside Bashenga and together the two of them looked out into the burning cosmos in front of them.
learned my lesson about talking about my girl at work. asked for some genuine advice this man said ‘just hit her’ WHAT?!