In the middle of the battlefield, Mira was having the time of her life, and Gabbrielle was being a responsible young sister.
The second princess was like a tornado of ice and blood as she ripped through the bodies of Greek soldiers like they were made from tissue paper.
Ever the acrobatic warrior, Mira performed a somersault into the air and hurled her icy daggers into the skulls of two warriors who'd made the mistake of coming near her.
"This is so much fun!!"
"Yes, yes, fun indeed... On an unrelated note, do you know of a synonym for the word 'supreme'?"
"...Well yes, but no."
Mira hurtled out of the air like a little comet and landed directly into a horde of enemy soldiers.
Upon making contact with the ground, she generated several pillars of ice that impaled her enemies from the rooter to the tooter.
Just like her mother had taught her! (Audrina)
"Uhh.. How about predominant?"
it’s a new month! as always, please help me out with any golden tickets you can spare
side note: I am still looking for names for Ammit whenever she gets reborn so I’ll take any suggestions
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