As shown with Bashenga, the rooms inside of the Tathamet home can be as big, or as small, as one likes it to be.
Despite this, there aren't many in the house who take real advantage of that.
Mira can barely keep her own room clean, so she wasn't going to foster an entire realm for her to keep up with too.
Belloc, Melanie, and Stheno weren't that needy. So they settled for a modest 2,500 square feet apartment layout.
Nubia, Apophis, The Twins, and Thea are the only ones with rather sizable realms as their 'rooms'.
Thea's realm is quite similar to Tehom.
Luscious greenery, vibrant wildlife and cooling blue waters, with a soft salmon-colored sky overhead.
Thea's realm is only about the size of North America, but they are preparing to expand sometime in the next calendar year. (10 Months instead of 12.)
Her realm is solely populated by humanity, but not just any branch of humanity, the evolved.
one day I’m going to be a real author. I don’t know how I’m going to get there or when I’m going to get there, but I am going to do it somehow, some way.
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