Sei was transported into an empty black realm devoid of any and all life.
In the sky above was the mystifying scene of the aurora borealis dancing about madly.
If Sei was not so angered with how she had been brought here, she may have even found this place to be quite comfortable.
Suddenly, Audrina descended from the sky above.
Different from her usual appearance, she was wearing completely black battle armor that was molded from the shadows itself.
The armor clung to her tightly, yet it also gave her body the looseness and mobility needed to make agile and impossible movements.
On her head of silver hair there was a red crown that appeared to be made of crystallized blood.
She was utterly fearsome and beautiful.
"What is this?!" Sei was immediately on the offensive.
Her hands glowed wildly and she unleashed two blasts of cyan energy.
Small announcement: for the time being I am unable to provide you guys with bonus chapters due to everything I have going on at the moment so I’m sorry for the inconvenience. If you still choose to send me gifts, I offer you a heartfelt thank you and my eternal gratitude.
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