No matter who you are or how you were raised, everyone has that one single memory from their childhood.
The moment that you got caught doing something you weren't supposed to be doing by a parent or guardian, and in the brief moment that they stared at you before speaking, you knew a fear like no other.
Gabbrielle Tathamet was experiencing that moment right now.
Her father and newest mother were standing right above her signing table and staring down at her, causing her heart to temporarily stop.
'M-Maybe they don't know that it's me…'
In her disguise, she forced a smile onto her face. "E-Emperor, Empress…! To what do I owe this hon-"
"You know you cannot hide from me, daughter."
"…It was worth a try."
"Change back, please."
The blonde-haired, pale skinned dragon woman with glowing green eyes looked around the store.
idgaf what I wrote in this chapter, my parents will never read any of my novels and I'm taking them to the grave
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