When Thea opened her eyes, she was surrounded by millions of broken weapons.
The sky above was shrouded in dark red clouds, and no matter where the young girl looked, she could not find traces of the sun.
"Holder of the divine, do you believe yourself worthy to inherit one of the six?"
Rising up from the fields of blades in front of Thea was a woman unlike any she had ever seen.
Her mothers were all extremely beautiful goddesses in their own right but she was... incomparable.
The woman was tall and muscular with long blood-red hair. Her body was adorned in dark grey armored that seemed to thrum and vibrate as if it were alive.
When Thea looked into the woman's eyes, they were purple with black sclera.
"Excuse me... Where am I? And what is one of six?"
The woman held out her arms and gestured to the space around her. "You stand in my divine realm. This entire place is subject to my will, my desire and my needs."
Thank you for reading!
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