Abaddon watched the flaming haired woman lunge at him from atop the stairs to the greek temple.
However, he did not make a single move to defend himself; due to equal parts amusement and curiosity.
'I wonder... which one is going to make a move first this time?'
Out of nowhere, a thundercloud appeared in the sky above and dropped a huge bolt of lightning onto the head of the strife goddess, knocking her right into the ground.
Because he was nothing if not an agent of chaos, Bagheera sat directly onto her head, and allowed her to flail about like a toddler.
Persephone and Demeter on the other hand were stunned silly, and could only stare at Abaddon like he was some kind of modern day messiah.
Most would have needed to replay that scene at least a few times over to understand what had just happened, but as nature goddesses they had a unique amount of insight into it's phenomena.
I finally caught up on Chicago med and my life has ceased to be as meaningful as before
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