"D-Dad, you can let me go now…"
"Who is the parent here?"
"Y-You are, but you can only nuzzle me so many times before my cheek skin peels off!"
"It'll grow back, now stay still."
Thrudd hadn't the foggiest idea why her father was suddenly being so affectionate with her, but she was just going to attribute it to old age and let him do what he wanted.
Abaddon continued to nuzzle his second daughter affectionately when the two of them were suddenly bumped into.
The pair looked up at Straga, who was clearly enjoying his new height that made him even taller than his father.
"Whoops." Straga gloated. "Sorry about that, little guy, I didn't see you down there..!"
Abaddon smiled.
"…I apologize for my outburst."
"Oh do you now?"
Abaddon sat on top of his son's head for just a few minutes longer; just to ensure that the message had properly set in.
tell me why my girl ordered DoorDash and put a note on it that said ‘don’t knock on the door my baby is asleep’
…HER PARENTS GOT THE BABY THIS WEEK! she just ain’t want me to know!
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