Apophis returned home after spending the night out in the city.
It had only been a day since his father left and he was doing his best to adhere to his recommendation of spending time amongst their people and observing them.
During the day, he would spend time with his mothers and sisters while trying to learn about them.
When he could finally manage to be free of their consistent smothering, they would teach him quite a lot.
Bekka taught him how to fight in his new human form, allowing him to discover he had a natural aptitude for swordsmanship, although he admittedly did not care about this very much.
He would observe Lailah's lessons with her mother, both to ensure that she did not speak out of turn and to see if he could learn a bit of magic as well.
Valerie had the most hectic schedule out of all of them but whenever he could find her, he would assist her in whatever project she was working on to the best of his ability.
New character art of Seras is now up!
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