The destination Bekka was heading towards was a huge military facility just on the outskirts of the forest.
It was cloaked with enough densely concentrated magic that even the most powerful cultivator with a myriad of divine eye techniques would only see a simple forest in front of him.
Bekka passed harmlessly through the barrier and floated over an incredibly high-tech facility composed of black metal and concrete.
Like a ghost, she drifted through the walls with nothing impeding her as she headed for a very specific part of the building.
She hid her presence until she came to a large indoor training ground where the sound of bodies hitting the floor was ever present.
At the front of the room, Kanami and Karliah were both sweating in their own dry-fit gear.
They'd likely just gotten done sparring on their own, and now were observing and correcting their recruits.
babies not sleeping past 7 a.m. really blows me. like wtf you up so early for, you don’t have nothing to do
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