Abaddon slowly turned around to find Zheng standing a few short feet away.
Not just him, but the entire squad of Wraith Moons who had gone on the mission to Asgard were standing in front of him.
Admittedly, he was quite surprised.
They should have been among the ones who didn't remember the previous timeline, but for some reason they were all standing right here in front of him.
Zheng fell to both knees and lowered his head until it was touching the ground.
The soldiers at his back mirrored his every movement down to the most minute detail.
"We are ashamed with ourselves for our failure.... We ask that your punishment fit our ineptitude."
It wasn't until that moment that Abaddon remembered the new, revised timeline of how he destroyed Asgard.
look it’s a lot of food I’ll let slide if it’s not perfect but Mac and cheese is not one of them.
I had some watery Mac and cheese at the potluck today they had to stop me from burning the whole building down
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