Maybe it was because Lailah was his first woman, but she was the one to feel that something was wrong.
The tea cup she was holding in her hand shattered as she dropped it on the ground, and she immediately doubled over, hyperventilating.
"My lady!"
At that moment she was surrounded by her family, and they all came rushing to her side.
But the young witch could not speak, she could barely even breathe.
And after a few seconds, the rest of the wives were able to understand why.
"No... this can't be..."
"I can't feel him... I can't feel him!"
"What is going on!? What happened to him!?"
One by one, all of the girls collapsed alongside Lailah, and began wailing from what was undoubtedly the worst heartbreak imaginable.
"You can't rest here... You know that you have to go back."
'Five more minutes... I'm having such a good dream.'
Were you surprised?? Shocked??? Bored??(I hope not or I’ll cry)
I hope this chapter was full of surprises for all of you and you sufficiently enjoyed it.
Please, let me know what you think and if you liked it.
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