Abaddon had done a lot of insane things before, but this would by far take the cake.
Even though Asherah had told him that this was the best course forward, he still did not know if what he was attempting was actually possible.
He didn't bite this tree and stab it with his claws because it owed him money.
He did it because he was trying to absorb the world inside, and make it his own.
Instead of having the spirit realm be tied to the tree, he would be taking it inside of himself and carrying it around with him wherever he went.
Abaddon pumped as much of his venom and blood into the bark as he possibly could.
With his venom focused on breaking down the tree enough to loosen it's connection to the spirit realm and his blood acting as a catalyst to absorb that connection, he had all of the keys necessary to complete this monumental task in front of him.
Mk 1 is finally out and I am already going to be absolutely insufferable with general shao