Satisfied at the ingenuity of his offspring, Abaddon decided that it was time to bring the exercise to a close.
Dispelling all of his weapons at once, he brought all of his hands together in a single, loud clap and dispersed the entire storm in an instant.
The children were a bit nervous that he had suddenly thrown away their greatest weapon like this, but once they saw him smile and revert back to normal they were less than afraid.
"Tell me… whose idea was it to use your powers like this?"
The kids all seemed to relax in an instant before shuffling about uncomfortably.
"Gabbrielle, huh?"
Abaddon sat cross legged on the ground and gestured for his children to sit with him.
One by one, his kids sat across from him like they were about to be read a story at nighttime.
Except for little Mira who sat on top of his thigh like he was a famous man in a red suit.
Over a year into writing this novel and I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that people like it. It's all crazy