Apophis slowly opened his eyes to see both of his sisters looming over his head with worried looks on their faces.
His disorientation quickly gave way to plain confusion when he realized that he was lying on his back and staring up into the sky.
"What the hell is going on..?" He sat up.
""Brother!"" The twins knocked him right back down.
"W-Why are you two so-"
"No time, kids! Get to the plane and find cover!" Mateo warned.
He drew his weapon just as a hail of bullets started to pick apart the very place where he had told them to take cover.
Mateo used his magical talents to erect another barrier to protect everyone under his banner.
But this assault wasn't like the ones that came before.
These bullets passed right through Mateo's magical barrier and created utter hell for those inside.
With virtually nothing to impede them, the bullets traveled through tissue, bone, and sinew equally.
today I found out that my girls hobby is going on only fans models pages and laughing at the ones who are selling their prices for less than five dollars… starting to think she has too much time on her hands