As Nyx spun around the foyer in wonder, she suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from one of the halls.
Lisa emerged at the top of the staircase, looking like she had only just woken up.
Her dark brown hair was tied messily above her head, and the only fabric covering her body was that of a large sweater dress that hung on her body loosely and came down to her thighs.
"Nyx..? I only texted you a moment ago, how did you get here so fast, or find our home for that matter?"
The goddess appeared right beside Lisa and wrapped her curvaceous golden body in a hug.
Since Lisa was now well over 6 feet tall, it looked a bit like a middle schooler hugging their high school crush.
"My lovely Lisa, don't you remember who I am? You aren't the only one with friends in high places."
"...You pestered the creators until they told you where we lived, didn't you?"
"I certainly did!"
dating in high school during the peak social media era was so ass.
like baby I’m 17 no I can’t give you no 1000 dollars just because you saw somebody do it on facebook
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