"It was the strangest thing ever. I was suddenly hit by a wall of white and the next thing I knew, this guy was pulling me out of a hole in creation. And he was so rough with me..! ... It was delightful..." Karliah gushed.
Bekka punched the woman hard in the stomach until she doubled over.
"I've only been aware of you for twenty minutes, you old hag. Don't think I won't hurl you back into nothingness and forget about you all over again."
Karliah looked up at her daughter with tears in her eyes.
Bekka raised a brow as if she though that she might've gone too far.
"My baby has gotten so strong..! That punch almost knocked my organs out of my back!!"
Karliah leapt onto Bekka and began nuzzling her, as if she were the one who were part canine.
"W-What are you doing?!"
"I'm praising you! My baby girl has become more big, beautiful, and powerful than I ever could have dreamed! This is the greatest day of my life!!!"
me and my girl both woke up late this morning. we realized we had a child in the house and woke up scared as shit. run outside and her granddaddy sitting on the couch with her watching bluey.