Once Erica heard that her daughters had returned, she quickly forgot all about the strange scene that had just transpired and stood up from her seat in shock.
"Bring them here, now!"
"Y-Yes, my queen."
The maid left quickly to go and retrieve the two princesses, and when she returned the faces of everyone in the dining room inadvertently lit up.
Only to darken once more when they saw who these alleged 'guests' were.
"We're home!"
Claire and Jasmine ran full force into her mother and nearly knocked her over.
"Ah, my sweet girls... I guess I don't need to ask you where you have been this time."
The sisters smiled sheepishly as they looked back at the 'small' group pf guests they had brought with them.
Standing with his hands clasped behind his back was a large black demon with bloody red hair and intimidating mismatched eyes.
I saw the new boruto cover and I was almost tempted to pick it back up.... almost.
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