""What do you mean he became the vampire king!?" Yara and Asmodeus exclaimed.
Seras merely shrugged as she crossed her legs thoughtfully. "It is just as I said. Husband needed more influence and power so Audrina elected to pass the throne to him.
After killing off a few rebellious vampire lords, he was crowned right in front of the castle and over eight million vampires took his blood and became his subordinates."
While Asmodeus was a bit less surprised by this information, Yara was completely blindsided.
"He... made demons... out of vampires...?"
"Ah, he's evolved again as well. I forgot to mention that bit."
Finally, Yara's jaw nearly hit the floor as she stared at her daughter in law who was casually sipping tea opposite her.
Usually, people took years to evolve as doing so was largely considered to be an extremely difficult task.
Thank you for reading!