Abaddon and Jasmine had a total of twenty three positions to fill.
Since they wanted to play themselves, they would be playing the roll of both player and coach.
Some might consider it an arduous task, but they were more than up for the challenge.
The captains picked half of their team from the assembled gods, and the other half from influential members of dragon society.
In the interest of keeping things fair, it was decided that each of them was allowed to pick no more than four M.V.P level players to be spread between offense and defense.
And Abaddon had to suppress his power to the level of the average soldier in his army.
For M.V.Ps on Jasmine's side, she had picked Kanami as tight end, Ogun as offensive guard, and Absalom as defensive tackle.
On Abaddon's side, he'd picked Asmodeus as wide receiver, Discordia as center, and Cerunnos as defensive guard.
sorry for the miss I think I’m coming down with something so I don’t been feeling the best but I’ll make it up tn.