Iori, Madeleine, and Ophelia all ran towards the pierced body of the dragon king, but were thrown backwards by a pulse of violent energy.
Jadaka was the source of this unprovoked attack; as he pulled his accursed blade from his father's chest, he felt power like nothing he'd ever held before flood his being.
The power that had made his father so infamous throughout this world was now being transferred to him, and he could not have been more overjoyed.
"What have you done?!" Iori roared.
As a response, Jadaka held out his hand and brought his brother towards him without lifting a finger.
Jadaka held his brother by the neck and smiled sadistically at his helplessness.
"Go on, brother. Strike me again with that power you are so proud of."
Iori squirmed in his brother's grasp but realized that his power was somehow morbidly inferior.
Seems I really hurt y’all last chapter so I just wanted to say you have my sincerest apologies
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