In Helios' throne room, he was going over the work of the three lords kneeling at his feet.
Seras, Lotan, and Tiamat were all submitting their quarterly reports from their section of Antares, and it seemed like they were all going smoothly.
"I'm rather impressed with you, Seras. Catching up on so much work in no more than a month is no small feat."
"Thank you, my king..."
Helios noticed that Seras' eyes were a bit distant and empty as if she wasn't really all there.
It was especially unlike her, since she was usually very sharp and always aware of her surroundings.
'Focused on him I bet...'
"How goes your husband's war?" Helios suddenly asked.
A bit of the light returned to Seras' eyes, but one could not exactly say that she was happy. "I... do not have any details. I only know that he is still alive and well."
Wathing that Jake Paul vs. Nate Diaz fight was crazy cause as soon as I saw nate get his ass tapped in round 1 I already knew he was making bad deciscions.
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