"Now that the Shadow had his perfect relationship with eleven beautiful women, one would have thought that he would have been content. However, he still felt he was missing something."
"More women?" A student muttered sarcastically.
"I can see why you'd think that, but no. More than anything, the Shadow still felt as if he was lacking some sort of purpose or understanding. As if he hadn't yet seen all that there was to see.
This resulted in one of the hardest decisions of his life. He asked his wives and counterparts to wait for him while he went on a journey to experience the only corner of existence he had yet to experience: mortality.
He gave up his powers, his mind, and his body, and sent his soul out to find the best possible option for reincarnation.
Now, this is a really interesting bit. Supposedly, a demon was on earth at that time; walking amongst a fairly large and powerful tribe in southern Africa.
ain't no way THE iron mike tyson lost. I tell you what if bama lose today too then christmas ornaments aint gon be the only thing hanging this december, do you feel me?