-Nexus of Creation, The Tree of Life.
Yesh and Azrael were playing the oldest and most high-stakes game of chess in the multiverse.
A few feet away from them, Gulban was rubbing his bandaged face as he fiddled with the leaves on the great radiant tree.
"Are you still aching, old maker?" Azrael asked without looking up.
"Damn right I'm still aching! That unfilial brat has no respect for his elders, or his father-in-law! I do not know what my daughter could see in him!"
Azrael: "The body that is unmatched throughout our creation and it's alternates?"
Yesh: 'A gentle temperament, and an unwavering commitment to those he loves?'
Azrael : "It could also be the fact that he worships the ground she walks on."
Yesh: 'His hair is very nice in this life too.'
Azrael: 'Mother says that he is quite funny also. He also lacks the usual arrogance most of his species possess.'
Yesh: 'He is good with childre-'
why nobody told me wwe was entertaining again wtf