Olympus is fairly peaceful.
Aside from the brotherly monsters who come to destroy the place every one-hundred years or so, and the rampant acts of sexual harassment / assault, it was a pretty nice place to be.
A lone mountain stands high above a fantastical sea of pillowy clouds.
Permanently carved into the side is a city made from white marble and populated by Mycenaeans- a race of missing humans that predate modern Greeks.
They wear togas the color of white, and women and young children are adorned with flowers in their hair.
The Mycenaeans make their homes and markets beneath the grand white steps that lead to the actual home of the titan deities- The true Mt. Olympus that sits at the very mountain peak.
However, it is very common to find the children of the titans down in the city below.
Sometimes they are causing terror and committing acts of debauchery, but for the most part they are just drinking and having sex.
I’ve become too grown for my liking because why am I waking up at 6 am to change our sheets??
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