It had taken more time than expected, but eventually the soldiers were able to complete the arduous task of moving through the burning sands on their hands and knees.
Abaddon thought a few quitters might emerge when a strong gust of wind blew sand onto their face or torsos but there were none among them who were so weak.
In fact, it was as if they no longer even noticed the pain as they soundlessly crawled for ten miles.
When their milestone was reached, Kristina excitedly stood up and energetically stretched her ripped body.
"Phase one of training is over! Rise up everyone!"
The vampires seemed like they couldn't stand up fast enough and now only their feet were experiencing the hellish burn that came from the sand.
In the sky, the locusts flying overhead sent out happy noises of congratulation to their riders and masters below.
Even if they tried not to show it, such praise was enough to put small smiles on their faces.
Gonna try to put out two bonus chapters today. Wish me luck!