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63.07% Fate/Ultimate Antagonist / Chapter 82: [82] Shock and Awe

Bab 82: [82] Shock and Awe

["I want to establish a Gate to Hell within the city-state of Sparta."]

[Facing you standing at the head of the council, calm in demeanor yet smiling as you present the proposal.]

[In the moment those words fell.]

[It was like a blazing meteor crashing into the abyss, a speeding train colliding head-on with a mountain.]

[The concept of expanding the rifts of hell within the city-state, presented at the Spartan Council, stirred up a tumultuous wave of shock and awe.]

[Despite it all...the entire council is under your control.]

[Yet, people, still feel a profound mental shock because of your overly ambitious idea.]

[The governance of Kratos, everyone sees it, the prosperity of Sparta and your achievements are closely intertwined.]

[However, at this level, it's not about reform... it's a move that can be described as revolutionary madness.]

[Like leaping from slavery directly into republicanism, or from feudal society instantly into a utopia on earth.]

[You don't doubt the loyalty of these council members to yourself... because each one of them was handpicked and promoted into the Council by you, reflecting your full-fledged leadership style.]

[The entire city-state of Sparta is a one-party rule under your leadership.]

[Yet, there's still that saying...]

["....To foresee ten years ahead is genius, a hundred years ahead is a monster, a thousand years ahead...is a freak of nature."]

[With unwavering loyalty to you and apprehension for the fate of Sparta.]

[Most members of the council are now advising you to be rational, urging you to remain calm, restrain yourself, and think twice before acting.]

"I... am extremely rational."

The clear and bright sunlight poured down from the grand dome of the Council, illuminating the figure of the black-haired youth.

He appeared magnificent and holy, akin to a descended of the gods.

Clad in a pure white robe, the youth slowly spread his arms.

His well-proportioned physique exuded a divine beauty.

The compassionate embrace seemed to encompass all sins and punishments.

His deep crimson eyes were as profound as an ocean, while his handsome face seemed to possess a captivating charm.

With a gentle smile, his soft words resonated throughout the hall of pristine pillars.

Instantly, all the noisy chatter fell silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

Standing at the very center of the Council.

Facing all the city-state's legislators, Kratos spoke softly with a smile.

"Trust me... there is no one in all of Sparta who understands reason better than I do."

"I arrived at this conclusion after careful consideration."

"The prolonged war between humans and devils should not rely solely on the hopes placed on the gods... our fate should be in our own hands, using our own spears and shields to forge our own path."

"This is also the ancestral motto of the Spartans."

"I understand everyone's opposition."

"Everyone knows that I am just a humble regent, without the immense power of other city-state kings... I stand here today because of your support, and I have never wanted to be a tyrant."

"Believe in me... I have always been fair, rational, and humane..."


"...I will hold a national referendum within the city-state."

"If the proposal is passed, I will personally stand at the forefront of the Gate to Hell, and if the plan fails, you all have the opportunity to close it at any time."

Listening to the holy king's words spoken with a smile.

Kratos's painstaking efforts, his dedication to Sparta, were apparent to everyone.

His promises have never gone unfulfilled.

His wisdom has never been incorrect.

With the desire to establish a Gate to Hell, Kratos even plans to lead the charge himself, commanding the battlefield of Hell to show leadership.

No one could oppose his determination anymore.

And hardly anyone had confidence in the proposal's passage.

Kratos intends to hold a national referendum, allowing any citizen of Sparta to participate in this decision-making process.

But people... are afraid of death...

Looking at the solemn and resigned expressions of the people.

Kratos raised his head, gazing at the radiant sunlight streaming through the dome.

The sun was trapped in his eyes.

This madman had absolute confidence.

It wasn't confidence in the gods, or in their benevolence.

It was confidence in humanity... confidence in the inherent goodness of humans.

He... believed in humans.

As a human, he believed in the human heart.

[The decision to conduct a national referendum spread throughout the entire city-state of Sparta in an instant.]

[With the speed of a shooting star, it propagated to every corner of the vast land of Greece.]

[The entire city shook.]

[Allied nations were astonished.]

[Instantly, there were those who applauded enthusiastically, those whose hearts surged with excitement, those who sneered disdainfully, and countless others who were left speechless, unable to comprehend the crazy proposal you put forth.]

["If we can't control the invasion from Hell... then we shall pierce through Hell, slaughter through Hell, and cut through Hell."]

[The positions of humans and devils would be abruptly reversed.]

[Countless people sensed your madness, and some of them deeply appreciated the extraordinary rationality contained within it.]

[Numerous skeptical, mocking, surprised, and horrified gazes converged on this prosperous city-state by the Ionia Sea.]

[From the ocean, from the sky... and even from Hell and the misty underworld...]

[...You could feel it, even the gods of Olympus, with unparalleled amazement, at this moment, simultaneously focused their divine gaze on you.]

[Whether human or divine.]

[It was as if, in that moment, they all sensed the turbulence of the times.]

[The entire land of Greece, from every corner, paid such simultaneous attention to one person, one matter, and treated it with such solemnity... to that young boy named Kratos.]

[In the midst of this surging, scorching gaze.]

[Perhaps even Athena, that bad woman, was startled by your astonishing wisdom... she hasn't come to disturb you these days, hasn't appeared in your dreams with alluring poses, teasing you.]

[Even the nightly nightmares paused temporarily.]

[You peacefully drafted speeches in your mind and finally enjoyed three days of refreshing sleep.]

[Three days later.]

[You stood in the very center of Sparta square.]


The sun, so clear.

The sky, so vast.

Bathed in the bright sunlight and the gathered gaze of the people.

The black-haired youth, clad in a pure white robe, slowly ascended to the central platform of the square.

The deafening cheers resounded like a tidal wave.

It was the most earnest and lofty tribute the warriors of Sparta could offer to their king.

And the attending crowd cheered along with them.

Although the vast Spartan square was grand and expansive, it could only accommodate a small fraction of the city-state's hundreds of thousands of inhabitants.

Those who stood here were the ones who expressed their hearts.

Indeed, most ordinary people feared death.

But compared to other city-states, the Spartan spirit clearly ignited the combat ardor of the populace. While support for Kratos was a minority, it was not lacking in numbers.

Far more, distant crowds.

They watched solemnly, with great gravity, the projection of the king on the sky, cast by the priests, awaiting his speech.

This scene.

Was simultaneously broadcasted to other cities in Greece.

Kratos would announce to this vast land.

The bustling crowd on the square, shoulder to shoulder, crowded as if under the scorching sun.

The people's magnificent enthusiasm seemed to sweep through the towering Mount Olympus, causing the accumulated clouds and mist of years to dissipate.

"Good noon, my people!"

"I am Kratos Sparta..."

Standing on the central platform of the square.

The regent and wise King of Sparta smiled and waved to his people.

Just a greeting, before he could start his speech.

It sparked waves of passionate cheers, like a mountainous roar and a sea tide.

"Praise be to you! Your Highness Kratos!"

"Praise be to you! You are the embodiment of all the valor and might in this world!"

"Long live Your Highness Kratos! Long live Sparta!"

The devout followers of the Sparta Cult, placed within the crowd, set an outstanding example.

With their enthusiastic cheers, like igniting a fuse.

The prolonged and fervent cheers echoed through the heavens.

This announcement to the entire land of Greece.

Was also a superb opportunity for Kratos to subtly strip away the faith in Ares and establish his own combat symbol in the hearts of the people of Sparta.

From then on, the city-state's adoration for the god of war.

Would discard the foolishness and wrath of 'Ares' and embrace the fame of 'Kratos' for terror and power.

Although the atmosphere was orchestrated.

The people's enthusiastic cheers, anyone could hear the sincerity within.

Because... the improved lives did not need any false praises, but were tangible in people's eyes.

Not facing a corporate board or a panel of judges.

Even less like the former tyrannical rule of the Kingdom of Saxons, marked by intimidation and oppression.

Kratos was also addressing the public for the first time in such a crowded place, although he had rehearsed in his mind for a long time, he still appeared somewhat reserved and nervous on the spot.


Listening to the fervent cheers of the people.

The youth's heart couldn't help but warm up.

A warmth seemed to surge inexplicably in his chest, a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction filled his heart, relaxing him considerably.

He lowered his gaze.

His silver-haired younger brother, Dante, stood at the forefront of the army, applauding and smiling at him.

That's right...

He was born in Sparta, raised by the entire city-state.

Faced with his people, faced with his Spartan family, what was there to be nervous about?

The one who should be nervous was not him.

But those high and mighty, filthy and corrupt entities.

Pressing against his chest, pressing against the eyeball of Aatrox, hearing the encouraging whispers of the bloodthirsty demonic sword in his heart.

The black-haired youth took a deep breath.

Waiting for the cheers to subside like the ebb of a tide.

The uncrowned King of Sparta surveyed the people below him and began his speech generously and forcefully at the right moment.

"My old friend once said, the pursuit of man in this world is nothing but peace of mind."

"Peace of mind is indeed sweeter and more nourishing than any delicacy."

"...I, too, believe so."

"However, ever since the rift to hell tore open a century ago, we, the people of Sparta, have found it increasingly... almost impossible to find even a moment's rest and peace of mind."

"We fight, we roar, we rage. We struggle in an endless war against devils, expending all our might."

"Flesh and blood have built our Spartan city, buried in the soil beneath our feet, nourished by the bones of warriors. Pain and hatred constantly sprout from this soil, and finally... we achieve fleeting tranquility, built upon these graves."

"Yet, we still face the myriad horrors of hell."

"We still tremble with fear, worrying that the next moment, a devil will descend upon us."

"We struggle, we struggle in this enduring unease and dread, even prayers to the gods seem futile..."

"In truth... we Spartans have no god to rely on."

"If our god of war, the respected Ares, truly favored us! He wouldn't allow brave and loyal warriors to march to the hellish slaughter, sacrificing everything, and meet their demise."

"Flesh, bones, graves..."

"These things pile up every day, and every day, they are trampled upon by unrest."

"Our proud faith has brought us no mercy... we have sacrificed everything for stability, only to have it crushed by the War Devil in a matter of seconds."

"I believe many of my people here can relate... even my respected father Leonidas, our home... collapsed in the fierce night two hundred days ago."

"The enemies... are so powerful, they possess twisted abilities, stubborn vitality, bodies that constantly regenerate, treating us humans like animals, slaughtering, feasting, and replenishing!"

"And us?"

"We can only use our bodies! Our spears and shields! With the equipment and skills bestowed upon us by the gods' mercy, as well as the magical aptitudes possessed by only a few lucky ones, we use our flesh to build a great wall against devils, a final defense line for our families!"

"We hope, we hope beyond hope for the faint light called 'faith' in our hearts, for the gods' favor and gaze, step by step, in the dark, treacherous wilderness, we push forward, bathed in blood..."


"Has our Spartan faith given us any answers?"

"Have the gods we seek granted us peace of mind?"


"Nothing at all..."

"For more than a century, how we have lived, every Spartan here knows better and deeper than this twelve-year-old."

"We... have never truly found peace of mind."


"From this moment on, I declare!"

"To the people of Sparta, to all my subjects, to this entire land of Greece!"

"This unrest, this dread, this life of constant fear, is about to end!"

"Because... we Spartans are going to blow the horn of counterattack to hell!"

"I will tear open and expand the rifts to hell in the city of Sparta, establish gates linking to hell, and then cut, tear, and crush those disgusting vermin!"

"Knowledge, magic, strength, skills, faith..."

"All that we have gained through this enduring war will now become our sharpest, most solid weapons!"

"The sacrifices of the past have built the foundation of our prosperous Spartan city! Those monsters laughing in hell, coveting and scheming to descend upon us, will never have thought... our spears will pierce their hearts in hell!"

"Many will... think I'm mad."

"And yes..."

"I must admit, they are right!"

"I am already mad!"

"Because among the warriors here, not one is sane! To withstand this endless grinding, the warriors who can still persevere, not a single one is not insane!"

"We are all mad, so what!"

"Do you care?"

"...Or do you care?!"

"My warriors! Do we give a damn about these opinions?!"

"To protect our families, our peace of mind, we must become more ruthless than devils! More cunning! More bloodthirsty! More terrifying!"

"Our madness must shake hell itself! It must make devils tremble with fear!"

"This generation's blood feud, can only... be repaid with blood."

"You're scared of death with loved ones to worry about, it's okay."

"You can retreat to the rear... no one will blame you, no one will reproach you! Yet, you can still contribute to the warriors, to build and produce for them!"

"If someone feels scared, it's understandable..."

"But please, don't obstruct... don't obstruct those warriors who march forward, even though they're scared!"

"Because... in their hearts, there's something more unstoppable than the fear of death!"

"That something, more unstoppable than death itself... is human courage!"

"The hymn of humanity is the hymn of courage! The greatness of humanity, is the greatness of courage!"

"We don't need to rely on gods!"

"We don't need to beg fate!"

"We can rely on our own hands, to earn peace of mind for ourselves, for our families!"

"My people, my Spartans!"

"Tell me loudly! Are you... afraid of death?!"

Countless people on the Greek land looked up in astonishment, gazing at the questioning of the black-haired youth in the sky.

In the frozen silence.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of Spartans erupted into a furious roar, like thunder shaking the earth.

"We will follow you to death, Your Highness!"

In the face of this tumultuous roar.

Kratos slowly spread his arms, in his heart, issuing his own call.


"Ah..." A hoarse voice sounded, "I'm ready, Kratos."

"Although, I'm not quite used to it, but..."

"The ascended god-warrior's stance... can it be more acceptable?"

In the visage of Ares, amidst the scars that wriggled like centipedes.

Among the Olympian gods, within gazes eerie as silent whispers.

Among the countless people of Greece, in pupils tumultuous and trembling like earthquakes.

There shone a resplendent armor, radiant and sanctified like gold.

From the frame of the dark-haired youth, it emanated slowly, enveloping him entirely.

It wrapped around him completely, solemn and deep, like the voice of a deity.

From the union of Aatrox and Kratos.

From the towering golden physique, reminiscent of a war god descended.

"I... Kratos."

"The devil who slays the devils."

The colossal radiant sword rested in his grasp.

"If you seek to understand such power."

"If you wish to defend your homeland."

"Then... come to Sparta, and march with me."

"My warriors..."

"Your king will march with you."

"I will stand alongside you, at the forefront of hell's slaughter!"

"I, Kratos, solemnly swear..."

"I will expend every ounce of my being to defend Sparta's peace. I will lay down my life to protect the happiness and security of my people, and the lives of all the benevolent souls who seek peace of mind."

"From the shores of Ionia to the peaks of Olympus... today, I swear until death!"

"My warriors! My monsters! My beloved lunatics!"

"Prepare your gear!"

"For us..."

"We're about to tear that bloody hell..."

"...to bloody shreds!"

As His words faded...

Echoes lingered.

The roars, the howls.

The varied thoughts of the gods, the fervor of the people.

In Kratos's ears, it all seemed to soothe.

All sounds of the world seemed to dissipate, leaving only a buzzing silence.

Bathed in the clear sunlight.

Kratos felt a surge of indescribable, majestic power coursing through his body, reshaping this human form of his.

His consciousness.

Seemed to be swept, surged by the frenzy of countless people, becoming irritable, violent, and bloodthirsty.

Aatrox on his chest, slightly opened its eyes.


The voice of the demonic sword resonated in the youth's mind.

"You've accepted faith, Kratos."


Seated in his Spartan palace.

The dark-haired youth, flexed his fingers slightly in the courtyard.

The joints of his grip, cracked with each movement.

The immense sense of power made Kratos feel a semblance of his former ultimate biological self...

In just these three short months.

His strength, his physique, were steadily, at an exaggerated pace... surging, rising, and continuing to accelerate.

Compared to three months ago.

His strength had skyrocketed to A, while his endurance, agility, and magical prowess had also increased to B.

This alarming rate of improvement, at times, accompanied by various chaotic thoughts, flooded his mind.

Gazing at the distant sea.

In the deep crimson of his eyes, brewed a turbulent savagery.

Lately, he had developed a liking for carnage.

And he really wanted... to kill something to satisfy that urge.

Has he been influenced by all that faith?

Calming his mind, Kratos sighed softly, closing his eyes slightly.

Just as Aatrox had stated...

...he had accepted the people's faith.

In the moment of proclamation.

The Spartans, their reverence for the god of war Ares, had almost entirely shifted onto him.

This effectively anointed him as the new god of war.

Further leading to, Kratos's current physical and mental state being continuously influenced, transformed by the thoughts of the people.


Struggling to perceive the changes in his body, and suppressing the desire for bloodshed.

The current situation was exactly as Kratos had anticipated.

As a magus influential enough to establish his own cult within the Clock Tower, he had long understood such matters...

...In the moonlit world, the thoughts of people undoubtedly held power.

It was what they called, 'belief becoming reality.'

In other words, everyone is capable of manifestation through their thoughts.

Or in the moonlit world terms, everyone could 'materialize their fantasies.'

However... the effect of such thoughts on an individual was typically too weak to manifest significantly.

To discuss the individuality of this planet, only a True Ancestor princess and the brain of the planet like Arcueid, can directly manipulate the planet, exercise the authority of creation, and directly manifest her own fantasy, conjuring up that magnificent millennium city out of thin air.

The convergence of people's thoughts and wills.

This led to what was known as the 'fame correction' within the moonlit world.

This was why the Heroic Spirits were so powerful.

Simply put...

The more affirmed, spread, and believed in a person or thing was by others, the more it possessed corresponding power based on their imagination.

Due to the blessings of the Age of Gods, the original forms of heroes from that era are generally stronger than their servant forms.

And after the decline of the Age of Gods, summoned heroic spirit from various eras often surpass their original forms in strength.

This is precisely because the power of human thought allows some originally weak heroes to elevate their feats into Noble Phantasms upon ascending to the Throne of Heroes, greatly enhancing their abilities.

The most typical example is Romulus Quirinus, the founding emperor of Rome, the grand lancer who fought once against him.

In history, he was merely a mortal.

But after his death, he was deified through the faith of the Romans, becoming one of the supreme gods of Rome.

What Kratos was doing now followed the same logic.

Through this speech that shook Greece to its core.

He completely overturned, stripped away, and altered the Spartan's faith in Ares, ultimately grafting it onto himself.

Just like a smile.

Faith never disappeared, only shifted continuously.

The power of people's thoughts during the Age of Gods was much stronger than that of modern-day individuals.

The accumulated faith quickly manifested... rapidly increasing Kratos's power.

However, at the same time, it also incorporated into his mindset the part belonging to Ares, the violent and bloodthirsty god shaped by the people.


At this moment, Kratos, still alive as a human, couldn't accept and absorb this power of faith like the Machine Gods.

But, with the vanguard of the wandering star acting as Kratos's terminal and filter, it allowed the faith of people to be first accepted by Aatrox and then fed back into Kratos.

"Feels exhilarating, doesn't it?"

"But, I strongly advise... you not to rely too much on these powers of faith, Kratos... don't indulge in that kind of pleasure."

Seeming concerned about Kratos's mental state.

Aatrox's hoarse and solemn voice slowly resounded in the youth's mind.

"That will only make you... become another Ares."

"Don't worry, Aatrox. I'm well aware of that."

"I'm using this power of faith not only to increase my bottom line but also for another... very important purpose."

Saying so...

Kratos closed his eyes and pondered deeply.

As if faintly able to glimpse countless points of light in the endless depths...

...That was the faith and worship of the people of Sparta and even some other city-states towards Kratos.

Through the connections between these believers.

He could now even consume the power of faith to bestow blessings... empowering those Spartan warriors who worshiped him with significantly increased strength, vitality, and even some divine protection.

In other words.

Kratos could now create his chosen ones.

"You want... to use these faiths to give back to the Spartans?"

Sensing Kratos's thoughts.

Aatrox then grasped Kratos's purpose.

"You want... to create an army favored by the gods?"

"...That's correct."

The Olympian gods were currently stingy, unwilling to waste their divine power on ordinary people during these turbulent times.

And Kratos, with the inherent limiter talent, could continuously break through his own limits, paying no attention to the remnants left by Ares.

Moreover, the power of faith would also influence his thoughts, which he found distasteful.

One less enemy meant one more ally, this was the theory of relativity in broad terms.

By seizing these powers of faith, apart from weakening Ares, Kratos's goal was to strengthen Sparta as a whole.

"Next, in the thorough battle with hell, the warriors will be able to sacrifice devils to me, thereby receiving my blessing... allowing them to recover from their wounds, be filled with fighting spirit, and possess boundless strength."

"The more devils slaughtered, the denser the faith, and the stronger the Spartan warriors will become."

"Becoming my chosen ones will effectively reduce the losses of our Spartan army."

"In this way."

"Soon... I'll be able to gather an army capable of conquering Mount Olympus and exterminating the gods."

Hell? Underworld? Olympians?

No... they are all too feeble.

Kratos aims to bring the terror of Khorne to the Greek pantheon.

Blood for the Demonic Sword! Skulls for the Skull Throne.

All conditions were already met.

In this land of Greece, Kratos planned to fully transform into Khorne and spread his blessings.

Rejecting Khorne, understanding Khorne, then becoming Khorne itself.

In fact.

Kratos believes that among the four chaos gods, the one closest in essence to the Emperor is Khorne.

However, the fundamental difference between Kratos and Khorne was...

Kratos's thirst for slaughter and cruelty only targeted the filthy and discordant.

Why should only devils receive the favor of hell, while humans... receive nothing?

If there were no gods willing to love humanity.

Then, he would take it upon himself.

Kratos would become the protector of Sparta.

What he would bestow upon them, was courage.

It was the clear and fearless courage that Kratos intended to bless upon all Spartan warriors.

At the peak of Sparta's mountains, in the highest place.

Seated in the embrace of Aatrox, upon the throne adorned with skulls, the dark-haired youth's eyes lowered as he surveyed the entire city beneath him.

As his proclamation concluded.

In the following days, with an overwhelming majority, over four hundred thousand citizens of Sparta passed the proposal to construct the gates of hell.

The original square is being demolished, overturned, and transformed, with an immensely huge, bronze gate-style magic ritual being constructed. This will be used to control the opening and closing of the hell rifts.

Surrounding this central gate to hell.

The transformation of the entire city-state of Sparta proceeded in an orderly manner.

From then on.

Sparta would stand as Greece's bulwark, constructing layer upon layer of defenses, akin to nested rings, targeting the central gate of hell within the city-state.

This place would become the foremost and most critical line of defense against hell for the entire Greek land.

On the distant coastline, countless ships were converging towards Sparta's prosperous port, forming a seemingly endless queue stretching almost to the horizon.

Among them were not only craftsmen from various city-states, invited by Kratos at great expense.

There were also heroes from across Greece who came voluntarily, along with the most outstanding devil hunters.

On the rippling azure surface of the sea.

A clean and majestic vessel, spanning nearly a hundred meters in length, stood quietly in line as it entered the port, causing surrounding ships to shrink back, not daring to approach.

The people on other ships looked towards this famous, majestic ship, Argo, crafted by the goddess Athena herself.

Rumors had it that its entire body was made of unsinkable divine wood, and the names of the heroes aboard were already renowned throughout the land of Greece.

"Never thought even the Argonauts would sail to Sparta?"

This... could be considered the strongest group of heroes in all of Greece.

The sturdy sails, made from the hides of monsters, billowed high in the sea breeze.

A handsome young man with golden hair and blue eyes stood at the forefront of the majestic ship, arms crossed.

The sea breeze tousled his radiant locks.

With the exceptional eyesight of a helmsman, he gazed towards the distant city-state of Sparta.

Towards the towering, nearly completed gate of hell within the city.

Jason couldn't help but marvel.

"Alcides, that guy really means business, he's downright mad."

Following the words of the golden-haired youth.

Alcides, bare-chested, slowly ascended the bow of the ship.

His black locks cascaded behind him.

In contrast to the handsome face, Alcides possessed a physique so robust it resembled a small mountain.

After a moment of contemplation.

Alcides spoke slowly.

"He... is indeed mad, but also, respectable."

"He does what people dare not do, or even... dare not think of."

"Sparta... will be at the forefront against hell from now on."

"Hmm." Jason lazily yawned, "That, I'm not particularly concerned about... but, I'm very curious... who's stronger, you or Kratos?"

Alcides fell silent for a moment.

"He... is strong, but too young."

"So, you're stronger?"

"I... don't want to fight him, but, who's stronger can only be known through battle."

"Sigh... men always resort to fighting."

Behind Jason, a petite girl with purple hair let out a soft sigh.

With this lamentation.

Medea shook her arm, which rested on the arm of her busty, silver-haired elder sister.

"Don't learn from them, Caenis."

"I want to fight."

Caenis licked her lips, her face flushing red with excitement.

"A young man who is slender, delicate, yet so powerful. Where in Greece could one find such an exquisite opponent?"


Amidst the little witch's sighing.

The majestic Argo sailed slowly towards Sparta.

XElenea XElenea

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