I look at my phone and I've got message requests, this isn't what I need right now so I just keep my phone , but on a second thought I haven't been checking my socials for a while so why not, heck I need the distraction, besides I don't have to go out of my room in another four hours, so I pick my phone , oh my god I have over twelve thousand messages ,I hardly check my socials because I'm more of a movie person , ever since that one incident where I nearly trusted the wrong person all growing up ,all they wanted was my dad, I always made me sad that people don't consider me as a person or a human being , they always consider as an opportunity or a way out of their problems, where as I am a person with feelings and emotions not just with wealth and power, so I always stayed of socials because everybody is trying to put one thing or the other about me online without knowing me , and people who've seen me just once have something to say like they know me , it's just so sad the mindset of people, I didn't want to dwell on that so I just dropped my phone, I don't have the time to respond to people who just want to pretend like they know me or genuinely care about me when all they want is something from either me or majorly my dad, if I can say I always feel bad checking my socials, or maybe not everyone is like that and I'm just being paranoid, I should also not judge people with the actions of one person but there's a saying once beaten twice shy, so I just decide to go and shower and then get some rest ,I'll try socials next time...
she didn't respond, I slept off waiting for her message, but what was I expecting , she's a unique being who loves knowing people with letters, but I thought I should at least try, now I'm here thinking of my next step, when my dad knocks on my room door to speak to me, my father and I have always had a close relationship, I mean he respects my personal space ever since I grew up but he's always there for me, my Mum died when I was younger, so it's just been my Dad and I and he never remarried, that was how much he loved her, I wanted that kind of love, I don't look like either of my parents they always tell me that i look like my grand father, I never met him but he sounds like a great guy, because he must have taught my father the values and beliefs that he instilled in me and I couldn't have been more honored to look like someone like that,
hey dad ,good morning what's up I ask , for some reason he begins to look older ,more tired in my eyes and I couldn't believe I've not noticed it since , so I ask if he was okay , and I knew his response before he even answers, he always put everyone else before himself, and I knew he was going to tell me that he was fine like he has always been doing, I'm fine champ, you've been home a lot lately, and I was worried that you were sick, and it's been ages we talked , I instantly laugh and tell him Dad we talked yesterday night at dinner, he said oh that's right but that's time was too short to speak with my awesome son , instantly I tense up, is everything okay Dad,
oh no no no!! I'm good just saying we've not had the father son moment in a while and I was wondering if we could go bowling Saturday night just you and me ,what do you say ? and I smile and say " sure dad that'll be great ", okay then champ see you when I get home ,and just like that I was left with my thoughts again on how to reach the lovely Light woods.....
(Ryan )
she didn't respond, wow , it's so weird who doesn't check their messages In 2022, like I. check every message on my phone and pick which ones to respond to, but I check every damn message, I was beginning to be frustrated, I can't just walk up to her and say
" hi Light ,my name's Ryan I'm the guy you've been chatting with in your letters oh by the way I know who you are as well ha ha ha " very funny I bet that she wouldn't speak to me again, she strikes me as the sort of person who doesn't forgive when betrayed, thinking about it sent a wave a fear through me , uhhhhh I groan my father will be the death of me , why did I ever agree to this whole nonsense,I wish I could have just walked up to her and spoken to her from the beginning,I wouldn't be in this mess, the best thing is to keep quiet about it and kidnap Liam kill him and dump him at the bottom of the ocean , I didn't know when I started laughing out loud , yeah that's a good idea at least I'll be free from him and his pretty boy face , I didn't even know my father was watching me till I felt teg hairs at the back of my neck standing, it's always my father who makes me feel uncomfortable, always him that makes me want to run and hide , I wish we can pick who our fathers are, I turn and notice him just staring at me and looking at me with those cold and unloving eyes of his....
( Jake Austin)
I do not like to be insulted or looked down on ,and the only son I have is a fool, I can not be described as a man of love and compassion, the world is ruthless and I have learnt to be ruthless like the world,there are no good people in this world, it is a eat or get eaten world and I learnt that the hard way ,I lost my parents to a fire at the tender of 5, my so called relatives didn't even let my parents get buried when they took everything, I lived on the streets and learnt how to survive,I fed on rats and food from the trash when there was nothing to be eaten , one day I saw a man getting mugged and I threw Stones at the attackers, they ran away ,the man ran away as well and I saw his wallet on the ground,I took his wallet and ran after him , only to get caught and accused and beaten almost lifeless, a 5 year old child,no mercy ,no love,and no compassion , since I didn't die that day I can never die, I returned to my relatives injured and begging them for change so I could get treated,I was spat on , an uncle told me he wished I had died in the fire it would have been better for everyone, from that day the man you see today was born , I stole, deceived and got my way to the top and now everyone of them is under my feet, if only my son can be like me ,as I was going for a meeting I saw him in his room laughing, suddenly he didn't look like the stupid boy I have always known ,he looked almost intelligent, could my son be like me ?, he needed to be like me to survive, I won't let the world treat him like they treated me , and I've discovered that Light is his trigger, I can use the girl in many ways not just to the path of greater success, but in shaping my son as well.....
( Raphael Woods)
I have learnt to be grateful and be contented with what you have in life , I was not born rich but I had a comfortable home to live in , I always came back him to a cooked meal and happy parents ,my mother was diagnosed with Cancer when I was 20, my father was doing all that he could, I couldn't let my mother die, so I took up to digging the mines to make some money for her treatment to support my father, I didn't know I caught the eye of the owner of the mines daughter, she was not a proud woman , and she was so beautiful and she reminded me so much of my mother I couldn't help falling in love with her ,I did all that I could for my mother but she sadly passed away when I was 24 , my father who couldn't live without the love sadly passed away as well 6 months later I was glad that they were able to meet Nicole, we got married when I was 27, and her father left the mines to my care, but we were not able to have a child for 5 good years , loved my wife but I wanted to come back to the same warm home I had in my childhood ,I started comparing her to my mother in any little thing that she did ,and the mines weren't doing great anymore it was becoming more and more difficult to pay the men and I started letting them go one after the other, and that was when my wife told me that she was pregnant, I was 35 and she was 34, but she was carrying our miracle, the day our daughter came it was like a light had shined on us, I discovered diamond in the mines after years of searching, so we named our daughter Light, she mended the relationship between her mother and I and we were more blessed than we could imagine, I could always tell when she was unhappy, het little forehead will crease a little and she would pout slightly, just like today , her forehead is creasing and she was pouting slightly ,my daughter is unhappy and that is unacceptable.....
( Light)
I have been with my father for three days now to every meeting , lunch and dinner with his board of directors, staffs and potential investors, but I've been distracted, I called the palace yesterday and this morning and they confirmed that no letter has come in, because of my crush I stopped writing with my other pen pals and focused only on him, I think if I continue thinking this way I might fall sick, I didn't notice my father was speaking to me till he tapped me gently on my shoulders, almost startled I turned to him. hey baby is me , "what is getting you so worked up my princess" "is everything all right", I always love it when my dad speaks to me like this , but I can't tell him that I'm sad because I'm in love with someone I haven't seen yet and that I'm worried about the person since he hadn't written back to me yet , there's no way in hell I'm going to tell him that knowing my dad he'll just kick into his power ranger mode and try to protect me , I'm good dad ,just tired that's all, and I miss mummy, telling him this will probably throw him off balance because he knows I'm not the type of child to whine or stress other people, let alone say I miss my mother, but he'll definitely send me back home to see her so I can get my way , and home is definitely where I want to be right now to search for my love, if only he could read my mind he'll probably think I'm crazy and reckless so unlike me , but love they say is blind, worried as I predicted , he tells me to go back to my room and get some rest that we'll be leaving tomorrow, I pretend to walk to my room weakly, but as soon as I get to my room I start to dance for joy , and that ladies and gentlemen is how to get your father to do your bidding, I flop on the bed and grab my phone and I started going through my messages, opening my dms I found out I had so many messages , oh wow , why haven't I at least gone through these messages because I've got message from orphanages that I've donated to before, but what catches eye is the message from a person named "Liam for you" the name looked funny and I opened it and accepted the message request ,it was a simple message there, just hello, I contemplated responding and that's when I noticed another message , from a Ryan , both of them just saying hello, i immediately felt stressed out for no reason, well since I've seen the messages its only polite to respond and see what they want
so I replied hi.....
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