" Sebas I'm bored,Create a New procedure again,Let This World continue, arrange for People From Original Earth, Reincarnated into Queen Sona's Azrel Body,And Since I've never Showed Secret Gear,Just eliminate that Karma. It's too strong. That Secret Gear carries Ashborn's power ,Tell My Son Anya"
[ Understood Master ]
" Reborn me in DxD World Again but in Parallel World or alternatively My power seal,Arrange for my birth as a human in the same era as ajuka Dan Seraffal"
" Well where am I now"
[ Masters You are in the Body of a child named Hajime,Abandoned Orphans Hajime lived on the outskirts of Slum Street ]
Hajime " Hmm I should have Last name,In My life now as Hajime plans to have a Family Hmm last name huh ......."
" Ah, I know Sebas Set from now on my name is Hajime Kamikaze" Hajime.
[ Hajime Kamikaze - Confirmation ]
" Sebas I want Experience, instinct,Taijutsu Madara And Might Guy,Only his Taijutsu is sebas ," hajime.
[ Taijutsu - grandmasters ]
Instantly my brain was filled with various kinds of Madara and Guy's Taijutsu moves.
" Sebas changes Age to 20 Years" Hajime.
Hajime Traveled Around the World for 1 year,Discovering new things.
During his 2 years of traveling the world Hajime had found a child with potential,Or Parents or adults ,Hajime Didn't Want to Recruit One of the People Who Appeared in the Canon,Because it will change the storyline.
Hajime Finds Various Groups Who Know the Supernatural World,But the group was still small,In the human faction of Exorcists,Not too big yet And in Year 10.
Hajime Has Unified Various Groups of Exorcists,And other groups.
Hajime founded his own Faction that represented the Humans ,Namely AKATSUKI.
In Akatsuki The Point Will Be Evolved,The Evolution Within Akatsuki is the same as a Demon Reincarnating into a Peerage.
People who are Evolved will become High Humans,And will be given a special weapon that is soul bound with the owner.
This special weapon is very special because it will be a powerful tool to deal with enemies,Including devils, gods, fallen angels, angels, yokai.
Akatsuki itself consists of 6 deputy leaders and 1 leader.
Hajime Kamikaze [ Akatsuki leader (7) ]
[ Hajime's Special Forces ]
[ Knight Squad ]
•Griselda - 20 Troops
•Leon Lockheart - 10 Troops
•Chad - 30 Troops
[ Rooks Squad ]
•Jack - 30 Troops
•Cleon - 30 Troops
Sebastian [ Deputy Akatsuki Leader (6) ]
[ Sebastian Special Forces ]
[ Knight Squad ]
•Sarutobi Sasuke - 60 Troops
•Fuma Kotaro - 50 Troops
•Tsuna - 90 Troops
•Hina - 100 Troops
[ Rooks Squad ]
•Toujo Jin - 50 Troops
•Kage -50 Troops
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