Chapter 7: Fairy Tail (2)
~Silva POV~
Name: Silva Knight
Class: The Gamer
Race: Human
Title: Fairy Tail Wizard
Level: 5 Exp: 0/100%
HP: 100/500
MP: 100/500
STR: 12+4= 16
AGI: 10+4= 14
VIT: 10+4= 14
INT: 10+4= 14
SEN: 10+4= 14
Stat Points: 0-> 3
Cash: 10,000-> 20,000
When I level up it seems like I'll always get 100 HP and MP each and every time I level up. But most importantly my LUCK didn't increase at all considering I jumped up 4 times in LEVEL UPS as well as another notice…
I see. If I LEVEL UP, every stat goes up by 1 except for LUCK. Clearing the Daily Quest gives me the +3 stat points.
Leveling up means all my stats go up by 1, so I get a total of 5 points except for LUCK for obvious reasons. Guess I have to manually add them over time it seems.
But I can certainly feel that my body has gotten stronger because of it. And my senses as well improved like I can see things in a better light if only little bits.
My organ senses of hearing, smell, taste, touch, and vision improve a little bit better but I don't know exactly about my sixth sense though.
Probably figure out my sixth sense later still though that's progress if I saw one and what's best is that I can use this time to grind on missions to see what I can do as well as increase my means of leveling up my stats.
I know for sure I'm bound to be the weakest for now but at the very least I can focus on the grind to be strong as well. But which stats currently do I need to add at this current time is important.
And there's that title I got from joining the guild as well? Might as well check it out to see what the perks are for this title of [Fairy Tail Wizard].
Clicking on it when I'm away from the other Guild members I got to see the full description in detail of what it contains.
[Title: Fairy Tail Wizard
Description: A Fairy Tail Mage never gives up!
With this title equipped, it allows the user to remain standing despite having 1 HP remaining unless a kill shot at the vitals but otherwise, never giving up along with a boost to STR, VIT, AGI, and LUCK by 50% for the next 5 minutes if the User ever falls to 20% HP remaining.]
That's the definition of fucking plot armor right there if I'm ever down that much in HP loss at least I'm guaranteed I'll live and get a massive power boost for the last 5 minutes to take down my bad guy for the week.
But I prefer not to reach that level unless I have to.
However, with me looking around the place I got the chance to snoop around till I finally reached the library seeing that no one was around seeing my chance to finally get myself a skill book.
I need some skills to be useful in the future down the line but right now all I have to worry about is getting work, but I could use some help just in case since I don't actually know how these jobs work of course.
Positioning my hand under my chin it might not be a bad idea considering I'm probably going off fighting in groups by myself in the near future unless I form a team of my own but that's not without any disadvantages though…
It would imply I keep my abilities of [THE GAMER] a secret or speak out about to my teammates that might spill to the others or not.
Even though they could have their thoughts or memories taken by the enemy thus leading a leak of Dark Guilds the possibility of them wanting me alive to essentially break their limits of mortal bounds if I use the Party Function to them.
Frowning at this it seems like gathering allies are important but more so on the right ones but it is risky to consider the idea of having one of the Fairy Tail members know and be partnered up with me which made me frown considering they might talk while drunk.
I'll handle the situation of new party members later. Now then what should I do about my stats…
Considering how low my LUCK is and what I need to survive I think going like this should do nicely for the time being.
Considering Wizards aren't physical brute types a majority of times I think having a big boost to physical strength would do nicely along with more means to be innovative in creating new skills.
If this is similar to how the Solo Leveling Gaming System is related, then it's best I invest some on STR at least 20 if the book said Sung Woo took care of a wolf with 16 Strength then I would have at least been ready to have mine at 20 at the very least.
But also having LUCK is just as good so I'll place 1 stat in it for now in case of better chances of surviving.
And… there!
This should so for the time being and hopefully be worth the amount I placed the points to be useful.
Name: Silva Knight
Class: The Gamer
Race: Human
Title: Fairy Tail Wizard
Level: 5 Exp: 0/100%
HP: 100/500
MP: 100/500
STR: 16+2= 18
AGI: 14
VIT: 14
INT: 14
SEN: 14
LUCK: 2+1= 3
Stat Points: 3-> 0
Cash: 20,000
Feeling the noticeable changes in my body I can feel that I have gone a bit stronger if the boost I feel is anything to go by.
Smiling at this I began to –
"Oh? Didn't see you there are you new?"
Getting a bit shocked and jumped a bit the person who spoke to me was none other than Levy she apologized lightly for scaring me, "Oh! Sorry if I scared you there. But I've never seen you around the guild before are you new here?"
Levy is a rather young, petite teenage girl of a slender build who stands at a rather below-average height for her age. Her shoulder-length blue hair, which has eyebrow-length bangs, is normally tied up with a colorful bandana around her head.
While initially portrayed as having rather straight hair, her hair has slowly gained a more wavy, wild look, with more locks hanging down the sides of her face. Levy has a variety of outfits, but her most preferred type of attire appears to be dresses and tank tops, both of which reveal the guild mark on her left scapula.
Surprised seeing her I replied instantly calming myself down again and apologizing for not noticing her sooner, "Ah… my bad. Sorry if I didn't notice you there but yeah, I'm new around here just joining. Silva Knight pleasure to meet your acquaintance miss…?"
She nods as she introduces herself to me in a friendly upbeat manner to me with a smile on her face, "Levy. Levy McGarden. Nice to meet you as well Silva and you came to search around the library?"
Nodding my head I'm curious about though is to learn the Requip Magic soon enough because I need to place my items and Jewels soon enough.
And considering I have a cute girl that loves books I could ask Levy to help me out to search for one, "In that case, I was wondering if there were any Magic Spells about Requip Magic to help me out creating a storage. Plus, it's hard carrying this sword on my back, and was hoping to store it. Seeing you seem quite knowledgeable person here I'm hoping you could show the new guy the ropes around here miss McGarden."
She laughs lightly at me calling her out and my politeness being the weird one in this guild but nonetheless nodded her head to help me, "Hahaha… you certainly are a weird guy you know. The most I know would brawl out there or show their bravado but sure. I don't mind helping out any member of our little guild of ours."
Like that I had Levy show me around the Guild Library to see what it has in store.
~Makarov POV~
That's certainly interesting to see.
The young lad Magic Power suddenly increased but it was very subtle and quiet as it did so. Not enough to warrant anything though.
Quite the interesting new member to the family although...
He does feel a bit weird.
I have been a Wizard for a long part of my life and this is the first time I'm sensing something off about the boy that joined smiling like any other and –
Before I could continue further the beauty next to me chimed in concern, "Master is everything okay?"
Easing my children's worry I shook my head as I took a drink of the Ale I got made me feel the buzz going down my throat, "Ahhh… nah. It's nothing Mirajane just found the new blood a bit weird is all. But then again so is everyone else here in this guild but who cares! He's part of our family!"
Laughing out loud though I didn't find it odd in the slightest although when I sensed his Magic Power it was off.
Hmm… no weird is the term used here. The boy himself didn't have any Magic Container within him, and yet magic overflowed within him like a window or gate passing through in the springs of the seasons.
It was like the boy's body was overflowing with a brightest star and yet within that said body was no source of light to be produced and yet can be seen through many eyes peeking just enough.
Nevertheless, though I would treat any newcomer that joins Fairy Tail like family as this is my home as well the boy Silva Knight in the future.
Wonder if his last name has any relation to any Rune Knights or famous Knights in the Kingdom…
What I do need however is another round of Ale to get me drunk for our new member of the family!!
Chapter 8: Fairy Tail (3)
~Third POV~
A relatively tall, fair-skinned, still quite well-toned old man with blackish eyes and roughly shoulder-length, wavy, grayish-white white hair, with the majority of his bangs swept leftward.
He has a short mustache, and a lengthy, mildly thin beard that reaches down to his upper torso, shoots up towards the mouth in large spikes, and links to his main hair via sideburns. Additionally, he has thick eyebrows, a pronounced nose bridge, and high cheekbones.
The person who hummed is August the general and strongest male member of the Alvarez Empire's Spriggan 12, the protection guard of Emperor Spriggan.
His known as the Wizard King for his mastery of countless Magics from all around the world and 'Disaster' for his matchless strength.
But on this current day, he noticed through his Magic Sensory that something was off tilted his head towards the direction mumbling in surprise, "An extremely large magic spike seemingly revealed itself for a brief moment. Then suddenly concealed itself off…"
Brushing his beard at the thought August was curious about the Magical change happening in his direction unaware of what August felt was Silva gaining a boost through his own level ups infinitely growing stronger with each passing day…
~Silva POV~
Levy helped me out finding where I can find the Requip Spell Book in the Library of Fairy Tail as she showed me where it was as she pointed it, "Here you should be able to find what you are looking here if you follow these letters. Would that be all Silva?"
Shaking my head, I thanked Levy for the help she gave me and her time finding the right place for me to get an inventory, "Thanks, Levy. And that would be all hope to talk with you more seeing as you seem more… kind and calm compared to the rest of the guild members I had seen so far?"
She laughs lightly commenting on that as she turned around to leave me studying up Requip Magic Spell Book, "Hehehe… yeah that kind of thing usually happens in the Guild. But no worries though I'm sure you'll fit right in soon enough. Later then."
Waving back to me she left me alone as I placed my hand over the book I see the screen popping up already getting the idea of what I needed to do next.
[You obtained the skill book 'Basics of Requip Magic.' Would you like to learn this skill?]
Looking around I saw they had some copies of the book before I finally pressed the yes button already learning the skill and the principles behind it instantly.
Accepting the yes icon window, I watched as the book was about shatter into the light but suddenly stopped returning to normal as I was confused.
But my confusion soon turned into frustration as a pop-up screen showed up explaining the reasoning behind it making me pause for the reason why I couldn't obtain the magic from the skill book.
[Error has been noticed.]
[Notice: Reason for error not properly absorbing the <Requip> Skill Book is that the user lack of control with the skill <Mana Manipulation> to properly channel the Mana into Magic Power thus a majority of spells will be deemed useless till the host has proper control level of <Mana Manipulation> meaning very few Skills will work for them.]
[Recommended train the skill <Mana Manipulation> to a high enough level to convert Mana into Magic Power.]
Just like that, all my happiness vanished, as I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply before opening them once more muttering to myself, "Sigh… there go my hopes and dreams of getting an inventory. Guess that means I need to find alternative means to grow stronger in the meantime till I reach the required level needed."
Frowning at this I began to look over the other Magic books as I see multiple screens pop up showing me that I lack proper control for some spells more than others. And the more I feel somewhat cheated from not being able to learn the spells provided.
Left with no choice I could only sigh at my situation not being favorable to me in the least muttering to myself quietly, "Sigh… seems like I'm going to need to find an alternative to grow stronger. The lacking control needed is going to be a pain in the ass. But makes sense in a way considering the Mages needed months or years to master their Magic."
And they needed to control their Magic Power before casting spells meaning I'm far behind what I want.
Seems like before I go off on an adventure of my own, I need to hurry up and learn how to fight soon enough generating my own skills seeing the dilemma I'm currently facing at the moment being this weak.
Although I won't gain any skills from the books here, I should be able to learn what types of Magic here or rather find out how to create my own Magic Pressure from the show at the very least with my Mana.
At the very least I want to have some general idea of how to formulate some skills with my Mana.
Maybe simply learning from the books by reading them will help but for now, I need to work on getting myself stronger. Maybe I can use my time to grind on creating Mana skills I need for combat or self-defense.
Feeling determined for now, I began to exit the library waving at Levy for help but in doing so I used <Observe> on her to see if I can see her level.
[Levy McGarden Lv.? Fairy Tail Wizard]
Turning myself back seeing the guild seeing the ruckus they cause on a daily basis I began to move my way around the place as I try to use my <Observe> skill of their levels or any details about them.
[Cana Alberona Lv.? Fairy Tail Wizard]
[Macao Conbolt Lv.? Fairy Tail Wizard]
[Wakaba Mine Lv.? Fairy Tail Wizard]
[Alzack Connell Lv.? Fairy Tail Wizard]
[Max Alors Lv.? Fairy Tail Wizard]
[Reedus Jonah Lv.? Fairy Tail Wizard]
[Loke Lv.? Celestial Spirit]
I'm so outclassed by even the background characters even that it even makes me squirm seeing them and I can't even feel their Magic Power or how to properly gauge them fairly but wait…
Switching my head again I saw Loke was around as I'm curious about a few things of the Celestial Spirit World and maybe possibly know about an item that I need or at the very least knows Celestial Spirit Magic.
Then again though I doubt he would be willing to share considering he runs away from any Celestial Spirit so I'll shelve that idea for another time.
For now, though I decided to have a look around before leaving the Fairy Tail Guild for the day since I still need to get a place to live for the foreseeable future.
Leaving outside and gazing around Magnolia Town I took the time to properly find a place to rent for a few days before I can find a way to maximize the efforts needed to earn big money in the process.
Fortunately, I managed to find a place to rent a hotel room for a month coughing up 15,000 Jewels I paid for a month, but it does come with its downsides like noisy neighbors or the casual Magical Destruction of Fairy Tail wizards guarantee.
Which is very concerning but no matter.
Now comes the important part… creating skills and jobs.
With my current level being 5, I don't exactly have a good way to measure what exactly can I even do, and even worse I have no actual means of actual combat experience unless I want to ask one of the guild members for help.
While embarrassing to ask I guess I feel like I should prove my worth but to do that I need to improve myself first. Sitting down better get over with the first skill I'll need to recover my MP faster the oldest tradition to obtain this skill.
Meditating the good old fashion way and hopefully getting a skill out of it.
Really hope it doesn't take that long though because it would suck if it did.
No use crying about it better make it work. Right now, I need to focus on getting this skill first. And possibly get some weapons later down the line.
[Through the continuous focus of the mind, body, and soul, a skill was generated allowing the user to focus and soothe the body quicker.]
[Skill: <Meditation> has been learned]
8 hours…
Fucking 8 hours of doing this crap my legs fell asleep!
It took that long for me to get this skill?!!
Maybe I should invest in INT to get my skills easier than doing this the hard way?!
Isn't the abilities of [THE GAMER] supposed to make training a moot point in these kinds of situations?
Sigh… Whatever.
I just hope it was worthwhile having my own legs fall asleep after a long period of time passing.
Skill List.
<Meditation> (Active/Passive) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.0%
Description: By clearing your mind and relaxing, you can help your soul and mind heal. This helps by reaching into yourself tapping into the power of the soul to calm the ranging battle within and allow the soul rest.
-When the user is in Active Meditation, they can restore the lost fatigue, HP, and MP by 1%/Min, but if interrupted stops the process.
-Passively increases STR, AGI, VIT, INT, and SEN by 1%.
Grinning at this it seems like I just got a good skill for me to use and practice even if it's a little bit every single bit of percentage helps out.
Standing up again I began stretching my limbs and my legs getting them awake without the worry of feeling my legs numb again and start feeling… well feeling stuff again.
I'm wanting to go to dreamland and sleep despite me full of energy I want to actually some sleep and think about how to improve to create some skills using my Mana tomorrow.
This is going to be a grind to catch up with everyone in the guild unless I somehow manage to obtain Magic but till then I need to grind up the basics needed for me to survive in this world firsthand experiencing the danger.
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