Chapter 46: Erza POV
~Erza POV~
[July 20, X784]
After quickly parrying a swift sword strike from Silva I merely sidestepped swinging my blade down as he countered showing his swordsmanship immediately in my direction with his sword coming off lightest blue again.
Seeing that attack coming I merely twirled my blade with my own Sword Magic spell as my blade shined pure white countering his own, "<Moonslice>."
Our blades collided again causing a small shockwave with his next move already getting into a piercing position focusing on me managing to hear his next step, "<Stab>!"
Like that, he vanished to the normal person but using my <Magic Sense> I can tell where he's going to strike next as I merely made an open circle swing all around me using <Moonslice> to create arcs slashes.
Seeing it move around I merely waited till – now.
Sensing someone going to strike I merely moved aside side stepping as I saw for a brief moment a figure and no hesitation went in with another against Silva, "<Sonic Claw>."
Using <Sonic Claw> I can briefly enhance my own speed with the spell as my sword strikes are high speed and hard to avoid unless you are good reaction time or better reflexes which Silva is getting the hang of it for the last 5 days.
Grunting from the sudden strike as he moans in pain, I merely cocked an eyebrow at the man if he gives yet, "You want to call it quits Silva?"
He shook his head as he mumbles to himself taking care of his injuries standing up and holding his Rune Sword replying, "Nope… agh… not gonna give up just yet. Not till at least I land one strike on you is what I aim for…"
Good goal.
From my standpoint, Silva should be around a C-Class Wizard in terms of magic but his strength is somewhere near upper C or just entering B-Class Wizard standards.
Trying to land one clean strike on me is a good goal to place yourself in when fighting me despite how beat up he gets from each encounter trying to become stronger. Sadly, though that alone striking me is nearly hard for him.
If anybody were to merely defeat me then I would've lost my life a long time ago. Smirking taking my stance at the very least he isn't complaining about the hard training regimen I placed him under, "Good. It takes a strong will to come back against the odds. Fortunately, we're testing the limits of your abilities and helping increase them. If I were an enemy that would've been a kill shot with one cut to the head. Try again."
He nodded as he rushed at me again going towards my sides as I used <Requip> to summon up another sword parrying his first followed with my own as he has his Magic Power active enhancing his physical aspects.
At the very least he hasn't once complained about the arrangement beating him to near death each day. Natsu and Gray would've begged for mercy under the abuse but frankly despite moaning or groaning in pain he never once relented such excuses.
Merely parrying his every move at the beginning his swordsmanship was lacking for a better term… horrible.
Atrocious even considering the fact that he merely held a sword stance of an amateur in the beginning, but I see his progress the more we spar the sharper his form is along with his swordsmanship growing along with it.
Constant fighting of blades and Sword Magic practice. Usually, I don't go ahead complimenting others often, but Silva is getting a better hang of his fighting style.
But then again maybe I'm giving him too much praise since it is helping a family member out as well as repaying the favor, he assisted me with ending the Eisenwald Guild with no issues or concerns.
Although from what I can see he only has been doing enhancements as his main form of combative magic no other offensive magic with the exception of his Eye Magic and his weapons to which I can admit I'm envious of his Ricochet reflecting magic and physical attacks.
Avoiding another thrust strike directed at me moving away slightly feeling Silva's boosts fading with him determinization in his eyes narrowing to what he has planned as he suddenly rushed at me in a burst of speed covered in Ethernano.
I think he called this one <Mana Burst>.
Moving backward at the right moment seeing Silva let go of the swordsmanship of his blade going to hand-to-hand combat I let go of my Requip of my swords returning the favor. I'll admit when it comes to blades, I'm rather better with them than my fist…
Clenching my fist together I swiftly landed a blow to his stomach as he ached back while I grabbed his head and bringing to my knee as he backed off followed by a roundhouse to his mid-section, sending him flying back.
His body slammed into a tree as he managed to get himself up again bruised and beaten holding his stomach seeing a green light on him, "Ack… damn it… I thought for sure I had you when it came close to hand-to-hand combat… damn that hurts there."
I merely expressed a coy smile as I wave my hair out with one hand replying to him, "True. In most times I would prefer my blades or weapons. Despite favoring the use of my various weapons, I can be a skilled hand-to-hand combatant when I need to be."
He merely nodded standing back up before he finally falls back it seems while he won't give up mentally his body on the other hand knows when to give up as I sighed, "Sigh… it seems like your body has taken quite the punishment. But it seems like will call it quits for today's training."
After I said that I saw he frowned at that while I try to cheer up my fellow colleague encouraging him, "Don't feel ashamed. You have shown great signs of improvement fighting me as you are. Each passing day you manage to stay around longer standing at the very least. Not only that your swordsmanship is improving the more we spar."
At that, he smiled briefly but then I spoke out in a stern tone getting his attention immediately honestly replying to him, "But despite that however from the most spars we have you lack firepower in your spells. With only Eye Magic as a support spell. From what I gather you merely have that supportive spell with no offensive ones except for your swordsmanship. You understand what I'm getting at right?"
Silva only nodded as he sighed in a defeated tone noticing a weakness that needs to be remedied quickly, "Yeah… I hardly have any offensive spells to use and all I have are support spells. That's what you're getting at right?"
I nodded while sternly speaking to him about updating his current arsenal of options to get stronger in a strict tone, "Correct. While you could play support, you would also need more powerful weapons to have at the ready to defend yourself to also which…. That is something you also lack."
Silva flinched at that getting my point across.
From the whole encounter and sparing with him all he has done is play support which is not bad but not having enough Magic Spells to defend or at the very least decent armor and weapons would be helpful.
It's not a bad style but it's that his lacking in power is what's concerning. Did he really expect to power through everything to what he has currently?
Maybe or maybe not.
But ultimately though I'm merely giving out what I pointed out to him as a flaw that could one day come back to bite him for not being prepared.
He can choose to listen or not what advice I give out to him as I merely looking out for his wellbeing as someone from his guild looking out for one another.
He has the potential to grow a lot faster if the last 5 days are any indication of his growth and training under me. Unlike him, he's not as powerful as some of the members with his low magic output.
I can sense the Magic in his body is really lower than most mages I've ever seen. It was only after sparring with him I finally noticed how low his magic in him truly is that I have been training him harsher.
Despite that, he never gives up no matter the punishment something of which I noticed how much I beat him it seems like the damage he takes lessen. I don't know if it's because of his Magic or merely just seeing things there's no doubt his improving.
Although despite having the weakest output for a mage his potential within is a whole other matter…
It's like he has an unlimited reserve of power within but doesn't know how to bring it out. For now, though I'll focus on what we can improve.
I was surprised by a laugh coming out from Silva as he began to meditate excluding a calming breath replying to me, "Hahaha! Man, Erza you got a point! Whew… Maybe it's because I've been somewhat delaying it trying to find a Magic that works for me. Maybe… Hmm…"
It seems like Silva has an idea of what type of Magic he wants to add to his arsenal or get better weapons as I helplessly shook my head at the idiot in front of me.
Whatever the case maybe though I'll try to help him train as agreed to at least be able to land a strike at me.
That's the criteria we agreed upon when he lands one good strike at me in combat when the training session is over.
Since it was over, I do expect to be rewarded for not holding back as my eyes gaze at him expected before sighing in defeat, "Sigh… yeah, yeah. Here you go Erza as promised for every end of the week."
Bringing out of his own storage space he soon handed me my reward of properly training him by the end of the week glorious sensation that is strawberry cake as he responded, "So then how's the cake flavor this time oh mighty glutinous Fairy?"
I'm gonna ignore that and simply dig in testing the cake he made.
Once I found out that he could cook these with some help god bless that maid's celestial spirit he made a small wager with Lucy borrowing her for a favor that she would hand him the cooking book of her life watitering her previous masters.
But at the end of every week, I get rewarded extra for eating his homemade cakes and test tasting the food.
And when his done landing one hit on me I'll teach him one of my Sword Magic spells that I developed so long as I help him improve. So long as he fails, I get cake but if he manages to land on me once I give him one of my spells and still get the cake in the end.
It's a win and-win situation!
And to make it even better it's strawberry cake flavor!
How could I possibly refuse this deal and also have free cake expected by the end of the week? I could only hope he fails at times so that I could enjoy this for free but if he manages to win, I will feel happy that I helped him get stronger and get cake with him having one of my spells…
But it's cake so that's a win in my book!
Giving it a professional strawberry cake taster opinion biting down and savoring the flavor I replied what he was missing, "Hmm… 7/10. The flavor is good, but the cake texture could be improved more. But otherwise, you got the flavor just right!!"
He only sighed as I enjoyed the cake, but I may have lied saying it's more of an 8.5/10 to me yet he still needs improvement to perfect this cake!
But if he improves in sparring as in cooking then it's all for the betterment of me – I eh, mean the guild!
Right for the guild!
Chapter 47: Assistance
~Silva POV~
[July 22, X784]
After my training with Erza Extreme as always, I decided to put the rest of my time into training my <Mana Manipulation> and <Courage> to gain better control of my Mana within me along with outside my body.
Back at the Great Plains, I began to be working on control a bit more I have been hoarding my Daily Quest for the last week gaining 21 stats and saving it up till I have enough. With 36 stats saved up, I have been thinking about which ones I need first.
Nearing 50 stats on a few of my stats I have to be careful on which ones I need to be careful of first.
Opening up my status screen I began to focus on which stats I need to place on that can prove to be beneficial for the upcoming fight ahead. With STR, INT, and VIT being especially important for a prolonged fight it would be best to increase those stats first.
I'll settle for these stats then in the meantime and see if I gain any perks for getting them to 50 each.
And… there!
Name: Silva Knight
Class: The Gamer
Race: Human
Title: Fairy Tail Wizard
Level: 18 Exp: 0/150%
HP: 1800/1800
MP: 1800/1800
STR: 42+8= 50 (+15)
AGI: 34 (+30)
VIT: 34+16= 50 (+30)
INT: 37
SEN: 32+5= 37
LUCK: 25+7= 32 (+15)
Stat Points: 36-> 0
Cash: 50,000J
[Your STR stat has reached a 50-point mark!]
[Passive Skill <Peak STR> has been added!]
[Your VIT stat has reached a 50-point mark!]
[Passive Skill <Peak VIT> has been added!]
Raising an eyebrow at notifications I felt the changes in my body become more evident than ever before feeling my VIT and STR changed drastically from before.
I even felt that my own body had gone through a change seeing it become more or less lean no more compact than before feeling my muscles gain a boost of sorts.
Is this how it feels to achieve to gain a perk when I arrived to get my stats at 50?
I wonder what can they provide for me.
Skill List.
<Peak STR> (Passive) Lv. MAX
Description: This passive skill can be unlocked once reached 50 stats in STR. Described as the user possessing strength at peak human conditioning. The user's muscles, bones, and organs have been augmented to perform near-enhanced feats.
With their peak human strength, the user can rival and battle against low to mid-level users of enhanced strength and mighty creatures. Due to their peak physical strength, the user possesses peak human durability, stamina, and endurance.
-This passive skill grants the user an increase of 15% Melee Damage.
<Peak VIT> (Passive) Lv. MAX
Description: This passive skill can be unlocked once reached 50 stats in VIT. Described as the users can endure more physical stress than average members of their species. They can tolerate large amounts of physical pain such as being shot or stabbed repeatedly, burned with high heat, and beatings that no ordinary person could handle.
They can also hold their breath for large intervals like 30-60 minutes while underwater and remain calm through stressful or painful situations. Users can also tolerate extreme hunger, unbearable thirst, and strong urges to sleep. Being able to fight non-stop for 12 hours to a day without food, water, and sleep.
-HP recovery time reduced by 15%.
-HP recovery rate increased by 15%.
What the hell… this is OP and could easily solve my issue for prolonged fights a lot better now with these two.
And the nice perk of my body being Peak Human Strength and Endurance along with the beneficial need of not being able to waste my energy for the next 12 hours is a benefit in itself to have.
Before I could marvel at my body a bit more, I then hear an old friend of mine making me smile as she comes around looking for me, "Ah, glad to see you up, Silva. Saw the training with Erza… one word. Ouch."
Ouch indeed.
I can even feel the pain despite being completely healed.
But ignoring that for the moment I began to focus on the Mana in the air converging within my body as I multitask taking out the Mana Method manual getting Mavis's interest, "Oh? It seems like you managed to have my interest dear old chum of mine. Mana Method Manual? Interesting term never heard of before?"
Giving it to her to read I began to explain to Mavis that I found it on the island not revealing I got it from my reward explaining to her getting her interest immediately, "I found that item within the rubble on Galuna Island thought it would come in handy if I managed to learn if it was a spell or not. But I couldn't decipher it since I lack the know-how. I was hoping to ask Levy about it but haven't seen her for a while."
At this, Mavis merely nods giving a look over the pages of the book with confusion on her face flipping through each page, "Hmm… I don't recognize any of these Rune Arrays written in the book. And I have a library worth of knowledge back on my home island. This may take some time to decipher…"
I was fearing she would say something like that.
She goes over the book a few more times flipping the pages making me a bit anxious as she cutely places her hand over her chin pondering the text within, "Hmm… this Mana Method Manual is certainly an interesting find. I didn't quite understand the text written without trying to find out the words first."
Handing the book back to me Mavis replied to me about her next objective to do in helping me out as she floated around, "Perhaps I have something in my library to help you out deciphering the rune arrays within the book. It'll take some time, but I trust to break it sooner."
Tapping her ghostly head with one of her fingers gesturing her point with a confident expression on her face, "It'll take me a few days or weeks to break the code down. But I have it all memorized in my head to make things easier. I wasn't the first master of Fairy Tail for nothing."
Smiling at that giving out a small laugh I then spoke to Mavis hovering around a bit longer in a thankful tone, "Hahaha… Thanks, Mavis. I owe yah one that's for sure. And I'll ask one of my Guild Mates to help out and see if there are any differences between the two to help out deciphering the Runes written in the book."
She merely does a mock bow as she grinned in response replying to me like an instructor would checking on their homework, "Why of course dear old chum it's not like I have anything going on. And besides that, how well have you been going connecting your spirit with the flow of nature have been progressing?"
[<Courage> LEVEL UP!]
[<Mana Manipulation> LEVEL UP!]
[<Courage> LEVEL UP!]
I merely replied with a shrug of more or less considering I'm having the Mana enter through my Gate and since then trying to have my physical spirit connect with the flow of nature with my <Courage> skill ensuring I have my connection with the Mana.
After all this kind of process does take time to pull off. Something which I'm sure Mavis noticed as well considering the fact that I have been trying to connect with the flow of the world to unlock my Magic.
She merely gives a curt nod in understanding seeing me train sighing speaking to me in a sympathetic tone, "Sigh… seems like you are trying to connect with nature is going to take a while. But it's understandable as well considering your circumstances with God affecting you like this. Limitless potential but lack of control over it not sure if the God you meet has a sick sense of humor or truly cares about your wellbeing."
You have no idea.
But judging she was done talking to me she began to take her leave and say she'll come by to meet again after figuring out trying to decipher the Mana Method Manual that I returned back into my <Lost Realm> using Shambhala.
Taking this time, I began to use this moment to look over the spells I gained sparing with Erza trying my best to beat her or at the very least land a hit on her.
Skill List.
<Slash> (Active) Lv.23/100 Exp: 78%
Description: Slash is a simple move in which the user wields their sword with both hands and then jumps into the air to perform a vertical, upwards slash with their blade.
<Stab> (Active) Lv.19/100 Exp: 89%
Description: A destructive piercing technique that requires the user to rush in their foe's direction at a high speed, trying to impale the foe, all the while wielding the sword's handle in the same way they would wield a spear as the momentum generated by this motion is astonishing.
I only managed to create those skills because, at the time however, I thought they would be ground well enough to be used in combat which they are in a way.
But viewing the skills, I have I know I could do better if I try hard enough.
Regardless though I need to practice leveling my skills up since I need to be prepared for the upcoming arc next and with Erza beating the training into me I can better prepare myself against S-Class Wizards soon enough.
It's time.
With Mavis gone for a few days and with me finishing my practice with Erza time to use the Demon's Extract to finally gain another skill to be prepared for in the future.
Since Levy is gone on a job since I can't ask her for help with the Mana Method Manual along with Gray and Ur now busy together catching up for old time's sake, I'll need to train my way using ice on my own for a while.
Opening up Rongo Rongo from my <Lost Realm> I began to search for an area with no Magical Beast sightings as I smirked seeing just the location on the map.
Activating Mastema I began to fly to my next destination for the next remainder of the few hours next.
Landing down on the ground where an unhabitable cave resides no one. It used to belong to a Wyvern a long time ago but has since been deceased with no one to claim it.
A perfect repellent for outside interference to fuck off.
Entering inside the cave making sure no one was around with my <Magic Sense> I nodded taking out the chalice from my <Lost Realm> and opening it up revealing a whole lot of blood smoking out or freezing out as I gulp at this, "I can't believe I'm doing this. But it's not Ice Magic but rather a free elemental ability. Well… bottoms up."
[You have consumed the artifact Demon's Extract!]
[You gained the skill <Cryokinesis> via Demon's Extract!]
[You gained the skill <Temperature Immunity> via Demon's Extract!]
Drinking the blood within the chalice I began to drink all of its portions down to the last drop placing the golden chalice back into my <Lost Realm> and licking off the blood from my lips in a proud tone, "You know that wasn't that disgusting – Ack!!! Fuck I spoke too soon."
That was when I began to hear voices roaring out in my head clenched down trying to regain my sanity as the voices only grew louder each and every step pounding into my head wanting blood and violence.
The voices only got louder as I struggle to keep my sanity in check gritting my teeth as blood began to seep from my hands tightening too hard, "So this is what's like…"
[You gained the skill of releasing murderous intent!]
[Skill: <Bloodlust> learned!]
[<Indominable Spirit> LEVEL UP!]
[Skill <Bloodlust> has been resisted!]
[<Bloodlust> LEVEL UP!]
[<Indominable Spirit> LEVEL UP!]
[Skill <Bloodlust> has been resisted!]
[<Bloodlust> LEVEL UP!]
[<Indominable Spirit> LEVEL UP!]
[Skill <Bloodlust> has been resisted!]
[<Indominable Spirit> LEVEL UP!]
[Skill <Bloodlust> has been resisted!]
The only thing I saw was my notifications increasingly leveling up my <Indominable Spirit> skill a lot as I started to lose consciousness from the constant voices in my head silencing itself ever slowly keeping my will stronger than it.
A/N: Thanks guys for helping me choose the poll and I think I finally settled on which Magic the MC should get it was honestly difficult for me to choose to be too indecisive with my choices.
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