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18.57% FAIRY TAIL: GAMER PATH / Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Sub-Zero Emperor (4)

Bab 39: Chapter 39: Sub-Zero Emperor (4)

Chapter 39: Sub-Zero Emperor (4)

~Third POV~


Returning to Galuna Island landing on the shore of the island with the Enchants increasing the speed of the Pirate Ship the two landed at the island finally with Erza expressing her hardened glare, "Good. We came here in good time. Seems like you managing the ship is a wise choice after all. You certain you haven't manned a ship before?"

Silva merely shook his head as he got a view of the island as Galuna Island is located far east of Hargeon Town. It is far into the sea, with no other land visible around it. It is shaped like a crescent moon with small islands extending the area, covered by a large number of trees, green plants, vines, and steep rocks which make it harder to hike.

Silva whistled at the sight but returned to their original objective in front of Erza's eyes responding to her using Spectator, "This looks like a nice place. Best to look for the village to gather more information on the matter or luckily enough to find the rest there sleeping. Hmm… seems like Lucy is in that direction ahead."

Knowing that's very unlikely Silva did recall Lucy and Happy being there to warn the villagers as Erza nodded in agreement, "Good. At the very least will find out where the rest are after interrogating Lucy. Now hold on tight Silva."


Not before too long she grabbed him by the shirt collar as he realized what is going to happen mentally, 'Oh shit—NOT AGAIN DAMN IT!!!'


Dragging him along with her fist rushing towards the location of the concentration of Magic Power using Magic Sense as Erza detected one with her eyes glaring down on one she recognized.

As she rushed towards the village, they finally had their eyes landed down on it with Silva released by Erza grip as he dusts himself off, "Now… a little warning next time before you suddenly start dragging me by the collar Erza would be really appreciated. Also, I wouldn't take another step if I were you."

Erza took the time to turn around taking a step forward towards the village, "Huh? What –Ack!"

Not too long she received her answer as she was suddenly caught in a pit trap that was very obviously seen under the dried grass on time for Silva to see Erza getting herself out with him expressing a deadpan look as he replied, "Told yah not to take a step."

Erza soon cut through the net and both see a small village lying within the island with a very tall gate. The gate has a sign stating, Keep Out. Above, sharp spikes line the gate. On both sides, there are two large posts, and on the top are two large spikes connected to those posts. A wall encircles the entire village to further protect it from outsiders.

With the Gate open both located within the walls are many huts with guard towers watching the whole village with torches lighting the area along with a shocked Lucy and Happy both sweating seeing Erza and Silva as Virgo in the background recreates the hole.

Erza immediately realizing who sprang the trap after getting her way out commented on it as she gets closer to the two, "A trap huh? So, you knew I would be coming and prepared this in advance suspecting me? Have to say I didn't expect you to foresee this commendable event. But I'm afraid such a thing won't trap me for long. Now then… your punishment."


Revealing her sword and preparing to fight Lucy immediately surrendered right away waving her hands and trying to avoid a fight, "Wait! Wait!! This is a big misunderstanding that trap wasn't meant for you it was meant for the evil wizards coming to destroy the village!!"

That caused her to pause at the words being heard as Silva intermediated putting his hand over Erza's sword putting it down letting Lucy speak, "Now, now Erza. Let the poor girl speak so we can understand what exactly is going on here. She's not going to run away might as well hear how they botched this up."

Lucy flinched hearing that didn't go unnoticed by Erza putting her sword down with one word to her causing her to sweat in fear, "Explain."

Although fearful Lucy gave a light nod towards Silva for allowing her to make her case as she tries to plead with Erza with her hardened glare directed at her, "Hold it! Just listen for a second…!!! I apologize for coming here without permission… but they're real trouble on this island!!! There are people who are trying to revive a huge demon trapped in ice!! And innocent people are suffering because of it!! Anyway, some awful things are happening!!! I rushed down here to warn the villagers about what's going to happen, but it seems like you guys beat them to the punch…"

Erza listening to this merely pinches the bridge between her nose at the revelation of the news as she would've just taken them and left but unfortunately or fortunate for Lucy they managed to arrive early than expected.

Meanwhile, Silva was genuinely shocked muttering out in surprise about the events occurring speaking out surprised, "Oh? Seems like we got here before them huh? Hmm…"

Erza gave a curt nod of agreement that with Silva behind the wheel and with his <Riding> skill he managed to increase its speed certainly made the trip getting to the island easier along with Rongo Rongo providing the correct routes.

In the end, though Erza asked another question to Lucy as she is downright terrified of her asking her question, "Although I have to ask… would these Wizards have been attracted here if you or Natsu didn't interfere."

Lucy merely lowered her head in shame as Erza could only sigh at this left with no choice but take on protecting the village explaining her reasoning, "Sigh… You and Natsu's behavior have brought Fairy Tail's name to shame with your actions. I cannot let this village fall be brought to ruin bringing shame to the Fairy Tail Guild name. And what of Gray did he also join as well in this charade?"

Lucy nodded her head explaining why he joined as well as why he couldn't stay Silva shook his head at this replying in a defeated tone, "Oh boy. There's no way that guy would leave even if we force him if what he said was true. Highly doubt he will listen to reason even if you threaten Gray Erza."

Turning his eyes towards Happy trying to look small as possible Silva then asked Lucy a question about the demon's location, "Where is Deliora then?"

Lucy replied with uncertainly in her voice as she spoke back in a confused tone, "In an ancient temple also lies on the island. It has succumbed to age with most of its walls being cracked and plant life growing atop it."

Nodding at this Silva then eyes dart towards Happy already having a plan of what to do as he spoke out his plan, "Happy! I need you to take me Deliora at once! With my Magic, I should be able to find Natsu or Gray if they need help. Or at the very least see they aren't harmed against the enemy with my potions. If we act too late now it may be too late to change anything."


However, Erza firmly replied to Silva's plan as her sword was raised near his throat wanting answers to his request, "Silva we are here for the return of these rulebreakers to the guild not take the request! I promised Master to protect you, but do you intend to break the Guild rules too –"

Before she could continue Silva merely replied back interrupting her and cutting her off from finishing, "No! I'm not doing this because I want to complete the mission. You could say I'm doing this for Fairy Tail honor!"


Wind passed by the group and the girls looked like they needed a moment to register to think about what they heard.

A brief pause occurred as the two girls took the moment to register what he said Silva thought to himself quickly, 'Good. Time to see that famous Talk no Jutsu in action works or myth. Here goes nothing.'

Regaining his composure Silva explained his reasoning that he created after given some time to formulate a plan ahead of time, "What I meant by that is if Fairy Tail were to go behind our backs on people in need how do you think this will affect back at the Guild? People will think bad of the Guild for turning a blind eye to this while we had the chance to do something instead run! But ultimately, it's up to you Erza…"

She lowered her sword slightly taking in the words now thinking about the possibility as Silva talks more to her choose the idea giving her the idea of the choice of her actions, "Once saving the village and collecting the group we leave bringing shame to Fairy Tail not helping the villagers in need… Or you take the request helping the villagers to help not bring shame to the guild as well save everyone here. The choice is up to you really. I'm okay with what decision you make in the end."

Erza only stood there contemplating the words as the shuffling sounds of the citizens slowly mutter with kids leaning close to their parents Silva frowned at what his going to do next with his head lowered activating Spectator, 'Sorry Erza. But sometimes you are too stubborn for your own good. And I remembered originally you didn't care till your Guildmates showed their stubbornness not refusing till you finally relented.'

Activating Spectator illusions for a moment as Erza mistakes it for her mind flashed back to the time of Rosemary Village being attacked along with recalling saving Kagura to keep her safe stunning her slightly recalling that memory.

Erza herself took a brief time trying to regain herself before recalling such a memory in this current time, 'Wait was that Kagura Simon's sister why –'

Before she could get her thoughts together Silva tried to get her out of her stupor.




Erza seems to have gotten out of her shock as Silva looked at her with concern thinking he may have gone a bit too far trying to convince Erza, "You seemed to be in trance there Erza? You doing okay there?"

Taking the moment to regain her composure experiencing her PTSD taking a breather in and exhaling replying back regaining her confidence, "Whew… sorry. I was simply thinking of the possibilities you mentioned and just recalled something bad all. But you make a fair point of your argument."

Lucy for her part looks surprised as she slowly muttered in disbelief, "Wait so you mean…"

Erza gave a curt nod to the Celestial Spirit Wizard in agreement but also forewarned her of the punishment ahead, "Yes Lucy I decided to take on the job after some convincing. But don't forget that you all will be punished by the Master! Got it!!"

She only nodded her head as Happy quickly grabs Silva beginning to leave the scene unaware to the group except Silva a certain ghostly loli was witnessing everything from a safe distance away from the island much to her dismay.


Mavis viewing everything from afar continued to gaze at her guild members' interaction with the group as she smiles at the event that occurred, "Intriguing. Silva managed to somehow make Erza choose to continue the mission while returning her guild mates in the process. The emotions he evoked are real with every word and intention. Although…"

Mavis tries to enter Galuna Island but was met with resistance as her Thought Projection couldn't penetrate anymore because of the Moon Drip barrier shielding the island preventing her from entering inside.

She tries to push her way in or phase, but nothing works with her emotions of anger showing up.

She pouts seeing she can't enter the island because of the properties of the Moon Drip side effect it left soon whining not witnessing the events happening, "Oh damn it! I can't see what's going on inside the island! I wanna see it! I wanna see it!!! I WANNA SEE!!!!"

Seeing that Mavis Thought Projection couldn't penetrate through the island she could only pout as tears start to well up in her eyes for not interacting, "Damn it! I wanted to see what the situation is going on and the drama unfolding!! I clearly saw Silva flee using my Magic Sense with Happy but why? Ahhhh!!!"

Crying out loud with literally no one but Silva to hear her outrage of being unable to participate or even witness up close to the action the only thing she could do was sense the situation with her mind trying to think of situations of what happened.

She bit her ghostly dress in frustration at not being able to see or share contact with Silva the only that saw her bitterly, "Oh!! That boy is so gonna get it when we talk again!!! Note to self-make sure Silva learns either <Telepathy> or <Archive> Magic so that I can see what he does next! The suspense is killing me!! Curse you… SILVAAAAA!!!!"


A/N: Sorry about the previous chapter with the MC having Virgo. That was a mistake I didn't have the chance to rewrite that part out. Sorry in advance if it confuses the reader.

next chapter

Bab 40: Chapter 40: Sub-Zero Emperor (5)

Chapter 40: Sub-Zero Emperor (5)

~Third POV~

Meanwhile standing on the upper cliff of the hillside of the temple lies Gray bloodied and defeated by his former rival Lyon as he left him defeated as Gray vision fades in and out after falling a considerable height.





The sounds of clanking ice were heard getting Gray's attention as his vision looks towards Natsu moving around with his body shrouded by ice talking to him, "You're pitiful… he really made a mess out of you!!"

Eyes of shock were shown on his face as Gray mumbles out too tired and weakened from his wounds and blood loss taking effect, "Natsu… What… are you… doing here…?"


Dragging Gray by the collar of his shirt as Natsu trudges getting Gray to safety the best he can helping his friend out, "I didn't know where the stupid village was, so I climbed high to see. There it is!! Let's go!!"


Gray mumbles about where Lyon was located as Natsu places the Ice Mage over his head managing to carry him better as he replied to him, "Who knows? He isn't here anymore, and I don't see any ceremony. Damnit!!! If they pick on Lucy, it'll be our fault!!!"

Listening to his words Gray eyes widen slightly recalling his mentor scolding him as he tears up trying to apologize to him defeated, "Natsu… I've got no right to badmouth you… I've got no right to say a word…"

Natsu sensing Gray's mood just outright yelled at him getting him to be shocked by his words to him, "Huh? Don't give me that weepy crap just because you lost!!!! We're Fairy Tail Wizards!!!!! We're the guild that doesn't know how to quit!!!! If we can't keep running full out, we might as well be dead!!! Damnit it's harder to run like this!!!"



But Natsu soon stopped as he heard the sounds of wing flapping and scent as his eyes dart towards Happy carrying Silva as he cried out surprised, "What! Happy! Silva!! Why the heck are you here!! Wait that doesn't matter can you help Gray!!!"


Landing down Silva saw Gray's state and immediately complied as he brought out a Small Salve on him a green splash of medicine along with green particles covered his body stopping the bleeding and healing the bruises, he sustained healing 25% of his HP again.


Letting the green light heal Gray in the process Silva frowned seeing the damage done starting up the conversation and checking his condition, "Gray really got hit badly. I'm no doctor but bones from the ribcage and arms aren't supposed to break like that. You guys are very fortunate to have a Small Salve around but what the heck happened? And why are you encased in ice."

At this with Happy informing Natsu of the situation sweat beading from his face knowing Erza arrived to capture them but also surprised to hear she was persuaded looking at Silva with an unreadable expression on his face.

But then he explained what happened on his end about being dropped off a mountain by Gray's former rival Lyon as Silva already knew but acted like he connected the dots with Gray looked beat up.

Finishing with healing Gray Silva looks towards Natsu about him being encased with ice as he asked curiously, "Need help getting rid of the ice Salamander?"

He grunted at that but nodded as Silva used Mastema feathers to break the ice on certain parts of it incasing Natsu's body as it began breaking as he focused on breaking the ice, "And… there! No more iceman for the salamander today!"


Removing the ice magic from Natsu's body he moved around feeling his body again with a victorious grin plastered on his face, "Wooohooo! Now that's what I'm talking about! Now I can go get that Lyon guy some payback Fairy Tail style!!"

Silva waved his hand off handily asking Natsu a question along with his intention of defeating the people messing with the island, "Alright. Since you guys are here, I'm heading toward the Deliora container to see if I can keep it preserved with one of my Magic Tools. Would really feel safer if that thing doesn't pop open. Really don't want to face a demon nor wake one up yah know?"

Natsu nods his head as Gray starts waking up when the name Deliora was heard he wakes up surprised by their appearance, "What! Wait… wasn't I just injured how – Silva! When did you get here on the island?"

At this, Happy pointed out joining the conversation with how slow Gray is, "Wow Gray a bit slow on the uptake huh?"

Silva merely rolled his eyes as he explained the situation to him about the update of the events happening on the island getting a curt nod from the Ice Wizard as the three of them had their eyes at the temple ahead.

Silva then glanced at Gray and asked in a curious tone about the Magic Power he has left, "Gray just about how much Magic Power you got in you to fight again."

Listening to that Gray paused before finally responding after a quick-thinking with a hardened expression, "I'd say about… 60% of my Magic Power left. If given some time to recover I would be back to full power. But I'm –"

Before he could speak Silva smiled at this response interrupting Gray's words of the next course of action as he hands him a Small Mana Bottle, "Perfect. You'll both go handle them while I go where the Demon is held. Judging by the light not continuing I would say it seems like the enemy is underestimating you taking the time to rest. They won't bother continuing till the situation with us is over before continuing. Here use this to recover 25% of your Magic Power and beat that Lyon punk."

That was when Natsu butted in Silva's plan clearly wanting to fight Lyon with an annoyed expression on his face, "What the hell!! I want to fight those bastards for payback incasing me ice!!"

At that Silva replied to Natsu with a grin on his face as he stopped and listened to the plan he made causing him to grin in return, "Don't worry you'll get your chance Salamander. I do need someone to cause some mayhem. No doubt Lyon has more reinforcements, so I'll leave the small fries to you with Gray taking care of his rival. After all, it's something you have to do right?"

Gray didn't say any words but responded with a curt nod as Silva continued with Happy leading the group in a knowing tone of his voice, "I highly doubt you would want us to interfere with your bout with Lyon. But you better win when your, 're at your best not at your worst both physically… and mentally Gray."

He didn't say anything but did nod, following Silva with them going towards the caverns leading to the underground temple cavern to the demon's location with Natsu and Gray separating to take care of their own issues.


~Silva POV~

Entering through the temple as Happy already left to inform Erza group I finally got a grasp seeing the giant demon in ice. Terrifying would be the term I would use here.

Deliora is a massive, dark blue, humanoid Demon. He has a large torso and two large arms that end in scaly hands. On the left and right part of his torso as well as around his neck, Deliora is covered with a series of spikes. In addition, he has two large legs, whereas the feet resemble the ones of a bird, with additional spikes on the back. His hair is mane-like in shape and it flows down to the nape of his neck. He has a pair of horns that point upwards, jutting from a plate on his forehead. He also has large pointed teeth as well as two hollow eyes.

To be sure…


[Deliora Lv.? Dead]


Sighing out a breath of relief it seems like the demon has long since been dead for a long time now. At, the very least I won't have to experience a Fairy Tail what if a scenario like in the app games storyline.

Now then about Ur situation…

Placing my hands over the giant ice itself it's time to save Ur with the philosopher Stone I got a while back in the beginning when I came to this world. No pressure, right?


Exhaling the breath of air returning my gaze at the Iced Shell…

I won't be useless.


Taking out from my <Lost Realm> using Shambhala I took out the one item that could change this mess for good as I took out the philosopher stone with the bright red gem shining in this cavern.

To activate the Philosopher Stone, I must use my intention to make it happen to transmute the Ice into Ur again.

By reviving Ur again, I would surely change the canon, unlike the previous times where small bumps I caused. But those were affordable to do but this time however, whatever I do will bring attention forward drawing all kinds of attention to me if people truly figured out how I brought her back.

Twirling my fingers back and forth motion feeling the mental strain of using the stone in my hand feeling the pressure of fear. What I'm about to do really puts pressure on my shoulders of what's to come.

It's just what I'm about to do isn't something that can be shrugged off or explained.

I could worry about it later but eventually, everything would come down to my next words or keep things a secret doing this action. I was confident earlier saving Ur but when it came down to it…

I'm just overcome with a sense of failure but fear of what if I'm wrong or what if people will want to come after me. Many of those thoughts enter my head what if the grunts or Ultear in disguise finally look at what really happened and report to Hades?

I know in my deepest thoughts I have Natsu and Gray to give me time just in case Lyon and Ultear decided to come around but frankly all I need is time to transmute her back, but the question is can I bear the consequences of doing so…

What I desire now is to save Ur and to revert her back to normal. Even if fear grips my heart and knowing of the consequences ahead of changing something really drastic like this clenching the Philosopher Stone in my hand all I could do is take a deep breath and exhale.


No matter what I do now I'm not going to be deterred by this. Not by a long shot when I have something determined in my mind.

Actions speak louder than words.

Clenching and stilling my resolve in doing the impossible when did I care about changing the plot?

The plot doesn't change I change it.

Time to give the fate of this world the biggest fuck you in the face defying Ur fate being in ice to water into a living person again.

After all, she is an excellent ice mage that could help me with my teigu Demon's Extract when this mission is done with.

Time to get to work.

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