Chapter 178: Secret Boss Rush Quest (7)
~Third POV~
Athena and Silva both glared at the figure coming into appearance letting out a mighty roar as the rocks form a massive figure yelling to them, "Damn it!!! YOU BOTH SHALL PAY FOR INTRUDING ON THE MIGHTY DRAGON GOD OF EARTH!!! DOGRAMAG!!!"
The Earth Dragon God took the form of rocks hardest compressed form standing on all fours his scales crackling together wings out of stone forming eyes coming to light hatefully glaring as he puffs out from his nostrils a gush of air.
Seeing this the two remained unmoved by Dogramag as Silva taunted the large giant raising an eyebrow at him, "I'm sorry but is your name literally dog? Are you sure you ain't a little bitch from his nap?"
Despite the taunt, Dogramag growled in response recognizing the two in front of them narrowing his eyes and speaking to them with disdain evident in his tone, "You two…. I know you both. Athena the sin of Mankind's weapon. Silva Knights the murderer of Aldoron… return that heart at once unless you don't want your grave to be in my body."
Athena expressed intrigued curiosity as Silva narrowed his eyes disdain in his voice, "Oi? Did a dog just order me around?"
Listening to Silva's response Dogramag roared in anger at his arrogance unleashing his Magic Power towards the group, "Graaaah!!! You inferior life form dare to ignore –"
Stepping back as Athena activated her advanced firearms capable of shooting a highly condensed laser beam piercing through the Earth Dragon God's defenses coldly replying, "That would be enough Dragon God. My sole purpose was to protect mages and exterminate your kind as my prime directive. But… you dare insult my friend… I don't know what I feel but my chest beats fast wanting to inflict harm what could this emotion be…"
Silva smirked as he responded pointing two of his fingers at Dogramag activating his Magic against the dragon conjuring a ball of magic, "Thanks Athena for helping me. But the emotion you are feeling is anger. The frustration you built in your heart for someone harming someone you like. Enough of that though dragon time for you to die which the old fart failed to do. <Enchant Infinity: Fake Ball>."
Unleashing the ball of Magic enchanted with Spirit Arts <Infinity> launched towards Dogramag flinches as he swipes his tail rock swiping at nothing confusing Athena as the magic ball separated forming multiple elemental attacks as he roared at Silva's attacks, "Hah! You think that puny magic is enough to stop the almighty –'
The balls of the elemental attack were all attacked launching incredible damage forcing Dogramag's eyes to widen roaring in pain as the elemental attacks continued to remain in effect eternally burning, shocking, freezing, crushing, and more of the elemental attacks.
Athena's eyes widen seeing how Silva's <Fake Ball> managed to harm him while messing with the Earth Dragon God's senses thinking to herself amazed, 'Incredible…! I don't detect any Dragon Slayer Magic in those attacks and yet they managed to bypass the Dragon's Magic resistance as if it's nothing. What's the trick he used?'
Analyzing the skills used Silva smirked checking his skill list screen next to him in thought creating this skill, 'I use this spell skill after my Mavis-sensei use in <Illusion Magic> inspiration. <Fake Ball>.'
<Fake Ball> Lv. MAX
MP Cost: Varies
Description: Using Enchant Magic on <Illusion Magic> This skill is a technique that combines attack elemental magic ball with illusion magic; it prevents the opponent from knowing the true nature of a magic attack by camouflaging it with an illusion which makes it look like a different attack as the Magic Ball splits into the following elements of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Gravity, Lightning, Ice, Light, Darkness, and Exterminate Ray each imbued in their magic balls.
Dogramag felt a sense he hadn't felt for the longest time asleep despite his time recovering…
Dogramag's eyes flinched his senses crippled managed to view Silva's expression cold and heartless as a figure soon emerged taking a spitting image recognizing the terror in his soul in the form of a black dragon equally hateful glare towards him sending a shiver down his reconstructed body thinking in a fearful tone, 'That human…. No, this monster…. He exactly like Acnologia….'
Opening his maw unleashing his mighty roar attack Silva did nothing as he let the dragon prepare casting a spell over Athena to protect her surprising her as he spoke, "<Enchant Infinity: Perfect Cube>. Athena, this will keep you safe just let me handle this. Witness a human without Dragon Slayer slay a dragon."
Athena found the words absurd but the expression on his face said he had a plan relenting allowing him to continue concern in her tone, "Very well Silva…. But tell me what's this… feeling of unease that washes over me… I don't like this feeling."
Silva smiling taking his attention towards her responded happily pissing the Earth Dragon God off of how casual his taking him, "Simple. The unease coiling around your heart is called concern or fear. Both of which are useful to make an individual live longer and sharper in life."
Opening his maw finally unleashing his attack despite his senses being useless unleashed an all-out attack roaring at the entire room, "<Earth Dragon God's Roar>!!!"
Unleashing the earthly roar all the rocks around started to be crushed by the shockwaves of the Earth Dragon's Roar. Silva smirked realizing what the roar had done quickly placing his palm as the incoming attack came.
Athena's eyes widened as did Dogramag seeing his attack never connected as something was between Silva as the attack never came with his location not changed the attack's effects ended with Silva's fingers snapping demanding what happened, "Impossible!! That attack should've done something how was it that you weren't harmed?!!!"
Listening to his words Silva playfully with a smug expression on his face, "Hmm, simply said you didn't hit me."
Dogramag changes into a human form via <Transformation Magic> in a buff tanned body shirtless showing his honed muscles, braided hair, noticeable star-like scar on his chest, and tribal pants intent on crushing Silva despite being damaged prior, "That's absurd!! Don't mess with me human!!! <Earth Dragon God's Adamantine Fist>!!!"
His fist changed to that of adamantine intent to crush Silva as he explained to the incoming danger in a calm tone, "I'll explain it to you. What you touched was the <Infinity> that was between you and me."
Placing his hand forward what seems like catching Dogramag's attack his eyes widen in shock as his attack never made contact pure shock in his thoughts, 'I can't touch him…! It stops right before I'm able to. This is infinity…?'
Silva on the other hand continued explaining seeing Athena's eyes glitter in fascination with the explanation, "Rather than stopping, it just gets slower the closer you get to me. And? What should we do? For me, I can just grab your fist, and then…"
Before noticing Dogramag's head flew off as Extase made on quick decapitation cutting through his neck as Silva finishes his words, "… go in for the kill. This is the end of Earth Dragon God. Return to the afterlife this time piece of gravel."
Ending his <Perfect Cube> over Athena Dogramag's head lied down on the ground in disbelief stating his final words in shock as his expression changes to a sad smile, "I to be defeated by a mere human? Sorry brother I couldn't help you further our plans…. But if you can hear me Ignia avenge me…."
The final words of the Earth Dragon God have been exterminated as Silva takes out showing the Earth Dragon God's heart saved for later to be transformed into a Lacrima in the future.
The entire Labyrinth shook violently as Silva took out Shambhala with evident concern in his tone getting Athena's attention, "Athena I don't think we should stay here any longer we better – why do you have his body parts?"
Referring to the Earth Dragon God's body parts that were separated from his body from the initial attack her eyes sparkled innocently responding, "To level up! After all, these are rare forms of metal materials that could help me improve straight from the recently deceased Earth Dragon God! How could I not claim them?"
Silva wanted to question this but noticing the large portions that were destroyed by his <Fake Ball> he relented giving in to Athena's point and was surprised, "We…. Huh? You have a point. Time to start hoarding then get the hell out of here!!"
Athena used <Requip> to store them happily agreeing to loot the corpse, "Yay!!"
The two third parties soon met together eyeing each other as the members of the Dragon Slayer Guild Diabolos and Irene Squad all eyed each other glaring at each other at the entrance at The Great Labyrinth of Dogra.
The tension between the two was intense as Irene removed her disguise sensing the Dragon Slayer's killing intent in a cold tone, "Why what do we have here? I never met you folks before and yet I can sense your intention to kill me. Have we perhaps wronged you?"
Georg licked his lips looking at Irene's voluptuous body but remained cautious towards her feeling the massive Magic Power within lightly shaking in excitement, "What reason do we need to hunt down a dragon? When –"
Irene's eyes expressed madness insanity triggering her as suppressed memories of becoming a dragon is what caused her downfall immediately cast her Magic first blowing the Guild Master's head apart with one concentrated ray bursting his head open.
Eyes widened as they all couldn't have registered the attack all eyes slowly turning towards Irene releasing her Magic Power as Juliet and Heine remained by her side.
Irene seeing the fear in the Dragon Slayer's eyes trembling at the massive power she wields muttering coldly to them showing her cruelty and brutality, "Hahaha!! Me a dragon? What utter rubbish!!! I'm Irene Belserion of the Spriggan 12!! For such rebellious fact for intent on taking my life, I will torture every single one of you!! I promise to you all that each of you will not have a swift death, but after it is all said and done, you will be nothing more than a lump of rotting meat…"
Chills sent to their spines at Irene's promise caused the Dragon Slayers to sweat but…
At this current time, Silva and Athena were both fighting the rashly risen Earth Dragon God catching Irene's attention of the massive Magic Power below making Skullion <Corpse Dragon Slayer Magic> turn his allies to ash escaping with their lives.
Heine was about to rush after them only for Irene to regain her composure alerting her to stop immediately, "Heine stop! Let the bugs scurry off something interesting has just occurred."
Heine stopped and did as she was told feeling the Magic Power underground.
They waited listening to the sounds of battle going on as the tremors soon ended as the Labyrinth collapsed causing Irene to frown no longer detecting the ongoing fight underneath them.
Irene's eyes narrowed going over many things in her head biting her thumb at what events occurred sensing the Magic Power below, 'That power belonged to a Dragon! I'm sure of it but I don't know which ones are that powerful or nearly as strong as that blasted Black Dragon… is this perhaps the Dragon Gods that reside in this land?'
Somewhere within the land that echoed out the roar of the Earth Dragon God cries throughout the Labyrinth that connected everywhere it could reach within Guiltina reaching out to someone…
Stirred from the cry of Dogramag a dragon that heavily resembles his biological father, having inherited dark-red scales, a beige underside, and a horn-tipped nose. Being a dragon, he is large with bat-like wings, and sports canine teeth and sharp claws.
The dragon bears several caudal spines around his face, with a large crystal-like horn protruding from the top of his head. Two fire-like tattoos can be seen on his chest, and flames radiate off various body parts.
Stirring from his slumber is the Fire Dragon God Ignia listening to the echoing final words of his brother froze in place of the last words of his brother, "I to be defeated by a mere human? Sorry brother I couldn't help you further our plans…. But if you can hear me Ignia avenge me…."
Eyes opening up expressing immersive anger within roared to the sky in rage, "ARRRGH!!!!"
Flapping his wings and burning everything in his path Ignia the Fire Dragon God has awoken majorly pissed after his brother's killer.
Chapter 179: Secret Boss Rush Quest (8)
~Silva K. POV~
Exiting outside the dead body of a dragon labyrinth my eyes were glued to the sounds of my gamer abilities kicking in signifying to me about my mission update.
[You have exterminated one of the Dragon Gods [3/5]!]
[You gain EXP –]
Before I could continue to look at the screen Athena got my attention to some new guest, "Uh, Silva is she and her group friends of yours?"
Alerting me by her words I looked who she – oh you got to be shitting me.
We both yelled at each other recognizing as Irene's eyes twitched in anger responding, "So it was you from back then!! You filthy thief!!"
Returning the sentiment with a glare at Irene not backing down accusing her in anger, "Oi! I'm the victim here showing me your sinful body perverted milf!"
Irene's eyes glared hatefully placing her hand over her chest offended by my words playing the victim card, "Oh, you're the one that stole from me!! How dare you play the victim when you stole my work with that blasted dragon covering your escape!!"
I merely scoffed at her going for the low blows that made Irene freeze on the spot clearly surprised by my information, "So says the bimbo bitch that left her daughter Erza to a bunch of monkeys discriminating her hair than to slavery torture? Not the best move for mother of the fucking year Irene Belserion."
Immediately she regained her calm attitude as I drew out my weapon blade Arifar analyzed me intently before finally responding in a cold calculative tone, "You seem to be trying to invoke anger at me young man…. Even finding information only sole survivors would know about me, young man. Truly live up to your reputation Trickster. Even if you tried to hide under the radar for this long."
Analyzing her I quickly viewed her two compatriots ready to attack but reframe in doing so by Irene's subtle movements with her hands despite trying to invoke each other's anger between each other.
I can sense their intent to kill me but reframe under the Scarlet Despair command.
She's certainly not an easy opponent to get a rise or provoke sensing the Magic spells at the ready depending on the motion of how we react determining each reaction with countermeasures against each other.
Ultimately if I was alone, she would've attacked but…
My eyes gazed at Athena who had her weapons at the ready to attack immediately using our conversation as a distraction.
Even Irene realized how much Magic Power Athena has within her comparable to even Zeref sensing his Magic Power from Tenrou Island.
Her firearms at the ready that even Irene would try to analyze the situation as I sighed starting the conversation stopping Athena from attacking her, "Sigh… Athena, can you please not kill her? She's the mother of a friend of mine. But if she attends to attack or capture you have my full permission to engage if need be."
Athena nodded agreeing unsure of the events voicing her concern of me choosing to talk rather than fight, "Very well… but let this be known this is a bad idea."
I know.
Gazing my eyes at the Scarlet Despair her expression changed calculating me clinching her staff tightly but intrigued curiously asking, "What do you plan to do by discussing things with me? What is your aim in this approach."
Smirking at this I decided to voice my idea in a happy tone, "I come to bargain with you."
She raised her eyebrow at this as Heine responded at the ready-to-attack voicing her disdain of me, "My lady-sama. These smells of a trap this man is playing Irene-sama."
Juliet on the other hand has her <Mucus Magic> at the ready disgusting me and playfully wishing for a showdown, "But miss Irene this guy is totally weak, right? Doesn't it make sense that the Machia would be the one to defeat the massive Magic Power down below?"
Seems like her squad members aren't as perceptive as their creator seems to be placing her hand over her chin but not letting her guard down in the slightest, "No Juliet. It would've taken more time for her to defeat the Dragon God below. No…. rather I won't let my guard down on both of them. But returning to your earlier question what would you gain by bargaining with someone such as me?"
Smiling at this I merely responded a few words that made her eyes narrowed at me with doubt hinted in them, "I could return you normal. Your real human physical body without Dragon Slayer Magic nor the seed to contaminate you again."
Her eyes examined me intently trying to search for any lies.
The thing is I'm not in the least.
My training using Enchant and especially <Separation Enchant> allows me to separate things ranging from everywhere including certain things from people's souls.
Had trial and error using Dark Mages or Zeref's demons personally that deserve such fates.
But I don't need my <Separation Enchant> to take out her Dragon Seed forming within since I can cut it out of her without harming the main body because my swordsmanship surpasses the human limits.
Just one swing from my blade or any blade and woosh…The battle ended in one move.
Eventually, I managed to do it after practice and some guidance under the Moon Dragon getting her weapon against her enemy and explaining her goal of living a quiet life as a human only attacking in the name of self-defense after the damages she caused in other worlds.
But I'm not a man who seeks justice as it's not my concern since she helped me get stronger in return.
In the end, she got what she wanted. And I have my peaceful life intact.
She helped hone and train me to be quite the formidable weapon against her enemies and used our bond over the years over my head not to kill her.
Selene knows deep down that I'm grateful to her, but she knows her limits. Although I should remain focused on this current conversation at hand.
Irene's eyes narrowed at me calculating the offer I presented her temptation in her eyes but remaining firm in calculating me soon responded in a curious tone, "And what do I get in return hypothetically speaking? Say if or when you can what do you gain in return?"
Smiling at this I responded in a calm tone revealing a magic seal paper and narrowing her eyes at me seeing the paper, "What I want is for you to be my spy for me in the Alvarez Empire. We will be bonded on this Magic Contract. This contract is absolute with both parties agreeing."
Irene soon cast her spell on the magic paper casting her magic in a serious tone, "<Deus Zero>."
That's Irene spell <Deus Zero> an Enchantment that allows the user to negate another Enchantment.
However though…
Irene's eyes widened in shock seeing my Enchantment remained intact but what she spoke next certainly smiled recognizing multiple power sources, "Magic? No… Spirit Arts and Curse Power?!"
Curtly nodding to her shock, I explained to her touching the paper is not the usual cheap kind but one meant to last for eternity at least till I cancel it myself, "Bingo! Just by trying to enchant it, you recognized the other power sources. Truly deserving of the Queen of Dragons that created Dragon Slayer Magic."
Her eyes narrowed at me trying to figure out how I had done it. To be frank it was easier to enchant than one would expect.
You simply must recall what fuels Curse Power for example.
Whilst similar to Magic in several regards, Curses are more foul a notion supported by the fact that Curses are run off of negative emotions and are superior in the regard that they, and those who utilize them, are unaffected by Magic-canceling/nullifying objects.
Also, like Magic, Curses come in a wide variety a concept of which I took advantage in taking a jack of all trades like Magic.
Curses are accordingly run off Curse Power, which in and of itself is the manifestation of powerful, negative human emotions, that can be accumulated into Cursed Energy that allows Curse users to employ Curses.
Like Magic Power, Curse users can store their Curse Power within their bodies and employ it to cast various techniques. The amount of power they can have has been limited, and overuse of their power will render them drained of strength and stamina should they exhaust most of their Curse Power.
Since one needs Curse Power to perform curses, one must understand Curse Energy. Like Ethernano/Mana for Magic, Cursed Energy is the negative essence that one uses to create Cursed techniques and spells, accumulated from the negative emotions of humans such as resentment, jealousy, hatred, vengeance etc. being said to have been founded on the essence of life.
Implied to be superior to Ethernano in the form that it lacks any known form of weaknesses associated with Magic, such as the users being subjugated by Magic Sealing Stones. Cursed Energy is also unaffected by Magical Barrier Particles; thus its users bear no risk of Magic Deficiency Disease or its fatal effects.
Like Magic, Cursed Energy is seemingly stored in a container within the user's body that determines the limit of their Cursed Power, and the user can be rendered weak in power and stamina should they exhaust most of their supply of Cursed Energy.
When you understand that all I needed to do was Enchant an object with my human soul containing Curse Energy within creating a Cursed Weapon or Curse-Based attack onto my magic but that's later.
Her eyes analyze my claims frowning seeing she won't be able to destroy my Enchantment that easily now unless she figures out how to use Spirit Arts or Cursed Power.
My eyes got alerted by the roar in the distance taking my eyes away from Irene as she did the same seeing the approaching massively pissed-off dragon coming feeling the intense heat in the distance ever increasing.
That was when Irene took her cue to leave sensing the massive Magic Power difference tossing me a communication Lacrima into the palm of my hand responding in a cold tone, "You best not lie. Survive this encounter and will continue your discussion once things have been settled, you foolish man. <Vanish>."
She teleported away as she spoke the spell smirking at this not knowing this spell muttering to myself happily, "Heh. The old hag has a few new tricks to make up for losing her hoard of tomes and Grimoires but…"
Turning my attention to the incoming anger of the Fire Dragon God Ignia rushing towards me I told Athena to provide support in a serious tone, "Athena do me a favor and attack from a distance. I'll take care of the 4thDragon God one-on-one while you aim for his vitals if things get bad."
Athena nodded in a serious tone going into her battle form changing while flying away to take her distance, "Affirmative. Best not to die friend I'll provide the best support I can perform for your safety and yet I feel like it's unneeded."
Smart girl.
Flying away taking her distance I began to point my finger at myself using a spell targeting myself grinning and bearing my teeth muttering to myself in a proudful tone, "Time to see this spell I plan to use against Acnologia be used against you Fire Dragon. You'll be test subject number 1 so please don't die being weak. <Enchant Infinity: Berserker>."
[The Enchant <Berserker> has been cast on the player!]
[Strength steadily increasing infinitely!]
[Loss of sentience increasing!]
[Skill <Indominable Spirit> negates the loss of sentience!]
[Strength steadily increasing infinitely!]
[Strength steadily increasing…]
It's time to unleash my fatal spell… ultimate muscle.
Time to become the Hulk.
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