Chapter 109: The Battle of Fairy Tail (6)
~Evergreen POV~
It seems like Bickslow and Fried lost to the newbie.
Looking at the news on the screen it seems like it's up to the TRUE fairy queen for the job.
It appears that Erza and Mystogan have both appeared at such a fortunate time for them. It wouldn't be a very enlightening festival if it wasn't.
That was when my eyes caught said queen of the fairies a title that should rightfully belong to me running around the streets.
How she got out of the stone statues I may not know but this does bring me the perfect opportunity for me to launch my revenge.
What a perfect chance to show her place.
Conjuring my <Fairy Magic> forming it into spears using <Fairy Maker> Magic creating them into different shapes conjuring spears as I waved my fan down following my spears in the process.
Erza managed to dodge my attacks getting her attention and showing my superiority towards my lesser for the title in a prideful tone, "I thought you'd still be in stone! How'd you escape? Not that it matters. It just means that I get to have more fun!"
Her eyes glared at me in her usual armor drawing her swords and calling out my name, "Evergreen!"
Ah yes, the call to my name is nice.
But it won't save her of my wrath I'll bring to her.
Erza getting to my nerves I began to speak to her while I had the high ground advantage to avoid her attacks, "You really annoy me!! Why do you get to be Titania, Queen of the Fairies?! After all, I'm the greatest… of the fairies in this –"
"Boo, you stink!"
Oh, what the hell again?!!
Who keeps throwing tomatoes at me!!
When I get my hands on the bastard, I swear to God he will face my –
I'm gonna commit murder.
I will KILL the son of a bitch who keeps throwing tomatoes at me!!
As if answering my question, I listened to the bastard coming into view revealing himself to me with my eyes twitching, "Then why not say it to my face?!"
Silva FUCKING Knights…
Erza on the other hand is happy with his appearance as he casually looks surprised waving at her with a slight blush, "O-Oh hey Erza! Glad to see you and a great job at the Miss Fairy Tail contest…"
Erza merely fist pumped into the air…
I felt like I was a third wheel here.
The gull of these two!!
But first my revenge on the bastard who dared to interrupt my performance…!
And the bastard that dared to tarnish me with tomatoes –
I avoided another tomato directed at me with the bastard's smug grin on his face…
Genocide or fire…
I heard either one is the best cleanser to take care annoying best.
Producing <Fairy Magic> from my body I regained my calm mind with Erza looking confused before Silva voiced in concern immediately blowing away my dust with a puff of wind, "Erza! Watch out she's using <Fairy Magic>! Don't let that stuff touch you unless you feel like getting blown up!"
I merely shot a glare at the man while he began to raise his sword.
Laxus was correct to expect something from him possibly knowing our Magic and skills with his specialization of Eye Magic.
Although now that's his looking in my way I can use my <Stone Eyes> to petrify him – ow!
Feeling a bite from my rear I then noticed a small presence within the tomatoes as Silva grinned wickedly as he innocently spoke causing me to freeze on the spot, "Whoops…? I'm sorry it seems like some ants have entered inside the Tomato. So sorry about that!"
Feeling the ants beginning to crawl all over my gorgeous body I could only see red looking at the bastard taking out a food tray as he opened it to summon more ants?!!
What kind of prank or Magic Tool would need such a weapon?
Releasing more of the <Fairy Magic> dust lying around at the coming ants I have had it with the boy long enough, "You annoying pest!! How dare you – Ack!!"
Not before too long I was suddenly brought close to Erza as she swung her fist at me crashing through a nearby wall catching me by surprise with my eyes widening.
I wasn't the only one as I noticed Silva's emotion of surprise overhearing Erza's surprise with a confident smirk on her face, "Have to say didn't think using <Telekinesis> on my foes would be this useful. Perhaps I should use this method more often than flinging my swords for surprise attacks."
I'm sorry but what?
Was she always that decent with such a supportive spell?
Managing to get up I overhear more of their conversation with Silva being impressed by Erza's use of a measly Telekinesis Spell, "I see you finally decided to use your first Magic huh? I usually see you only use Sword or Requip Magic. Sure, got me surprised to see it in action though. Good versatility I'd say."
Erza being blunt thanked Silva for the compliment given to her inspired by one of his ideas to use her apparent original Magic, "It got even you surprised? In that case, I'm flattered by your words then. I never really tried it on my enemy only grabbing objects and chucking them never occurred I can grab them myself though. Still working out the kinks and how to employ it in my normal fighting style."
I have had enough!!
I won't be standing idly by their gossip any longer!!
Producing more Magic from my body I began to pronounce my spell attack, "<Fairy Magic -!"
Nighty night…
~Silva K. POV~
"[Winner: Silva Knight]"
"[Evergreen: Has been retired.]"
[You gain 150 EXP]
That takes care of Evergreen now comes the final step dealing with Laxus next.
But first….
Name: Silva Knight
Class: The Gamer
Race: Human
Title: Fairy Tail Wizard
Level: 44 Exp: 150/300%
HP: 4400/4400
MP: 4300/4400
STR: 100+1= 101 (+30)
AGI: 114+1= 115(+15)
VIT: 102+1= 103 (+45)
INT: 100+1= 101
SEN: 104+1= 105
LUCK: 100
Stat Points: 0
Cash: 300,000J
Feeling more confident with my stats I turn my attention towards Erza as she looks shocked seeing Archer finish the shot with Sleep Bullet explaining, "Don't worry Evergreen is knocked out. And speaking of issues with the girls… <Dispel>."
[The effects of <Stone Eye> Spell has been dispelled!]
Content I explained to Erza the effects of her spell should be dispelled causing her to sigh her breath in relief replying, "Whew… what a relief then. The girls would soon return to normal. Now then…"
Her expression shifts to one of concern but determination asking me the direct question like always, "In that case, I believe you already know where Laxus is located then?"
I merely nodded in agreement pointing her in the direction while avoiding the <Jutsu Shiki> based traps apart of the town.
And I can't wait for the finale of the Battle of Fairy Tail to end while I start preparing for the next arc.
Better beware Laxus were coming for you next.
~Third POV~
Suddenly breaking free from her stone trap Lucy along with the rest of the girls soon returns to normal again as soon as Evergreen is defeated Lucy notices herself, "Huh? What is this?"
Seeing the rest of the girls return to normal Natsu yells out happily seeing them all safe and sound from Evergreen's spell on them, "Yeah!!!! You're back to normal!"
"Huh? What?"
Regaining their composure Makarov notices the screen that Fried left for them to see as he grins seeing the exact words he hopefully wanted to see.
"[Winner: Silva Knight]"
"[Evergreen: Has been retired.]"
Makarov had a happy grin on his face seeing another member of the Thunder Tribe fall as he thought to himself, 'Well done! Now all the hostages are freed! What'll you do now Laxus?! You have no more pieces left to play!'
Mavis observing this sighs happily at the development witnessing the actions done thinking to herself, 'Seems like Silva finally managed to take care of Laxus and done what he said. Taking them out one by one… but…'
Her eyes gaze towards Makarov while excited that the situation was almost over he clenched his chest as if hiding his pain…
Elsewhere seeing the news Laxus's eyes bulge and grits his teeth in clear rage seeing another one of his members get defeated with veins popping out of him, "….!!!!! Damn it….!!!!!"
Slamming his fist on one of the pillars of the Kardina Cathedral growling as sparks of electricity overflowing out him in clear outrage, "How could Evergreen be defeated by the likes of Erza of all people and that newbie!! Huh?!! When did you get this weak Evergreen?!!!"
After Laxus launched a lightning attack near the pillar of the Kardina Cathedral he regained his composure with a feral grin on his face, "It's not over yet… I haven't played all my cards yet and now comes the important piece…"
Laxus then calms down as he talks to himself his expression turns cold waiting for the first few to come to him, "It isn't over!!! If the Thunder Tribe was this weak I never needed them!! My Fairy Tail doesn't need weak people like them!!"
With those thoughts in his head, he activated his trump card ensuring the remaining members would fight.
No matter what.
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