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70.31% Evolution System in High School of The Dead / Chapter 43: Judgement

Bab 43: Judgement

According to the directions he had gotten, they weren't too far away from the settlement. Apparently, they lived in a construction site they had cleared of zombies. They lived in the second floor and, since there were no stairs, they used a rope to go up and down.

Ryo could see the construction site thanks to his sense of sight, so he stopped the bust a few blocks away and began explaining to the girls what was going to happen. Of course, he signed everything he said for Shouko.

"Those of you who don't feel bothered by the idea of killing people can come with me" he said with a calm yet serious face. He was clearly not joking around. "I'm going to kill any strong man I see, but I'm rushing straight for their leader"

Saeko, Hiratsuka, Yuriko, Miku and Rei and Shizuka asked to go with him. Saya and Shouko wanted to go, but they both knew they weren't ready to kill a living person. Saya and Shouko still wanted to help, so they what they could. Though being honest, Shouko being cute and standing there was more than enough to raise morale.

"Rika, I want you in a roof that gives you clear view of the open walls" Ryo said, his tone nothing like the one she had heard before. It felt like talking to the Grand Marshal of the Japanese Empire all over again, just that she knew Ryo was more dangerous. "Got it, Ryo"

"Saya and Shouko, you can come with us. You might now act but... you still have to see what'll happen" Ryo said terminantly. The adults wanted to argue with him, but they understood that he was right. They... "You have to get used to it. This is the world we live in now"

His words seemed to shock Kururu, who opened her eyes wider for less than a second. Ryo noticed this, but didn't comment or act on it.

"Everyone get ready. Saya, Shouko, stay far enough to not have to engage. Kururu... *sigh*"

In the end he didn't finish his words, sighing when he noticed the girl had already gotten out of the bus.


Masao Murasako was a seventeen years old teen with one huge quirk. He thought the universe spun around him and, when something didn't go his way, he was victim. When the apocalypse happened, he was extremely happy. After all, he was able to kill his family, who had turned their backs on him. And he was able to do it twice! One when they were humans and once again as zombies.

He kept his little cousin as a zombie pet, to remind him of his place. After all, Masao's life of pleasure and pampering ended when he was born. One day, more by chance than anything, he ended up drinking a liquid out of a zombies brain. He suffered extreme pain, but pushed through. After all, he was the center of the universe. No pain should be able to bring him down.

That was when he realized he had evolved. He was beyond humans. He truly was one chosen to be above all others. He, Masao Murasako, was a heaven-sent child, destined to rule over others!

At first it was a small group of people. But by the end of the week, he already had 20 followers! Of couse, he didn't give the liquid to any of them. He was supposed to always be the strongest, so nobody would ever think of betraying him. In the last week, he and his followers began kidnapping females from the area. Masao played with them until they broke, and they gave them to his followers to enjoy themselves. The lower floor, where they threw the bodies of the girls that no longer worked properly, was littered with corpses.

When they stopped being useful to his followers, Masao had them killed.

"*sigh*... such a fine life of debauchery... of course only I am deserving of such pleasures..."

"Murasako-sama!" one of his followers called for him urgently.

Masao's mood instantly soured. He was enjoying one of his monologues!

"What do you want?!" he screamed, clearly angry at his follower. The soldier, scared of his Lord, answered stutteringly. "P-People! P-People came and began attacking!"

"HUH?! Who dares attack MY base?!" he yelled, even more angry than before. "Preposterous! How many?!"

"J-Just ten! Eight women, one sniper and a man!" the soldier answered hurriedly, not wanting to earn Masao's ire himself. Masao's answer was, instead on angry, one of delight. "Oho? Eight... so many toys to break!"


Ryo entered the construction site without a care in the world. The girls were behind him, blades in hand. Ryo was glad that the place had no walls, since it meant he could use his weapon extended.

Three men ran towards him. The one on the left tried to hit him with a bat, but Ryo just slapped him away with the read end of the RH-15, breaking one of his arms at shoulder-height. The one that came from the right attacked with a knife, but lost both hands as soon as he came into Ryo's range. The last one ran away, towards where Masao was. Ryo just allowed him to do, since that way, Masao would come to him.

The girls had killed everyone else in the place, leaving only the leader alive. They were disgusted when they passed the first floor. There were at least twenty corpses, stacked on top of each other and on full display, as if they were trophies. Shouko and Saya were crying, while Rei held it in. Miku wondered if she would've ended up like one of them, had Ryo not saved her. Saeko felt disgust, since it wasn't the act of a man, but the act of a beast. Yuriko shared her reaction. Hiratsuka looked at Ryo, wondering how he felt about it. Shizuka, the bubbly nurse, was not bubbly at all, looking extremely saddened by the sight.

They were surprised when Kururu spoke.

"This is how we end up" she said with the same emotionless voice. Ryo, who was paying attention, felt someone getting closer, but still paid attention to the girl. "He plays with us, then throws us as leftover to his men... until we become numb and get killed"

"Hehehe... HAHAHAHA!" someone laughed from behind them. When they turned around, they all saw Masao. Ryo though, was still looking at Kururu. She was cowering in fear, trembling at his sight. "That is right, Kuru-chan. You are toys for us to enjoy..."

He looked around and noticed all his men were dead. Their corpses were maimed and mangled. Blood sprayed everywhere, bathing the concrete floor.

"How useless could they be... for a bunch of weaklings to kill them" Masao said as he stared with no interest at his men's dead bodies. "But on the other hand... now I have many toys to play with... Ehehehe~"

"All I have to do is kill you, and they will all be my playthings" he continued his monologue. Ryo's eyes were covered by his hair, but the air around him shifted. The girls felt like Ryo wasn't there anymore. It wasn't even anger anymore. "Hehehehe... they look so delicious... I'll nejoy breaking them plentily!"


Everyone in the place could hear it. Ryo had moved faster than Masao could read and propered him one hard punch in the nose. The sound of his bridge breaking was so strong that even Shouko, who was deaf, could hear it. He had dropped the RH-15

"How?! How can you hurt me?!" Masao asked, clearly shocked. His brain couldn't process what was happening. After all, he was the evolved one. He was the heaven-sent man destined to rule... "I am above all humans now! I have evolved!"

He tried to hit Ryo with a punch, but his technique and his body where so poor that it wouldn't have landed even on Shouko, who had only trained for a week.

"Guess what, mate" Ryo said in a chilling tone. It wasn't sarcastic, sardonic. It was cold, emotionless. "You're not special at all"

What followed was something that most parents wouldn't allow their children to see. Ryo began hitting the man in very accurate places, providing him the most pain possible without killing him.


"AAAAHH! MY LEG! MY LEG!" Masao screamed in pain after Ryo broke one of his legs, right in the femur. Quickly after, he propered another kick to the tibia. As if that wasn't enough, he stepped on Masao's foot, breaking any bone in it. "AAAAHHHH!"

The beatdown continued, with Ryo repeating the same process with Masao's other leg. Kururu was surprised, hearing the screams of pain of the person that had tortured her. She couldn't believe her eyes at first, but after the third or fourth scream, it was clear that the sight in front of her was real.

Ryo decided that just beating this guy up, like he had done to Shido, was too little. As such, he decided to go a little further.

"Miku, hand me on of the Twins" he said with his still cold voice. When Masao saw what the "Twins" were, his face contorted in fear. "Shizuka, come over here for a bit... I need your knowledge"

When the nurse approached, Ryo pointed to a certain place in Masao's arm. "Is this place lethal?"

Shizuka took a second to understand his question, but when she understood, she said it wasn't. In the same manner, Ryo began pointing to different places. When he had confirmed all the non-lethal places he cared about, his job began.

"One" he said as he cut into Masao's flesh slowly, without reaching too deep. "One cut for each of them"

"AAAAHHHH!!" Masao screamed as he felt the knife penetrate his skin and tear through his flesh. He had pissed himself the moment he realized he was weak. He blamed the universe, of course. after all, he was the victim. "P-Please stoAAAAAHHH!!"

"Hm? Did you want to ask for forgiveness?" Ryo said while he gave Masao a third cut, this time close to the neck. "You don't have that right, mate"

Twenty cuts. Twenty cuts Ryo made in Masao's body, each done slowly, with calculated depth. When Ryo looked at the job he had done, he was amazed. Masao was a bloody mess with two crippled legs and an unrecognizable face.

"Unluckily, I can't give the twenty first cut" Ryo said as he looked at Kururu. "It is yours to give"

Kururu opened her eyes wide in surprise. They were still inexpressive, but they had recovered their light. she slowly walked towards Ryo, grabbing the weapon in his hand. She walked the last step towards Masao and, just when he was about to beg for his life, mercilessly stabbed his head. And again, and again, and again. Ryo had counted exactly twenty.

Shaking, Kururu dropped the bloodied weapon to the floor. Sobbing, she dropped to her knees. Ryo, who had just sat by her side, was surprised when she turned towards him for support and began crying on his chest.

He couldn't help but feel relief when he saw she could still cry her emotions out.

"It's okay... he won't hurt you ever again..."


A little bit less bloody than before? I don't know. Was it satisfying though? Tell me in the comments.

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