"You had fun?" - Asagi growled in annoyance as she crossed her arms.
"..." - I have the right to remain silent.
"I made the girls go to school early as a certain perverted idiot forgot to activate the barriers to isolate the sound" - The anger in Asagi's voice deepened making me feel like a child being scolded by his mother. - "Do you have any idea how uncomfortable it was to have breakfast with a group of teenage girls in heat who were turned on by the moans of the maid? I had to ask Enma to use cleaning magic on them as they reeked of pheromones"
"..." - I lowered my head feeling guilty. - "I'm sorry, I gave in to temptation"
Asagi let out a deep breath. - "It doesn't bother me that you have sex with Olga, this was inevitable..."
Asagi approached me and hugged me gently putting my head between his large breasts. That my height is short sometimes is not so bad.
"I already told you, you can have all the women you want as long as you don't forget me" - Asagi spoke gently, I wanted to tell her that that was impossible, but she stopped me from talking. - "And yes, I know you will not abandon me and I love you for that, but even so I hope you can show consideration for the girls who now live with us"
I sighed and pulled my head away from her breasts. - "I understand, I'll be more careful"
"That's good" - Asagi smiled. - "Oh, one more thing"
"What's the matter?" - I smiled and fixed my tie since I'm late to go to work, I'll have breakfast on the way.
"Where is Olga?" - Asagi looked at me with irony and mockery.
"..." - I looked away. - "I left her resting in her room ..."
"Do you have a fetish for making women swoon for pleasure?" - Asagi looked at me like I was a degenerate.
"No, it's just that I can't help it" - I felt uncomfortable with the talk.
"Well, what happens is your penis feels too good" - Asagi said something outrageous as if it were something natural.
"Aren't you ashamed to say that out loud?" - I don't have the Japanese mentality to be ashamed of holding hands with a girl, but talking openly about my sex life is strange.
I took my briefcase and a bento that Anida prepared so that I could have breakfast on the way, then I went to the car in front of my house where the driver was waiting for me to go to the academy.
"Why should I be ashamed? On the contrary, I am proud to be with you "- Asagi got into the car next to me while I started eating the bento. - "You cook at the level of a world-class chef, even though you are a millionaire, you are not materialistic or superficial and you are even kind, I heard that most of the kind and noble men normally have a terrible sexual performance, but in your case, calling you sexual monster is an understatement ... "
Are the good men in this world failures when it comes to sex?
Stupid world with NTR hentai logic….
Wait, so the kind protagonists follow the logic of the NTR doujins where their penises are microscopic while the waifus are easy to corrupt through sexual pleasure?
Oh God, I have a feeling that I just discovered something that was best ignored.
"Now that I think about it" - Asagi's uncomfortable voice snapped me out of my paranoid thoughts. - "Although your appearance as a perverted and pedophile man can scare younger girls, if more women knew you thoroughly it would not be strange if they fell in love with you or at least looked for a stable relationship, especially women of age to be mothers ... "
Asagi, for God's sake, stop, you're raising a very dangerous flag.
"Now I'm worried" - Asagi frowned.
"And I'm scared, please stop raising flags" - I tried to focus on my food so as not to think that my life was turning into harem hentai.
"You're right, it's better not to think about these things" - Asagi sighed so I could continue eating calmly.
While I was concentrating on my food, Asagi asked me a question. - "Who do you consider that she is the most beautiful woman?"
"Lala ...… Ahem, ah, um… Ahem ..." - I felt like my heart was about to stop.
"So Lala is the one that best suits your tastes? That explains why you were smiling when she said that she would be your wife… "- Asagi showed a smile that was not a smile.
I said her name unconsciously, although Kiara is certainly the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, Lala has a special place in my heart, which is why it makes me feel strange to see how that cute and clumsy girl is becoming a pervert.
Lala was one of my 3 favorite waifus as I watched the To Love Ru anime when I was in the depths of my depression. I could say that watching Lala's antics was the one thing that helped me the most to avoid suicide in my past life and I even had a dakimakura from her.
As for my first two waifus, they would be Yuno Gasai and Monika. I admit it, my tastes are strange, but I liked to fantasize that a girl could love me to the point of madness and that she would never betray me…. Although now that I'm experiencing it with Enma I must say that a yandere is more terrifying than cute.
By the way, the Doki Doki Literature Club game exists in this world and I even funded the game developers to make an official demo that allows having a Monika route, it should be ready within a week.
The rest of the way Asagi did not speak to me again making me anxious. When we finally got to the academy parking lot, I couldn't bear the silence anymore so I spoke up to apologize. - "I'm sorry, it's just that Lala…. I don't know, I have affection for her, but that doesn't mean that I don't think you're beautiful, each person has their own quality, and what I like the most about you is not your extraordinary beauty, but your direct and sometimes a little mocking personality "
Asagi was looking out the window so I couldn't see her face, even though her ear was turning red.
"You are forbidden to use those kinds of words casually" - Asagi left those words and then disappeared.
… Well, it looks like I dodged a bullet, and seeing Asagi acting tsundere is always cute since she is not a violent tsundere, as I hate violent tsundere.
"Yamada-sama, have a good day" - The voice of the driver pulled me out of my happy thoughts.
I smiled and got out of the car to go to school.
"AAAAAHHHHH! Save me! "
"Somebody help us! We are innocent! "
"This is violating human rights!"
"Shut up garbage!"
As I approached the entrance of the main building, I heard desperate screams and a familiar voice full of disdain and coldness.
I was curious about what was happening and went to see why there was so much commotion even though it was class time.
The noise was coming from the main courtyard. In the center of the courtyard, there were 15 wooden posts to which 15 male adolescents dressed in the uniform of the academy were tied, it was something similar to a witch trial.
Maybe it's because I've had a lot of things on my head that even if those guys looked familiar to me, I couldn't recognize them, but I'm sure they're anime characters, I could only recognize Rito and his stupid spike-haired friend whose name frankly I don't care.
Leading the group of boys who were tied up like witches at a stake was three schoolgirls, a beautiful black-haired girl with a look colder than a penguin's butt, an energetic girl with blonde hair and shorts under her skirt, and a girl with white hair and big breasts who would easily be mistaken for a porn actress.
The Prison School student council was about to execute Rito…. I want to laugh, but if something happens to that fool then Mikan will be sad.
Most importantly, why has no teacher stopped this show?
Is the logic of the anime where the student council has more power than the government is affecting the rationality of the teachers?
As the responsible adult that I am, I want to go and leave this problem to someone else ...
"Principal! Principal has to save us! "
One of the boys whose name I do not know saw me and began to scream desperately as if he were a Jew in a Roman Coliseum.
The boy's scream made Mari turn to see me making the hair on the back of my neck stand up, this girl is intimidating.
"Principal, I'm glad you're here" - Mari spoke coldly. - "I was looking for you since early but since you did not appear I decided to fix this problem on my own"
"I see you did ..." - I looked at the group of guys who looked so pitiful that I couldn't laugh.
Why are there crows flying around them as if they were going to devour them?
"Are you doing a play on the witch trials?" - I tried to joke to relax the atmosphere, but Mari seemed to lack the ability to show any expression other than coldness.
This girl has a Chinese novel cultivator complex.
"It seems that the director is in the mood to joke" - Mari showed a subtle smile so threatening that she could make a baby cry. - "However, this is not a play, this group of degenerates dared to spy on the girls' locker rooms for which they should be punished"
… Oh, now I remember, 5 of the guys who were tied to poles were the main cast of Prision School.
Even when this academy is not inhabited almost exclusively by women, the cast of Prision School still tried the stupidity of spying on the girls.
It seems that the group of 5 perverts had grown to 15, these fools are evolving…. Although in reality Rito is not a pervert and he only had the bad luck of having Lucky Pervert at the same time as having a stupid friend.
Maybe not all these boys are perverts… Oh, there is the protagonist of Noucome, if I remember correctly that pitiful boy has to do ridiculous things because of a curse.
I sighed, I start to hate this job. - "Even if they deserve punishment for their actions, this is excessive, we are not in the Middle Ages"
The boys looked at me hopefully, only Rito looked at me with a complicated expression.
"Excessive?" - The coldness in Mari's smile increased. - "Does the principal intend to defend a group of scum that endangers the girls?"
"There are rules, they broke the rules and they must be punished" - I looked at Mari seriously. - "But the rules do not allow a public trial, this is not a punishment but a lynching"
Mari stopped smiling and her gaze turned sharp. - "Does the principal think that my methods are inadequate?"
"Not only inadequate but also excessive" - I did not back down, Mari's condescending attitude is starting to annoy me.
Mari and I looked at each other in silence, even the crows had landed on the posts and the ground without daring to make a sound.
"Principal, I don't see where I'm being excessive" - Mari crossed her arms. - "Trash should be treated like trash, I even think I'm being pious"
"Are you pious? Whats Next? Cover them in gasoline and build a fire like we're in Salem? " - I raised an eyebrow trying to contain the anger in my voice.
"That's not a bad idea ..." - The girl with the body of a porn actress murmured so Mari and I turned to see her.
Seeing our gazes, the girl began to sweat and took two steps back. - "I said nothing…."
Mari looked at me again. - "Leaving these garbage unpunished will allow more garbage to start doing what it wants, which would put the girls in danger"
"The scare tactics will only cause disagreement and resentment, if you only know how to resort to violence you can never be a suitable member of society" - My voice contained a bit of disdain that I could not hide.
I hate the mentality of solving all problems by force, I am a civilized person, not an animal or a cultivator, dialogue is more important than fists.
I selectively decided to forget the hate murders I have committed...
My words seemed to hit a sore spot in Mari and she stepped forward with a threatening expression. - "Suitable member of society? What are you going to know about that? You're just a…. "
"Be careful with your words young lady" - I interrupted Mari. - "I am not only an adult, but I am also the principal of this academy and even if you are an outstanding student, you are still only a student"
Mari clenched her teeth and fists hers tightly.
"Now that I think about it, the punishment of these guys should be in the hands of the discipline committee, not the student council" - I smiled making Mari grit her teeth. - "Are you abusing your authority?"
"..." - Mari opened her eyes and her body seemed to freeze.
I shook my head. - "I thought you would be more responsible, but it seems that power went to your head, that such a talented girl is taking advantage of her authority is disappointing"
I wanted to continue bothering Mari since her attitude was infuriating me, but I stopped when I heard a murmur.
Mari had lowered her head and apologized.
"Ahem, let's leave this matter, for now, I will take these guys to assign them a punishment" - I began to feel uncomfortable.
I'm not sure, but I think Mari was crying.
Did my words affect her that much?
I do not understand what is happening so all that remains is to do the most reasonable thing, to flee.
Mari did not raise her head, but the crows flew up and with quick movements cut the ropes that held the boys.
"Wea are free!"
"Thank you princpal!"
"Hahahaha take that bitch!"
Some of the guys started celebrating which made me frown. Kicking an enemy that is already on the ground disgusts me.
"Keep silence!" - My scream made the boys shut their mouths, even those who had remained calm stood firm as if they were soldiers.
I looked at Mari who kept her head down, making her hair cover her face so I couldn't see her expression
"Apologize to the president of the student council" - I ordered the boys who had celebrated.
"B-But principal..." - One of the boys trembled which made me angry.
"Even if she was wrong, what you did is still against the rules" - Another boy tried to say something so I made a gesture for him to be quiet. - "I don't care what reason or excuse you have, you did something wrong so you must face the consequences, now, now apologize to her"
The group of guys looked awkward so I frowned. - "If they do not apologize in the next 10 seconds they will all be expelled"
The boys turned pale and everyone bowed to apologize, some went beyond a conventional apology and made a dogeza. Even the guys who kept silent like Rito and the protagonist of Noucome bowed to apologize.
[Achievement obtained: Publicly humiliate more than 3 protagonists at the same time
Reward: Common Gacha Ticket. Lucky Gacha Ticket]
I ignored my stupid system and looked at Mari who hadn't moved in the slightest.
I don't know what's wrong with her so I sighed without knowing what to say to her. Maybe I touched on a sensitive subject so it would be nice if I apologize, but if I do so at this point the situation will become more complicated as several students had started to look out the windows to see the show.
"Later you can go to my office so we can talk" - was all I could say before gesturing to the troublesome kids. - "You come with me, we will talk about the punishment you will receive "
I took one last look at Mari and saw that her companions Meiko and Hana rushed to see what she was wrong with, hopefully, this will not become a big problem ...
(3rd person perspective)
In an office inside the Yamada Academy was a man with brown hair and a calm expression, this man was Gakuho Asano, the vice principal of the academy.
Gakuho was sitting in his office while he held a red crystal sphere that had the image of a man with an intimidating face.
"Are you sure?"
From the red sphere came a male voice.
"There is an 87% probability that my speculations are real" - Gakuho smiled as he took out his phone where a video was showing.
The video showed a fat middle-aged man who was arguing with a black-haired girl.
The man in the sphere frowned. - "The Satou I know is not an aggressive and impulsive man so it is possible that the drugs are having side effects"
"That is possible" - Gakucho smiled. - "It is also possible that he had stopped using the drug and now he is regaining his sanity"
The man in the sphere shook his head. - "I don't think so, Tanaka has confirmed that Satou is still a perverted idiot who only thinks about fucking women, although it seems that now Satou got bored with little girls and is beginning to be interested in mature women"
"What if Tanaka is working with Satou?" - Gakuho put his hand on his chin.
"That's impossible" - The man smirked. - "Satou is too stupid and Tanaka is a complete coward, it is impossible for them to work together"
"Mmmm, what if someone is manipulating them?" - Gakuho began to think more deeply.
"Who could try to use Satou?" - The man looked skeptical. - "Without counting the small unimportant groups, in this city, there are only 3 groups that oppose us, the yakuza, the Shinomiya Family and the Kengan Association"
"You forget the supernatural groups" - Gakuho smiled. - "Doesn't it seem strange to you that Satou suddenly gave shelter to hundreds of demihumans?"
"Satou always had luck finding unusual people, if he met a whole world full of sexually active girls and he fucked that whole world it would not seem strange to me" - The man was still skeptical.
Gakuho shrugged. - "Anyway, Satou is acting strange, Black Label is becoming more dangerous, the spies we had here disappeared without a trace and now this is a refuge for demihumans. Call me paranoid, but there is something strange here"
"That's true" - The man nodded. - "I will send someone to investigate"
"Wait" - Gakuho hastened to stop the man. - "Even if Satou is an idiot, his bodyguards are not a joke besides that the monsters who work for him have always respected him so it will be a problem to face them when our group is scattered all over the world"
"Our group?" - The man smirked. - "You are intelligent and you have been useful, but do not forget your place, you are not yet part of our Club"
Gakuho smiled as if he didn't care as his fists clenched under the desk where the man couldn't see him.
"Anyway, I'll take charge of investigating" - The man took out a cigarette and began to smoke. - "In case you are preparing the plan to dismiss Satou, I have already spoken with the police department so they will cooperate with us to arrest Satou"
Gakuho smiled with delight. - "Sure, I have everything ready"
The red sphere dimmed, turning transparent. Gakuho moved his hand making the sphere disappear and then settled back in his chair with a smile. - "Am I not part of the Club? Ha, this is just the beginning ... "
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