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44.32% Even if I am an Ugly Bastard I want to be a good person (English) / Chapter 40: Chapter 40: Curious Girls

Bab 40: Chapter 40: Curious Girls

(3rd person POV)

After Satou and the women returned home, Satou spent the rest of the day giving Mikan cooking classes. Although the cute little girl had managed to calm down when they reached the mansion, it was obvious that her mood was not good.

Rinka, Saki, Kei, and Lala were talking and spending time with Mikan to help her which helped the brown-haired girl a lot, but what touched the girl's heart the most was the feeling of having a group that was willing to help her.

At home, Mikan had taken on the role of a responsible adult, always taking care of others and no one taking care of her. Even among her friends and classmates, she has always been the responsible girl that teachers cover with praise but cannot play with her friends as a normal girl since even her friends saw her as an overly mature girl for children's games.

In Satou's mansion, Mikan felt safe. It was not because that place was sheltered by monsters born from the darkest nightmares of a lonely child, it was not because Satou's financial heritage ensured that not even the government could harm her, no, the reason why Mikan felt safe was that for the first time she could be a little girl who should not care for others, and others were willing to protect her.

Actually, Mikan's decision to leave her home and move in with Satou was not only because of the fear that the people at the Auction would kidnap her again.

It was also not because of an impulsive act born of the pain of being put aside by her own parents.

The real reason Mikan moved into the mansion was that the mansion and its inhabitants had given her the sense of security that only a true family can give.

Asagi was a protective and strict mother. Anida was a middle ground between a mother and a nanny who always looked after and spoiled the girls at the mansion.

Kei, Loli Enma, Lala, Elena, Rinka, and Saki were sisters who could be kind, aggressive, intelligent, cunning, cruel, affectionate, funny, but mainly, and even if it was for different reasons, they all took care of Mikan.

Enma, Kiara, and Saku were the aunts who could be playful and nice at times, but most of the time they were scary.

The three of them were terrifying women either because of their personalities or appearances, but Mikan was clear that they were dangerous since they were strong, and even if they sometimes made cruel comments against her, Mikan felt safe with them since as long as Satou lived those three women would do anything to protect that strange family.

Speaking of Satou, Mikan didn't know how to describe that strange man.

His appearance was that of a perverted pedophile with obvious overweight problems, even when he was calm it was difficult to take him seriously since his appearance was a joke.

His stature was short, just a little taller than Mikan, his physique was more like a pig than a person, his bald head shone like a bowling ball, even his voice and his facial gestures were the same as a jester.

Physically Satou was a joke, and that's why Mikan at first thought it strange that such beautiful women as Asagi and Anida were in love with him, but with only one day of meeting him she understood. Satou can give suffering people what they want most, sincere comfort.

Satou is so childish that he can be a good friend, so loving that he sometimes seems like a mother, so protective that he can be a father, and most importantly, his skills in the kitchen and in bed make him a good husband.

Mikan before had not the slightest idea about relationships between men and women, she understood the basic theory of production, but she saw it in biology classes and mainly about reproduction between animals.

In the 5 days that Mikan was kidnapped by the Auction, she was educated to know the different types of positions during sex.

Although Mikan was not raped and still maintained her virginity, her intimate areas were stimulated as she was given aphrodisiacs to understand carnal pleasure while she was forced to watch other people fornicating to understand what she should do when someone will buy her.

Intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, bondage, erotic massages, service in the shower, stimulation in specific regions such as the earlobe and the nipples. Mikan watched all of this for 5 days without a break.

Although Mikan was able to keep her sanity and not become a child addicted to sex, her body began to crave a kind of carnal pleasure that masturbation could not satisfy.

The worst thing is that she was not the only one, Kei had experienced the same and to some extent, her libido was higher than Mikan's, perhaps because she was going through puberty.

The night had already come, after a long day Mikan was able to stabilize her emotions after living with the people of the mansion, now that it was the night she had met with the group of young girls of the mansion, Kei, Saki, Lala, Loli Enma, and Rinka. Elena was not present as she normally sleeps most of the day in Enma's secret dimension.

All six girls were dressed in cute pajamas and it looked like they were about to have a sleepover, but the expressions of anxiety, fear, anticipation, and excitement they displayed did not indicate a good thing.

"Here we go again" - Rinka smiled wryly.

"Shhh, we must not make noise" - Lala made a gesture of silence, but from her smile, it was obvious that she was playing.

"There is no need to be careful" - Loli Enma rolled her eyes. - "My adult self knows that we spy when they are fucking with Satou"

"We're not spying, it's just curiosity for scientific purposes ..." - Kei snorted in disgust trying to hide the shame she felt.

"Whatever you say" - Rinka smiled maliciously. - "It's good that you are so devoted to your studies, to think that you would masturbate like a bitch in heat while you look at Ojisan's cock, umu, a lot of scientific interest"

"Rinka you must not use bad words" - Saki began to scold Rinka as if she were her older sister, although legally she was.

"I'm sorry Saki-nee" - Rinka pretended to regret it, she didn't care about the opinion of other people other than Satou, but she needed to maintain her image as an obedient and adorable loli.

"Let's stop talking or we'll be late" - Mikan sighed and hurried her friends/sisters.

She felt uncomfortable with what they were about to do, but she couldn't help it, her body was crying out for it and although Mikan could bear it through willpower, the fight she had with her parents had weakened her self-control.

The six girls approached Satou's room, even from a distance they could hear the loud moans of pleasure, the sound of meat colliding with meat, and the creaking of the bed being shaken.

The girls swallowed hard, only Loli Enma seemed calm, of course, if one ignored the puddle of viscous fluids that wet her pajama pants.

The intense female moans they saw from the room were enough to make a prostitute feel ashamed, but for the six girls, it was like the melody of a siren that lured them to drown in the sea abyss.

The door to Satou's room was slightly open, barely enough for a single person to take a look, but that didn't stop the girls.

Lala took out a small camera, put it in the opening in the door, and then took out a futuristic-looking metal disk.

Lala put the disk on the ground and the disk displayed a holographic screen that transmitted images in high definition.

The carpet on the floor was so soft that a couple could lie down and fornicate all night without feeling discomfort so the girls sat on the floor and started staring at the screen.

On the screen, the scene that was seen could only be described as a porn movie.

The room was large, and although it was not excessively luxurious, it could be seen that it belonged to a person with money, the most remarkable thing was the huge bed that could accommodate 10 people at a time.

At one end of the bed was Anida, her curvy body stretched out on the bed as if she were unconscious. Her sweat covered her tanned skin giving her an erotic glow that would drive any man who saw her mad.

Her big breasts rose and fell with her calm breathing showing that she was asleep. Her expression showed a small smile despite the obvious weariness.

The most striking thing was the white fluid that spilled from the inside of her genitals. Whether it was the vagina or the anus, they both spilled the goo.

"She is always the first to fall" - Saki smiled wryly when she saw her maternal figure in an unconscious state for pleasure.

In her time with the Gentlemen's Club, Saki had seen and experienced all manner of sexual depravity. She was no stranger to these types of scenes where a woman was fucked unconscious.

At that time Saki witnessed how women cried from suffering and despair, she herself wished to die instead of continuing to be abused from dawn to dusk.

Most women went crazy losing themselves in carnal pleasure, forgetting themselves, and turning into sex toys that would be used until their owners were bored with them.

The difference with that scenario is that Saki could see that the women who had sex with Satou not only enjoyed overwhelming carnal pleasure, they felt genuinely loved and swooned with smiles satisfied with traces of sincere affection.

Rinka was more interested in Asagi's condition. The female ninja was curled up in the center of the bed with a smile, her naked body glistening from the beads of sweat that covered her, but that glow was overshadowed by the ring on her ring finger, a gold ring with a small emerald carved.

After the auction, Satou and Asagi grew closer to the point where Enma was joking that Asagi would be Satou's first wife.

Even though women in a romantic relationship with Satou didn't care that Asagi was the official wife, Rinka had her own thoughts.

Due to what Rinka suffered in the Gentlemen's Club, she thought that human beings were disposable objects, that her current happiness depended on the fact that Satou was interested in her, and most importantly, the day that Satou got bored of her, Rinka would return to that hell where several men abused her body every day.

Rinka did not love Satou, it was better to say that she revered him as some kind of deity. For her, Satou was her savior, her hope, and her future. If she lost Satou, she would commit suicide without hesitation.

Rinka was not jealous of Asagi, she saw herself as a disposable object so she was not worthy of being the wife of her savior.

Instead of jealousy, she was scared, scared that Satou would get bored with her and abandon her, so Rinka started thinking of ways to make Satou never leave her.

"..." - Mikan from her side looked with surprise at Enma who was lying on the ground while her body had small spasms.

Satou had stuffed Enma's butt like a Christmas turkey leaving her lying around like a rag doll.

Satou was kind and always cared about the well-being of the people she loved, the only reason Enma was in such a sorry state was because the most feared witch in the Underworld was a complete masochist who loved rough sex as if she were being raped.

Even though Satou was uncomfortable with Enma's masochistic fetish, he couldn't deny that acting rude helped him de-stress.

Just as Enma was a masochist, her teacher was a dominator.

Satou was lying on his back on the ground. Riding on his hip was Kiara who was wearing her demon priestess outfit.

Kiara's hips jerked violently as Satou's towering pillar invaded her small, pink, intimate cave.

Kiara was using her abilities as an embodiment of lust and pleasure, she was shaking her hips with enough enthusiasm to crush a normal man to death. Her big breasts were uncovered showing two cute pink nipples so beautiful that one could not take his eyes off them.

Despite the eroticism and depravity that Kiara's body exuded, her face could only be bought from a drug addict during an overdose.

The intimidating presence of Kiara had disappeared, now there was only a bitch in heat starving for sex unable to control her own moans.

Since the first time Kiara met Satou she had been furious at not being able to capture his mind and heart, she wanted Satou to be her sex slave for a couple of centuries and when she got bored of him she would eat his soul.

At first, Kiara only saw Satou as a toy, and even if he was interesting, he was only a disposable object.

But now it was different.

Kiara had admitted defeat, she completely lost. Her defeat was not because she experienced the best sex of her life, nor was it because Satou food was the best delicacy she has ever tasted in her long life, she lost because she failed in the greatest purpose of her life, she had fallen in love.

Kiara was a selfish woman who thought she was worthy of the love of all beings with emotions, she and only she should be loved by all beings with emotions in existence, but now she lost her motivation, or rather changed her motivation.

Now Kiara understood that the supposed love of her slaves was just lust without the slightest affection. All the sex she experienced in her long life was totally insignificant compared to spending an afternoon watching movies with Satou.

It was no longer just sex, she enjoyed spending time with Satou, and like Enma, she felt that for the first time she could love a living being.

Satou did not covet Kiara's body, he did not seek to use her as a weapon, he never forced her to do something she did not want even if he had the Command Seals. Satou respected her as a person and that was something new for Kiara, a very pleasant feeling for her.

As the girls watched the adults in the mansion having an orgy, they had all started to gasp for breath.

Loli Enma was the most cheeky, she did not mind being seen by the other girls, she put her small hand under her panties and began to masturbate. Since she shared her senses with Enma, she knew well the feeling of being fucked by Satou and she loved it.

Mikan's thighs rubbed against each other, she wanted to be as carefree as Loli Enma and start masturbating, but the trace of restraint in her mind prevented it making her feel frustrated.

Rinka and Saki were staring. Since they had sex with Satou once they understood the pleasure he could offer. Despite that, they wished that Satou would make them his lovers.

The Satou they met for the first time and the Satou now were two different people, for them, the first Satou was just a perverted idiot, only the current Satou who was no longer under the influence of sweets was the man they wanted to stay with for the rest of their lives.

Kei was also watching the scene, she was biting her lip in fury, frustration, and excitement. She concentrated on looking at Asagi, for Kei only Asagi was worthy of her respect and maybe something else.

Kei had developed some feelings for Asagi since she gave her comfort in her most vulnerable moment, she thought that someone like Satou was not worthy of Asagi and that infuriated her ... At least that was what she told herself, the truth is that Kei looked at Asagi lovingly, not romantic love, but a love of a daughter to her mother.

She hated her own mother and only the image of Asagi could fill the maternal void in her heart.

Kei's fury came from the fact that she was jerking off wildly as she stared at Satou's hard, thick erection.

To Kei, Satou was a perverted lolicon idiot, but even if he was a perverted lolicon idiot, she was a perverted girl who masturbated while she imagined herself being penetrated by that perverted lolicon idiot.

As the girls gasped, blushed, and jerked off like horny teens, Lala watched with genuine curiosity.

She was a genius and she understood the act of reproduction, but instead of arousal it just made her curious.

Lala saw sexual acts as acts for reproductive purposes, she did not think that physical contact was shameful and in her opinion, it was normal for two people who loved each other to have sex.

Lala was interested in Satou, he was the first genuine friend she had, he made delicious food, comforted her when she was sad, taught her the world of anime and video games, offered her a safe home with a loving family and being with him it was always fun.

Lala knew that one day she would have to leave Earth, but she didn't want to. After deep thought, she decided to make Satou touch her breasts.

For Devilukenians the way to propose marriage was when the man touched the woman's breasts.

Since Satou touched her breasts it was like a marriage proposal, even if it was a deception from Lala. She accepted his proposal without consulting Satou and technically she was already his fiancée, something Satou didn't know.

Lala had no romantic love for Satou, she did not even understand love, she did not even feel sexual desire for him. She only knew that being with Satou made her happy and that was the only thing she cared about.

Thus passed another normal night where Satou had an orgy while the girls of the mansion tried to deal with their own desires.

Perhaps the only strange thing about this was that in one corner of Satou's room was a beautiful woman with dark skin and long ears who was looking at Satou with an indifferent expression as she drank wine.

"This is uncomfortable, but the wine is good" - Olga sighed as she drank a glass of wine without caring that others ignored her, in fact, she preferred to be ignored so as not to become the next victim of the sexual monster named Satou.

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