We were brought in front of a reinforced room, the door not only looked like a high-security bank vault it also had several strange symbols that looked like the tattoos of a drug-addicted Satanist.
"To give the best service to our customers, the products are carefully stored after purchase to prevent an intruder from trying to steal the belongings of our respected customers" - The beautiful assistant explained when she saw my curiosity.
"Have you had any problems with intruders?" - Maybe in this world there are some OP protagonists willing to enter this place to save a damsel in distress like in Chinese cultivator novels.
"Yamada-sama need not worry, there was a time when a cockroach tried to steal the belongings of one of our respected clients, the cockroach was destroyed and his sister was delivered to the client without mishap, we are one of the top 5 auction houses in the world for a reason "- The woman smiled proudly.
Oh god, now I'm scared that even the protagonists don't have the necessary plot armor to face this world.
I smiled and decided to stop asking questions for the sake of my emotional health.
The woman took out a small key and then placed it in front of the door, without the need for a lock the door opened, then the woman handed me the key with a respectful attitude but still showing an attempt at seduction and flattery.
"As part of the VIP service our auction house has reserved vault number 20 for Yamada-sama, it is a great honor that Yamada-sama decided to get a permanent subscription with us" - The woman spoke with such admiration that I felt ashamed.
When I called to make a reservation I asked for the best service no matter the price, I thought it would be just a deluxe room, but apparently, I bought a lifetime membership on the villains side. I don't know how to feel about it.
"Thank you" - I tried not to think about the fact that I am more and more like a villain from a Chinese novel and I entered the vault after gesturing to Asagi to take the key, I don't want the female assistant to keep trying to caress my hand with her finger.
I entered the vault that looked more like a luxury room where a person could live comfortably, I did not have time to admire the place because in front of me there was a beautiful bed with silk sheets on which were two beautiful girls dressed in erotic lingerie that it did not cover their genitals, to make matters worse both girls had dog collars with nameplates on them.
"If Yamada-sama wants to try them we have all kinds of toys and entertainment items, in case of Yamada-sama doesn't find something to like we can get it right away" - The female assistant smiled at me in an adorable way, but in my eyes, she was the one most disgusting creature.
When the two girls looked at me they had different reactions. Mikan went pale to a worrying level, even her bladder had given a bit, letting out a few drops of urine.
In contrast to the pitiful little girl who seemed to be about to cry, Kei only let out a sigh and closed her eyes as if she had resigned herself to her fate.
"They are showing an unpleasant act in front of your new master!" - The woman looked with disgust at the two girls, then went to a shelf that contained all kinds of sex toys, then took a leather whip that instead of being something for bondage looked like something that would be used to whip a pack mule.
"Yamada-sama, let me educate these two creatures, I am a professional and I can make them obedient in a couple of hours" - The woman looked at me and bowed deeply while she held the whip.
"It is not necessary ..." - I did my best to get those words calmly.
My fists clenched tightly wanting to hit the hideous face of the woman in front of me until her face completely disappeared leaving only a stain of blood.
I have to calm down, if I ruin things here then the people I want to protect will be in danger, I must calm down, I must calm down, I must calm down, I must calm down...
"I see, Yamada-sama wishes to educate them" - The woman smiled with admiration, then she raised her hands in a respectful way handing me her whip.
I held the whip and squeezed it hard, wanting to use the long leather straps of the whip to choke the woman, but I must calm down.
Even though I did my best to calm myself down, my anger was obvious, but the woman seemed to misunderstand me and she gave me a cute smile. - "A determined man is attractive, Yamada-sama is a true man"
I almost heard my teeth break from how hard I clenched my jaw.
"My master needs to vent a bit" - Asagi approached and gestured for the woman to come out of the vault. - "My teacher doesn't like having a public so please give him a little privacy"
The woman showed a sad expression, but she did not argue, she bowed and went to the door. - "Have fun Yamada-sama, I'll be waiting outside in case Yamada-sama wants something"
When the door to the vault closed, Asagi took her cell phone. After checking a few things she let out a sigh. - "There are no surveillance devices"
Her words broke the self-control I was holding.
With force I threw the whip to the ground and began to scream.
"THOSE SONS OF A BITCH!! I'm going to kill each and every one of them! Damn heap of putrid scum! "
"I'll take their fucking necks and bang their heads on the ground until their fucking brains spill onto the fucking floor! Every damn person in this place is a damn scum who must die!"
"They are just innocent girls! How dare you touch my students?! Why the hell are they treating them like objects?! They are persons! You fucking degenerates! I'M GOING TO KILL THEM ALL!"
"God why do you allow such a disgusting world to exist?! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH DAMNIT! "
I screamed, insulted, and hit the ground for a long time, I felt like I wanted to vomit due to the horrible emotions inside me, but I only spat as I kept yelling profanity and insults towards the vault door.
After a while, I fell to my knees and started panting. Even though I did not feel tired, my throat burned, it is the first time in two lives that I yell and insults so much.
"Have some water" - Asagi came over with a glass of water, in this place, there are several high-quality sandwiches and drinks so even the water is more crystal clear than normal.
I took the glass of water and felt some of my hatred subside. I pulled out a healing potion from my space clock, screamed so hard that my throat tore to the point of spitting up a little blood.
Taking a few breaths I was able to calm myself enough to remember that there were two little girls watching my little show.
I stood up, fixed my clothes, and turned around trying to pretend everything is fine.
Kei and Mikan were staring at me with open mouths. Mikan no longer seemed scared and Kei showed some emotions, they were both surprised.
"Ahem, please forget what you saw" - It is bad for my image as a school principal if I let out so many insults in front of my students, I need to be a responsible adult.
"Pri-principal? Are you?" - Mikan stuttered, instead of fear now she only showed surprise.
"..." - Kei looked at me as if she saw an unknown animal.
"I'm sorry for that, I lost control for a moment, you must be good girls and not insult" - I scratched my cheek awkwardly.
"..." - Both girls looked at me strangely.
"Aren't you going to rape us?" - Kei asked me with a confused expression.
"I am not going to rape a couple of little girls! Wait, I'm not raping anyone! I am not a degenerate! " - I screamed furiously.
I'm not a rapist!
"B-But the principal always looks at me strangely..." - Mikan began to tremble.
"Was not me! Or well, if it was me, but it wasn't me! Aaaahhhh I'm innocent! " - I put my hands to my face without knowing how to explain it.
Asagi became my savior, stepped forward, and spoke to the two little girls. - "He is a perverted lolicon and womanizer who easily falls in love with any woman who treats him well, a complete pervert who chases women like an animal in heat, but will not force a woman to sleep with him"
Both girls and Asagi looked at me like I was trash, I'm glad I don't have self-esteem or those looks would break it.
"I am not a lolicon!" - I growled at Asagi.
"Tell that to Rinka" - Asagi looked at me blankly.
"They drugged me! Does not count!" - Fat man used 'argument'.
"That drug only brought out your inner desires" - It was ineffective. Asagi used 'reveal secrets'. - "Besides, you recently bought a collection of toys that look like little girls"
Fat man takes critical damage.
"Those are not toys! Those are collectible figures! Don't contaminate my waifus with your disgusting ideas! " - I was offended.
Since I now live in Japan and am a millionaire my inner otaku got excited buying anime merchandise.
I ignored Enma's taunts and used one of the rooms in my mansion to fill several shelves with waifus figures.
Some animes that I saw in my past life are transmitted in this world for example Pokémon that is just as famous as in my previous world.
Remembering that, I looked at Asagi with a disdainful smile. - "You collect anime figures yourself, three days ago you asked for a two-meter Pikachu plush"
"How did you know?!" - Asagi looked at me in shock.
"Enma" - I smiled.
"Damn witch!" - Asagi screamed furiously as if she had seen Krillin die for the first time.
"Pfff hahahaha"
Asagi and I stopped our childish discussion and looked at the source of the laughter, when we looked to the side we saw that Mikan covered her mouth with her hands trying to contain the laughter.
Next to her was Kei with a small smile, she was also holding back her laughter with more success than Mikan who seemed to be about to explode.
Asagi and I looked at each other, we couldn't help but smile wryly and we also started laughing.
When Asagi and I laughed, Kei and Mikan stopped holding back and laughed uncontrollably.
Both girls laughed to the point of crying while holding their stomachs.
Asagi and I stopped laughing and looked at the girls who couldn't stop laughing and roll onto the bed like they were drugged.
Asagi went to the girls, held them to stop rolling, and hugged them. - "Everything will be fine, it's fine to cry..."
Asagi protectively hugged the two girls.
Mikan stopped laughing, her small body began to tremble as the previous tears of amusement disappeared being replaced by tears of torment.
Kei kept calm without showing sadness or fear, she seemed to have shut down her emotions.
Asagi smiled motherly as she looked at Kei. - "Hope can be a remedy for the soul, but too much hope is a poison, even so, even if you are in a desperate situation, never lose hope"
Kei's eyes started to turn red as she struggled not to cry.
Asagi's warm smile softened and she hugged Kei to her chest as she stroked her silky white hair. - "I understand the feeling, believing that there is no tomorrow left, feeling that even death will not help you, resigning yourself to the situation since fighting is a waste of time, believe me, I understand that feeling ..."
Kei couldn't take it anymore, he clung to Asagi and began to cry, all her previous expressionlessness disappeared showing her most vulnerable state of hers, all the fear, anguish, and despair that she had felt was reflected in each tear.
I wanted to get closer to comfort the two girls, I wanted to tell them that everything would be fine and no one would hurt them again, but I am not trustworthy, so I kept my distance and let Asagi take over, after all, Asagi is a woman with a good heart.
"Some men said that if I didn't follow them they would make my family suffer!" - Kei started screaming as she cried. - "My father has a debt of 500 million yen and if I did not follow them then they would kill my family! I was so scared ... "
Debts in comedy anime are resolved with the power of friendship, but this world is somewhat similar to my previous world… I don't know what to think.
"Now everything will be fine, no one will hurt you" - Asagi smiled affectionately making me smile, she is a wonderful woman.
"Only if you are obedient ~"
I looked to my right and there was Enma showing a big smile.
"Ara ara, it seems that you two had fun in my absence."
To my left Kiara had appeared who was smiling lustfully as she looked at me.
The two little girls had stopped crying as they looked in surprise and suspicion at the two women who appeared out of nowhere. Enma smiled seeing them giving me a bad feeling.
"Fufufu, we were waiting for Master to be in a safe place to see Master's new toys, but this is disappointing" - Enma looked at Mikan and Kei with amusement.
Both little girls looked miserable from crying, which combined with the erotic lingerie that they hadn't changed yet, made them look like victims of rape.
"Ara, my little disciple you are being disrespectful to Master's pets" - Kiara shook her head showing disappointment.
They both really despise living beings, I worry about the future.
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