A terrifying aura covered the entire Celestial Island.
The people on the Celestial Island were already under lots of pressure because of their Palace Master's aura, but as soon as this new aura appeared, it became even harder for them to breathe.
This new aura was not weaker than the pressure of their Palace Master at all. If anything, it only looked stronger since it was felt with bloodlust.
The Eternal Emperor hadn't arrived alone either. Multiple voids opened up all around the Celestial Island, from where the strongest Generals of the Eternal Dynasty stepped out, all of them being a Heavenly Celestial!
It was as if the entire Celestial Island was surrounded by gods. Behind the Eternal Emperor, there was Ye Han, and another General.
The Celestial Palace Master was already very upset, after everything that happened. However, he realized that things had only gotten worse, now that the Eternal Emperor was here.
Announcement: The novel will go premium tomorrow or the day after, since I just found out that one doesn't get proper features unless they are premium. Apologies for sudden decision. If possible, I would've liked to hold on for longer