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8.18% Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds / Chapter 19: [19] Girl Consequences

Bab 19: [19] Girl Consequences

Chapter 19: Girl Consequences

The shooting ended soon. The director, a guy in his 30s, pulled me to one side to put a phone on my ears where the Producer guy from before laughed for two whole minutes. He found it amusing that I really did kiss a girl just when the season started.

None of the other actors knew about it, not until they'd watch today's episode later.

Everyone left the Game Center after that, and I as always decided to run through the air instead of calling for an Uber. The next shoot will be held in the morning, so I won't be able to enjoy this, as more eyes will be there to notice the anomaly of a guy running in the sky.

I reached home and the door was opened by Ruby, not Ai. Ai was avoiding me for the past few days. Understandable. But yes, I didn't appreciate the deeply frowning Ruby in her stead.

"Why do you smell of girls?"

"Why are you being so nosy? Shut up and go make me tea, I am thirsty."

She said something along the lines of me belonging to the trash can outside, but I didn't heed her words and walked in with a happy smile. 

Soon, when I submerged myself in the cold water of my bathtub, I regained clarity. Shit, shit, shit, not good. Kissing Mem-Cho wasn't a good idea since I never intended to have her as my girlfriend. The Harem route would be bothersome in this modern world. I need to better control my hormones.

After I was done with dinner and was in my room, my phone began to ring like crazy. I only got one sneak into it, seeing that it was pings coming from the group chat of LoveMy actors and actresses, where everyone was pinging me and Mem-Cho to ask about the kissing scene. So the episode must have aired just about now.

I didn't get to message anything back as the door of my room was pushed open. I was a little surprised to see a grinning Ai on my doorstep. 

She's suddenly here after avoiding me until now? Wow.

"Aqua, you have to bring her home tomorrow!" The megastar of Japan shouted. "Though I'll say that you shouldn't go for that sort of kiss on screen, don't you find it vulgar? Go for a more romantic approach."

"Mom, we aren't dating," I told her with a dry expression. "It can't be that you thought all those who share a kiss become a couple? In that case, should I start calling you 'babe' from now on?"


Perhaps that wasn't the ideal approach to this situation, but I couldn't help it. But as I knew it would happen, she took off her sandal and threw it at me. I barely managed to dodge but she was coming at me with a broom the next second.

"Hey, what are you doing?!"

"You said you'll forget that ever happened! Why're you bringing it up then?!" Ai swung her broom at me that clashed with my forearms.

"You are the one who's playing outside our agreement, actively avoiding me for the last few days," I told her in a blaming tone that she just scoffed at.

"Who is the one to blame here? You were being so disrespectful that day. You need to know I am mad at you, and that things are not as simple as you want them to be. I can't just pretend you are a good boy anymore, forgetting that is impossible."

"If you don't want to forget it, just think of it as a drunken mistake and move on." I shrugged.

Ai's eyes widened. "That reminds me, you drank alcohol. Right in front of me, no less. You need a beating."

She dropped her broom that I was holding back and threw a hand at my chin. This was not the first time she tried to beat me, that's why I said she was more of an older sister than a mother; mothers don't beat their children like this.

Instead of dodging like all the other time, I grabbed her hand. She threw her other hand and I grabbed it too. She gasped; I pushed her down on the bed behind her.

Her chest jiggled as she dropped, and I held her arms over her head with my one hand. I looked down at her dryly.

"You're being weird again, Aqua."

"Don't worry, I won't do anything weird today since I'm not drunk."

I told her truthfully. I really had gone crazy back then, and I wasn't planning to assault her again.

She just stared at me from below and I too didn't move. A minute later, she closed her eyes and sighed.

"You shouldn't kiss people if you're not going to be committed to them," She looked back at me. "And before you make a bad joke about me and you, I am talking about Mem-Cho right now. Why did you kiss her if you aren't going to go out with her? I can't support my son doing such bad things."

"We are close friends," I told her. "And for a girl to become my girlfriend, she needs to be somewhere near my mom's league at the very least. So I have to kiss all the girls and make sure they are worthy, that their kiss feels as good as yours."

"I am going to beat you up if you continue talking about it." Ai glared at me. "This is not funny."

"My bad. Anyway, I think I have a kiss kink. If the girl can't kiss, she isn't a good girlfriend by my standards." I was bullshitting. "So I am just doing a test of the product before I buy it."

Her frown deepened. "You shouldn't talk about humans as if they're products. Aqua, where did I go wrong with your humor?"

"Some things are beyond your control, my dearest mother." I just smiled. "Anyway, I think you shouldn't watch the show. Why is a mum watching the show where her son is flirting with women?"

Ai glared at me. "I am just making sure what type of girl you are going to bring to my house."

"Mhm, on a serious note, who do you like the most about the show? As your potential daughter-in-law, I mean." I took the chance to drive her attention elsewhere, as I let go of her hands. 

Luckily, she didn't continue her attacks. I dropped to the bed beside her and she put a finger on her chin to think. She thought for longer than I thought she would.

"Mhm, I have actually worked a few times with two of the girls there. Mai and Akane. Mai goes to your school, by the way, she's third year there." Ai said, turning to lie on her side as she stared at me. "She's a nice girl, though somewhat emotionally cold. She isn't a rude person though, very polite to people that deserve it. Not you, from what I noticed in the episode today, she didn't even spare you a look. How harsh."

"Yeah, and Akane?"

"That's a very good girl. You already know that she works in the theater agency I used to be a part of. Actually, we went to watch a performance with her a few years ago, do you remember?" She said. I did remember, though I didn't bring it up to Akane today. "The director said she resembles me a little, and when I saw her act, I guess there is that similar spark in her too. I think I like her the most."

I raised my eyebrows. "Are you suggesting I go out with the girl that resembles you? You're insane."

She frowned. "What? You're the weird son who kisses his mother, I am telling you to find someone who resembles me so that you don't do something weird again. Also, just letting you know that I'm still mad."

I smiled at her. She didn't really ever pull the job of a mother right. She never had a proper mother, so she did what she thought was right. A normal mom won't be having a conversation such as this with her son that did such a disgusting thing just a few days ago.

"I like Akane too," I told her. She was a pure girl, and despite her intelligence, it should be easy to have her my way. "I'll see, then. I'll try to persuade her starting the next episode. But Mai, too. Let's see who sticks."

She flicked a finger at my forehead and got up. "Don't be a bad boy to her and don't go around kissing her right away. Akane is an innocent girl, treat her well."

"I will try."


She frowned. Then began another lecture that lasted 45 minutes, but throughout it all I just stared at it with a smile. She did punch me at one point, but it was fine.

* * *

[Third Person Point of View]

The vibe in the Hoshino Household may have not been cozy, but that wasn't true for the apartment of the Nishiyama family.

When Shoko returned home with her little sister, when they told their grandmother about the miracle, the old woman couldn't believe her eyes. She thought it was a dream as she hugged her granddaughter and cried. 

They called Shoko's mother from work in urgency as the entire family of four spent hours in shock and awe. Yaeko Nishiyama, Shoko's mother, never thought such a day would come. Her husband had left them, and he filed a divorce, shortly after they discovered Shoko to be deaf, at the age of three. It was unbelievable that a man like that existed, and though Shoko didn't bear any grudge against him, Yaeko did. Today, one couldn't comprehend the amount of joy this woman felt, seeing her daughter talk and hear.

Their grandmother was much more so. The old lady, Ito Nishimiya, at the tender age of just 69, thought she was dreaming of a perfect world before death, but it was a pleasant surprise to her that all of this was real. Shoko was cured.

But to Ito, Yaeko, and Yuzuru's surprise, when they decided to call their relatives and friends to let them know about the news, Shoko didn't let them. She stopped them with her still-broken Japanese.

"Don't… I… need to ask him… what do I tell people when they will… ask me how I was… cured." She said, "I don't want others to… know about this before I ask him… that."

Her mother wore a worried expression and shared a look with Yuzuru. Naturally, they asked her about how she was suddenly fine, and all she said was that her friend did it. Yuzuru filled the gaps and talked about the boy that has apparently befriended her from the first day in school, but both of them believed Shoko was under some sort of misunderstanding.

Though Ito wholeheartedly encouraged her granddaughter. For the sake of the happy situation, Yaeko didn't want to argue either and played along.

"Oh… right…" Shoko suddenly said. "It's the time… for his show to air… c-come on, I will show you who he is."

Shoko's grandmother was excited to meet this benefactor of theirs, and while her mother didn't quite buy into this, she too was curious to see who it was. Yuzuru just followed along with everything.

When the four ladies sat down in front of the TV to see the show that Shoko spoke of, the older two ladies were surprised to find a charming young man. They didn't think the friend Shoko made would be someone so handsome. Yaeko had even thought that if a guy had bothered to be friends with her daughter, he probably was ugly and didn't have friends himself. It was a pleasant surprise to find him that handsome.

Then, the kissing scene happened.

"My my, that's such a bold young man."

"Yuzuru, don't look!"

"Mom, I-I am not looking anyway! Move your hands!"

From grandmother to granddaughter, their reactions varied. It was surprising, but they just assumed it was all nothing. Actors did that, nothing to feel weird about.

That was until they noticed Shoko's frozen expression. She just stared at the screen as if she had seen a ghost. It was to be expected, they supposed. Even if they didn't believe it, she saw him as her savior. And she was her only male friend, so she probably had some emotional attachment to him. 

"Hah, my sweet child," Ito said in a gentle voice. "Why must this happen on such a good day? How sad."

Seeing a heartbreak in real time was sad, more so when it was the heart of such a sweet girl, the same girl who was so excited about this earlier. Fate was mocking her.

The three other ladies didn't blame Aqua, of course. It would be odd if he liked Shoko in a romantic way while looking like the prince of a fantasy story. Still, they hoped he wouldn't have done this particular scene in this particular episode. Even if he was unaware, even if this was out of his control, this was too heartless. 

Their girl's most special day might have just been ruined. Yuzuru, in particular, promised to punch him in the face next time they'd meet.

* * *

[First Person Point of View]

The kissing scene I did had a few benefits along with drawbacks. One benefit should be that Shoko's feelings for me will break. I liked her a lot, but it's common for people like her to get obsessed with people who'd save her. I didn't only save her, I basically granted her life. Voice was life, as much as vision. I would hate to see her become a yes-girl for me because of this, so I am glad I did the kissing scene yesterday.

Though it does hurt me a bit knowing how hurt she would be seeing the scene. Even to this day, a broken heart hurts a bit, I can imagine how much it'd hurt for her. I just hoped she wouldn't resent me for it, though I knew she wouldn't since she wasn't that sort of person.

As for the drawbacks now, first of all, just walking has gotten a bit problematic.

"Look, it's him!"

"I want him to kiss me like that too…"

"His genes are awesome; I want them for my kids… Should I go confess?"

"Stupid bitch, he's taken now. Why do you think he and Mem-Cho kissed? Are you trying to be a homewrecker?"

The gossip outside the school gate was bolder than ever. I heard them all thanks to my enhanced hearing, and some were heard by even those with normal hearing, as in the two girls by my side.

Ruby hadn't said much, she was grumpy. I didn't try to tease her in case she started to bark. Tsubasa, on the other hand, was just silent. Her face was blank though she didn't act cold when I talked to her. That was a sad sort of hurt, she would treat me well like always, while being hurt within. Tsubasa was a nice girl.

The two of them knew how dating shows worked, so they were aware what I did was purely my own choice. Yet they couldn't just accept it.

Ruby painted her reason for being mad as that she didn't get to choose which girl I should go after; apparently, that was her obligation as my sister. On the other hand, Tsubasa didn't even try. She just said it was some personal stuff as if she had a personal situation we didn't know about. Through her behavior, even the dense Ruby caught on to the situation. I felt slightly bad for her.

When we passed the school gate, Ruby was the first to speak as she casually pointed a finger ahead. "Oh, looks like that girl is waiting for you today too. She's Rias Gremory, by the way. Not an actor, despite her looks, but she is the daughter of a big shot nobody knows the name of."

"Don't point at people like that," I told her, slapping her hand down as she growled at me. What is this dog behavior?

As for Rias' top-secret identity, of course, people didn't know her father's name, as he lived in the underworld and must only have a connection with the highest chairholders of Japan's Showbiz. Civilians wouldn't know him.

When we approached the bench that was by the road, where Rias was sitting, she stood up. The three of us stopped as she glanced at the two girls and then at me.

"Would you mind a walk?" She asked, and I was a little surprised to see her finally ask me out for a private talk.

"Ah." I have decided to stop avoiding her already, plus I was curious about what happened with Issei yesterday. "Sure thing."

So I agreed easily, entering a walk with the devil princess by the garden of the school, while sending off one grumpy and another sad girl away.




Note: At 1400 stones right now. Oh well, didn't reach the goal, good for me though. Still, we got 670 stones, which is a lot. I'll do a smaller goal than last time then, I want to 700 but that'd be too close and easy, so let's do 750.

-- If we reach 2150 stones in the next 24hours, I will post two chapters at once!

If you want to read the next 20+ chapters right away, visit my Patreon.

Link: Patreon.com/Master4thWall

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