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50% Eternal Dove / Chapter 3: Prologue(3): So to is Contempt for The Contemptible

Bab 3: Prologue(3): So to is Contempt for The Contemptible

I idly twirl the yellow strands of my hair. It's as soft and silky as before, just yellow due to having dyed it a few days prior to my leaving. My butt is aching due to the bumps and crevices the carriage wheels hit.

The past four weeks haven't been the kindest to me. Nothing major has happened, but I didn't manage to get used to the mansion. I was always anxious and on edge. That about sums up my stay there.

I let out a sigh. Feeling listless, I slide open the carriage window, and stare out into the moving scenery.

I've never really got the whole, "Take in the scenery," point. Sure, it looks nice. But it's never elicited any intense emotions in me. It still doesn't.

The only thing it's doing for me is taking my mind off of the searing heat of this hot summer day. To be honest, I'm envious of people who can just take in the world and feel awe in the beauty of nature.

The only days that make me feel awe are rainy days. In my first life, as Callum Welliver, I loved going on car rides through harsh rain. Though where I lived, it rained once in a blue moon, and when it did, it flooded, and people died. I always hated myself for enjoying those days.

Oddly enough, not living somewhere where it rained much, might be one of my biggest regrets from that life. Aside from not learning the guitar, piano, drawing, singing, dancing, cooking, archery, or getting a girlfriend, graduating college, etc.

'Okay, so I have a lot of regrets,' I think, a tinge of amusement filling me. But thinking about all this is eventually going to make me depressed, so I stop myself from having any further thoughts on the subject.

'So, what do I know about Rhea Academy?' I ask myself, wanting to remind myself of it again, just to be sure of what I should expect.

'Rhea Academy focuses purely on talent. Because of this, there are seven classes each of the four years, labeled F through S. There's no better showcase of this than the monthly evaluation,' I grimace.

Oh boy, don't I dread those upcoming days. Monthly evaluation are where at the end of every month, anyone in a lower class can challenge someone in a higher class. And if the lower class wins, they switch classes with the person who lost to them, gaining access to advanced classes and rising in the pecking order. What joy.

'Of course, it's not like this prevents nepotism like having nobles train from childhood, or start off in a higher class. Though those without talent will be revealed within the first few months of the first year. I doubt I'll go beyond D class,' I think to myself. Terra Academy, out of the three is the most advantageous for commoners. Which would've been good for me, if I had any talents, or a blessing.

I rest my cheek on my hand as I stare out the window. All manner of thoughts come in and out of my head as I blanky watch the passing nature.

Lush greenery fills my view. Towering trees, covered with hard bark, scatter the evening sunlight into rays bursting through the myriad of leaves. The sound of fluttering wings, birds either beginning their flight, or returning home to their nests. The noisy, high-pitched singing is simultaneously pleasant, and grating on the ears. And lastly, the sounds of crickets... cricketing makes up the final of the cacophony of orchestra nature naturally makes in the evening.

'What's the sound they(crickets) make called?' Utter boredom must be the reason why I'm thinking of something I never even gave a thought about in both lives.

"Hah... when will I get there?" I murmur to myself. My eyelids flicker, lack of movement turns into lethargy, which then turns into drowsiness...

I fall into a rough sleep.


My entire body aches as I come to wakefulness. Sleeping in such an awkward posture will certainly do that to a person.

I want to go back to sleep to pass some more time, but in these rough conditions, it's unlikely for that to be obtainable. So, I go back to staring at nature, only to pause.

'That's right.' Looking around the interior of the carriage, I search for a bag. Quickly finding it, I pull out a book I brought for this very occasion.

It's bit hard to read, with the constant shaking, but definitely doable. It takes no time at all for me to get lost in the smell of an old book, the sound of pages flipping, the ink words going straight into my mind, and it painting a colorful image from the blackness.

Hours may have come and gone, the shaking once I got into it unable to disturb my intense focus in the slightest.


I close the book with a satisfying thud. 'It wasn't anything that special, but good enough to pass the time.' I look outside, only to frown at what I see. Only a few hours seemed to have passed while I was reading.

'There may not be enough books to read.' While that thought makes me anxious at the inevitable boredom to come, I shrug, determining that I'll cross that bridge when it comes to it.


Five days have passed since I first got on this carriage. I've ran out of books to read, and unable to bring myself to reread them to pass time.

Boredom fills every part of my mind as I stare blankly up at the roof of the carriage. And like magic, my ears twitch as I hear it.

A sound not dissimilar to one made by a droplet hitting the sink due to a leaky faucet. Hurriedly, I slide open the window, and smile softly.

Dark gray clouds cover the once clear sky. So full and plump of moisture, even a dunce could tell it's going to rain.

Finally, it starts. First, as a light drizzle, a sprinkle, and lastly, full on rain. I close my eyes and lean against the carriage, just listening to the sound of rain hitting the roof of the carriage, and the surrounding nature.

I open the window just enough for my hand to fit through, and feel as the cold, refreshing rain lands onto my hand. Soon enough, the hairs on my body start to rise along with goosebumps as the cool misty air caresses my body. I start to lightly shiver.

I love this feeling. It's just the perfect temperature.

I open my eyes every so often to take note of the sky, waiting, hoping for it to stop raining at the perfect time.


Hours pass, my hand is soaking wet. As I check the sky, my eyes widen, and my breath catches in my throat.

In the distance, nearly far enough to be beyond the horizon line, I see the clouds break. Revealing the sky. The revealed sky is a mixture of colors, orange, pink, and a dark purple that's nearly black, as dusk slowly settles into night in the most perfect way possible.

Because this sight just makes my day. The time when the clouds part, revealing the sky above is my favorite thing about rain.

It's the only sight I find unbelievably beautiful.

Despite the cold, I feel a tiny ember of warmth in my chest.


Just as I close my eyes to go to sleep, I hear the rustling of wings. They sound as though it's right near my head, my eyes snap open, and in the corner of my vision, I see it.

A luminous feather slowly falling. My heart skips a beat. I know what this means.

As a fan of the Eternal Dove series, how couldn't I?

And then, suddenly, as if a channel on a TV was switched, I'm standing in a blank abyss. I blink at the sudden change, and look around. Just an inky blackness in every direction I turn my head.

Until it appears in front of my, slowly flapping it's wings despite not needing to, and staying perfectly still in air other than that. It's a Dove, an Eternal Dove.

'Wait, an Eternal Dove...?' My excitement flickers out like a candle in the wind. In the world of Eternal Dove, there are different Eternal Birds that give someone a blessing if they see them. The Eternal Dove gives a blessing of love, which means...

"Yes, that is correct." My eyes inch towards the Eternal Dove.

"You're... speaking to me?" Eternal Birds usually don't speak to people, not even the protagonists in any of the games.

"How could I not? I've been dying to meet you, Callum," she(?) says in a soft, almost cooing voice.

"I- You... know me?" I ask, confusion dripping from my tone.

"Of course. We're the ones that brought you here," she explains. My head goes blank, and my mouth parts like a fish gasping for water. I can barely form a one word response.


"I and the other Eternal Birds of course."

"..." I don't know what to say. My head feels staticky, like it's full of tv fuzz.

"The others doubted you, they still doubt you, but I believe in you, Callum. Only someone like you, can save this world."

"I- wha- s-slow down. I-I don't understand?" Save this world? I know a war is coming, and the cataclysm right after, but that won't destroy the world, will it?

And most of all... all sort of horrible feelings and thoughts are bubbling just underneath the surface of my rationality. They're the ones that brought me here, who made me experience even more despair than I've ever felt in either life.

"..." I stay silent, fearing I'll scream, and shout, and cry.

"We've prepared two gifts for you, both you're intimately familiar with."

"Wh-What are they?" I croak, my voice hoarse from keeping everything in.

"One from all of us, and the other, from me."

"Why me? Why pick me, of all people, to come here?"

"Because, you have such a vast soul, and so, so much Love to give. Only... you do not know how. You are hurt, do not be hurt anymore Callum. Love and be Loved, for that will be your strength." Her words, so full of maternal care, make me snap.

"Hurt? Hurt!? YOU'RE THE ONES WHO HURT ME!" I cry, my voice that's so full of anguish surprising even myself.

She's bird, so I don't know how, or why, but somehow, I can just tell she's looking at me with a sad, empathetic gaze.

"Callum, as much as you deny it, you know, don't you? You were already hurt, in both your lives." I want to refute, I desperately want to deny her words. But I'm unable to, because she's correct.

"I... I still don't get it. Why? Why me? I-I can't save the world! Why me? Can't you at least entrust it to someone more competent?" I plead.

I don't want to do this. I'll fail. I know I will.

A sparkling, gleaming year falls from the Eternal Dove's eyes, stunning me as it slowly floats down.

'Why is she crying?' I think, suddenly feeling like I was slapped in face.

"Hearing you say that... it hurts. You are so special Callum. And the fact that you can't see that, that you refuse to that, it is so very painful," she tells me, sorrow coating her tone. I don't know what to say.

"I-I'm sorry, but... I still can't understand."

"That's why," she says. "The fact that you are hurt, that you care despite it, you... are amazing. And I long for the day where you can see it, how amazing you are, and love yourself as much as you love everyone."


"You are special because you are hurt. Remember that, Callum."

With those parting words, the Eternal Dove's tear touches the floor of the black abyss. And from the splash of the tear, color returns, the world returns. First, the green of grass, next, the brown of bark, the darkness of the sky, and finally, the red laced with gold of the carriage.

The Eternal Dove is gone, and all I am able to do is sit deadly still. For some reason, I feel like crying too as I look down at my hands.

'Save this world...' I clench and unclench my fists. I stare at my smooth, white hands, not having seen a days work in both lives.

'Can I really do it?' No. It's not a matter of whether I can do it or not. I need to do it, or die trying.

It's the only way I could ever forgive myself.

I lean my head back, and close my eyes. I'm unbelievably tired. All that anger, and fear, and the expectations placed on me...

It's taken everything out of me.

I fall asleep the instant my eyes close.


The first thing I notice as my eyes open, is that my body doesn't ache. As I'm inwardly wondering why that is, it comes to me in a flash of inspiration.

'That's right, the Eternal Dove said something about gifts.' I jolt in surprise, because as soon as I think about, "gifts," a holographic screen pops up in front of my face.


Title: Monster

Talents: [Dance - Best], [Blessing of the Eternal Dove - Best]

Characteristics: [Kind], [Sadistic] [Empathetic], [Lustful], [Noble Dignity], [Shame], [Manipulative], [Guilt], [Asshole], [Introverted]

'This...' It's the status screen of Eternal Dove.

'Wait, no. There are no stats. Not to mention, titles, characteristics, and talents only appear in Eternal Dove three and onwards...' The first two games were in the form of visual novels/dating sims. It had times of day, places where the capture targets hang around, places to raises stats, jobs to earn money so you can buy gifts, all the usual stuff. But from 3 onwards, things became way more complicated. As titles, characteristics, stats, and talents become requirements to capture some capture targets. Not to mention quests, jobs, dungeons, combat, and times of day, and areas you need to take into account. Time management is essential, especially in the later games.

'Not to mention, I even have a Tier-2 characteristic.'

In the games, there are different tiers of characteristics, 1 to 3. Tier-1 characteristics are like, [Asshole], [Lustful], while Tier-2 characteristics are like, [Noble Dignity]. The tier depends on the amount of words.

To get higher tier characteristics, you need two Tier-1 characteristics within the same vein. Like, say for instance, [Lustful], and, [Pervert], would automatically combine into, [Sexual Predator]. Do the same for Tier-3, but replace Tier-1 characteristics with Tier-2.

'If it's like this, there should be quests. Meaning I can get more characteristics, talents, and titles! Maybe... maybe I can actually do this,' I think, some strange sensation welling up in my chest.

I can't quite put a pin on what it is. But I can certainly guess.

I think... it's called Hope.

I have a goal to run for, and the means to pursue it. A purpose, and a chance to rid myself of this guilt.

The Eternal Dove has given me all of that, so, I'm very grateful. Though, one thing still doesn't make sense.

'Love will be my strength?" The Dove giving me her blessing.

'Can someone truly love me?' I ask myself. Because at this point, it doesn't feel likely.

'I guess I'll just have to see when I get to Rhea. Maybe I can actually make some friends.' I really wish that's the case.

Prologue(3): So to is Contempt for The Contemptible

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Didn't really know where to end this chapter. So, sorry if it seems short. I'm gonna try to write around 2,000 to 4,500 words per chapter.

next chapter
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