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33.33% DxD new power / Chapter 1: start
DxD new power DxD new power original

DxD new power

Penulis: YukiShiro55

© WebNovel

Bab 1: start

Magic, a phenomenon which causes law-defying acts of the supernatural, believed to be just a fairy tale by any modern and civilized person, many of whom frown upon those who believe in 'magic' yet in this world believed to contain no supernatural, is a boy with black hair reaching his shoulder tied in a ponytail, white fair skin with golden eyes capable of mesmerizing anyone who looks in them, wearing a black kimono with grey strips going down horizontally, holding what seems to be a wooden training katana.

holding the katana above his head, with one quick motion he brings it down fastly almost seeming like a blur "199!..." he said, sweat dripping down his face, bringing the katana back above his head he was about to swing it down before he heard someone calling him "Rihan!! diner is ready! come back in!" hearing this Rihan put down his sword, and after wiping off the sweat that accumulated from his training he headed towards his house.

sliding open the back door Rihan saw a beautiful and petite young woman with long black hair that frames her face with light brown eyes wearing a kimono with sakura markings, her name is 'Yohime' Rihan's mother who is oftentimes mistaken as his sister because of her young appearance "hi mum! is dad coming home today?"

"no~ he has to stay overtime, something happened and they need his help" Rihan just nodded his head and pulled a chair and sat at the table, he said a bit worriedly "mum?, school will start next week, I'm thinking of skipping this year to do more training...." hearing this Yohime frowned and said in a serious tone "no! you can't! this will be a very important time of your life, you can't always stay home, you will go and make friends! am I clear?" Rihan was going to argue with his mother before looking at her face which was saying 'I'm not taking no for an answer' sighing he said: "yes~ clear...."

"Perfect! come Rihan help me set the table" she said happily, winning the argument which wasn't even an argument, he couldn't help but have a small smile on his face, Yohime was only sending him to school for his own good and seeing his mother happy made him happy.

standing from his chair Rihan went to help his mother set the food on the table and said with a bit of hope "mum... I will go under one condition, the old man will have to teach me his martial arts techniques" Yohime said without even thinking "okay dear~ " Rihan nodded his head.

Rihan's grandfather 'Kuragari' is a martial arts master, teaching sword and hand to hand technique's with his most famous one being 'Ten'i Muho' concentrating on countering the opponent's attack with minimal movements. Rihan already mastered 'Ten'i Muho' and wants to learn 'Nukiashi' a technique making his movements difficult to perceive until it's too late to avoid.

after eating his food and helping Yohime clean the dishes, Rihan went into his room, his room was minimalistic only having a single bed with black covers, a desk with a black Acer laptop with a blue office work chair and a wardrobe closet to store all his clothes.

Rihan went towards his closet and took some random sleeping clothes, changing into them and going to lay on his bed Rihan was thinking to himself 'has it been 14 years already since I came into this world?' he asked himself, 'I died because of a stray bullet hitting me in the heart which I don't even know where it came from and woke up in this world without any explanation.... I was just about to go home and play the new game I bought too..... sigh..... coming to terms with my death and accepting my new family was hard, I honestly didn't even think I could with having knowledge of my past life, but somehow I bonded with my new family and came to love them dearly' slowly Rihan was falling asleep whilst thinking about his past life.


waking up in the morning Rihan looked at his clock '06:00' he dragged his body off the bed and put some training clothes on.

with the clothes on he went outside in the garden with his wooden sword "let's see if I can beat my record today!" he said cheerfully, clearly enjoying his training, the feeling of improving is really addictive, just knowing the difference between when he first started and now put a smile on his face.


after a gruelling 2-hour training session Rihan was covered in sweat from head to toe "s-till n not good enough!" he said trying to catch his breath, every day he would push himself past his limit resulting in him being exhausted and tired for the remainder of the day, but thinking of the training that he will go through with his grandfather this was nothing.

he was honestly terrified of the training he will have to do, just thinking of the training he did to learn 'Ten'i Muho' gave him shiver's, now with a debatably harder technique such as 'Nukiashi' he might just end up hospitalized.... with an internal sigh Rihan dragged his body inside his house trying not to wake anyone up.

going towards the bathroom he opened the door and made sure it's locked, taking his clothes off he took a quick 20-minute shower and brushed his teeth, done with his daily routine he went to his room to sleep, still tired from his workout, he flopped on the bed and slept.

++++TIME SKIP 6 DAYS++++

Rihan did nothing but train for the last 6 days trying to get prepared for the old man's training which still terrifies him deeply, he would sometime's help Yohime with the cooking are shopping, and before he knew it 6 days went by and now he was getting prepared to leave for school.

in his room.

Rihan was putting on his school uniform, a black blazer over a white, long-sleeved dress shirt with black highlights with a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes. he looked at himself and sighed "honestly why can't I wear my kimono?" he liked the way he and his family dressed even with all the looks they get when going outside.

sighing again Rihan made his way downstairs towards the front door of the house, before opening he shouted "mum! I'm going! see yeh later!" Yohime said from the kitchen "Okey! make sure you stay out of trouble!" Rihan didn't say anything back just went out of the house and made his way to his school.

if he remembered correctly Yohime said his school is called 'Kuoh Academy' he did some research online in his spare time and found out Kuoh was an all-girls school previously.

this worried him a little, he wasn't egoistic, but he himself knew that he was extremely handsome making most if not all the males look like garbage compared to himself, there were some exceptions for example his family members who were naturally all very attractive looking, almost like models on magazines.

whilst having an internal debate about his own looks (A.T tsk! pretty boys should just die!!) a massive castle-like school could be seen from a distance with a crowd of teenagers swarming inside "wow! this school is bigger in person than shown in pictures!" exclaimed Rihan "yeh! I know right!! ahh sorry my name is Issei Hyoudou!! What's your!!" asked a boy with short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind his head, and light brown eyes.

"Rihan Kurogane" he answered back, looking at the teenager who approached him "Rihan... Kurogane, where have I heard that name?...." Issei looked at Rihan from head to toe examining him and exclaimed "Rihan!! from elementary school!!! is that really you!!" Rihan had a small smile on his face and just nodded his head clearly remembering the little pervert that was Issei.

"man it's been ages! how have you been?" Issei asked with excitement "doing fine, just mastered one of my grandfather's techniques and will learn another soon, what about you? still the same?" said Rihan smugly "humph, still the same? What's that supposed to mean?" Issei asked annoyed "you know what I mean, Mr pervert~" Issei just looked at Rihan, shocked that one of his childhood friends called him a pervert, which was not wrong but still.

"come one!, well be late at this rate!" shouted Rihan whilst running towards the school "hold up!" Issei shouted back coming out of his state of shock.

making their way inside they heard "ALL NEW STUDENTS MAKE YOUR WAY TOWARDS THE SCHOOL ENTRANCE CEREMONIE BUILDING" arriving in the building Issei and Rihan lined up and waited for the principal to arrive and make his speech. which got ignored by both of them.

with the speech that got 'ignored' by Rihan because of his boredom and Issei because of his constant ogling the females over, both of them made their way towards their homeroom attracting attention 'sigh I knew this would happen....'.

Issei said a bit annoyed "tsk why do you always have to get attention!! from the girl's!" Rihan roard back "it, not my fault I'm handsome!!"

and like that, both childhood friend's made their way towards the room shown on the little timetable showing which classes they have.

opening the door both Issei and Rihan saw that the room was still empty so they picked the best seats, the last row near the window, hehe anime protagonist seats.

sitting down Rihan asked with a hint of curiosity "Issei are you still friends with Matsuda and Motohama?"

Issei nodded his head "yeh.... were still friends hahaha" he answered back sheepishly. "I guess your still a pervert then~" replied Rihan teasingly "Hey!! I'm not a pervert!! .... listen up man!! I will become the harem king!! you hear!!!" shouted Issei, jumping out of his chair and putting up a righteous pose looking at Rihan with a smug smile, not realizing the door opened and a group of girls were giving him the death glare with a murderous aura, Rihan just pointed at the girls and smirked at Issei who had a terrified expression 'crap!' is all he thought.

he slung his body back in his chair and looked devoid of any emotion "relax dude, I bet there is a pervert girl out there for you~" said Rihan looking at his friend's reaction "easy for you say!!" shouted Issei. (A.T hehe Raynare?)

after a while, the classroom was full of students, mostly females, all waiting for their turn to intrudes themselves whilst asking questions from their fellow students. after 5 minutes it was finally Rihans turn to intrudes himself, standing up from his chair he said "hi my name is Rihan Kurogane"

his classmates just looked at him with a face of 'is that all?', a girl with short brown hair and light brown eyes mustered up her courage and asked "what're your hobbies?, Likes and dislikes?" Rihan looked at her causing her to flinch under his gaze, he sighed and answered her question's "My hobbies are learning martial arts, I like when I improve and dislike when I make no progress in my martial arts" he said in one breath

sitting back down he closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep, only to wake back up to see an angry teacher giving him the death glare "haha sorry teach" he said sheepishly, "make sure it doesn't happen again" replied the teacher in a serious voice, Rihan nodded his head


walking home from school Rihan gave an internal sigh 'hopefully I don't meet Matsuda and Motohama are I might just accidentally hit them on reflex' he remembers clearly who started Issei on the road of a pervert causing him a lot of unwanted problem's.

whilst having an internal monologue with himself Rihan reached his house, opening the front door he said "I'm back home!" getting no response he went into his room and changed his clothes to his usual black kimono with grey strips going down horizontally "better!" he exclaimed, feeling better now wearing something more comfortable.

he looked at the time '3:15 pm', taking his katana he went into the garden and started swinging it, houres go by and Rihan is still swinging his katana, sweat dripping down his face with his kimono now socked full of sweat "Rihan! I'm home!" he heard Yohime calling him "I'm outside! mum!" shouted back Rihan with a hint of exhaustion.

after another 3 hours of training.

he decided he trained enough for today, he put down his katana and headed towards the shower shouting "mum! I'm going to take a shower!!" after 20 minutes he came back downstairs all clean, taking a seat near the table.

"So how was school~," asked Yohime in a playful manner causing Rihan to chuckle a bit "it was okay mum! guess who I met today!" Yohime made a thinking face with her right hand holding her chin "I can't think of anyone~" Rihan leaned in his seat and said with a bit of joy "it was Issei! the kid from elementary school! remember the one with short spiky brown hair and brown eyes?" Yohime nodded her head and exclaimed "yes! you mean the hyoudou's kid?" Rihan just nodded his head.

"forget about that mum! did you talk to him?" asked Rihan in a serious tone, Yohime put on a serious face and said "yes, you can start tomorrow after school" Rihan had a smile on his face and said happily "thank you, mum!" Yohime nodded her head with a smile visible on her face.


with school finished Rihan made his way to his grandfather's dojo, he had a bag with some training clothes that he intends to change in when he gets there, throughout his walk he had a beaming smile on his face excited for the new martial arts he can learn!

a while later.

after reaching the dojo Rihan could see a massive red and white traditional Japanese building with the roof pointing upwards triangularly, stone square tiles laid on the ground leading towards the main entrance, and around 10 people outside evenly spread, facing the dojo with wooden training katanas in hands, shouting and swinging their swords.

standing in front of them was an old man with a bald head and golden eyes similar to Rihans, wearing a brown robe over a dark green kimono with traditional Japanese sandals, his name is Kuragari, Rihans master and grandfather.

Rihan went closer and shouted with excitement "old man! it has been a while, how are you!!" Kuragari looked at him with a smile on his face which only lasted for a second before he exclaimed "old man!?? huh seems like someone needs more training!!"

Rihan smirked and went to hug the old man which he returned with a smile on his face "sure why not! it's fun learning new martial arts!" said Rihan with another smirk, the two of them talked for a little longer before going inside.

taking a seat on the tatami mats, both Rihan and Kuragari faced each other.

"so Rihan, your mother told me you want to learn 'Nukiashi' are you sure your ready for this one?" asked Kuragari with a serious tone, Rihan nodded his head and said with an equally serious tone of his own "yes! I mastered 'Ten'i Muho' already to its fullest, I need to learn more to improve faster and 'Nukiashi' will give me a massive advantage in battle!"

Kuragari couldn't help but have a smile on his face as he said to his grandson "okay! I will teach you but you will first have to learn 'Body Supremacy' without this it will be immensely difficult to learn the more advanced techniques!"

Rihan nodded and asked curiously "old man? what is 'Body Supremacy'?" Kuragari looked at Rihan "'Body Supremacy' is a skill which allows you to control your body's function at will, allowing you to turn off your color acuity to augment your motion perception, your body control will become sharper to the point of manually making your heartbeat, this technique can be very dangerous, I'm trusting you will use it wisely, I'm I clear?" said Kuragari with a serious voice whilst making a serious face.

Rihan nodded and said firmly "YES!" Kuragari then said to him "okay! I see you brought your clothes, go get changed and meet me outside!" Rihan nodded and went to get changed in the bathroom.

in the bathroom, Rihan put on a black muscle tank top with black joggers and sneakers, with his training clothes on he ran outside and looked for Kuragari.

"behind you!" shouted Kuragari with his sword going straight for Rihans head, Rihan sidestepped to the side nearly avoiding the strike before charging in closing the distance, he pulled back his fist and aimed for the vitals, Kuragari just smirked before he disappeared from Rihan sight and appeared behind him, he put his sword on Rihans shoulder and said "good! you showed no hesitation when fighting! and your reflexes are sharp to avoid a strike from such a close distance, but your laking in speed, power alone will be meaningless without speed"

Kuragari had a villainous smirk on his face as he said "Rihan! I will push your body and mind to their limits! be prepared for the worst nightmare imaginable!" Rihan smirked and roard "YES!"

and like that Rihan spent his afterschool time at his grandfather's dojo training and mastering new techniques. elevating his power to a new level, with his most advanced and used technique being 'Nukiashi' Kuragari also made him learn 'Muto Dori' a sword catching skill for when his unarmed and needs to defend himself.

his 'Body Supremacy' skill wasn't mastered to its fullest, he can't control his heartbeat with his mind alone, but he has no problem turning off his senses and disabling his color acuity to augment his motion perception which increases his reflexes dramatically, his physical strength also increased to an almost superhuman degree being capable of lifting 6,270 lbs with nearly no problem (A.T someone actually lifted this much search it online!)

and before Rihan knew it 3 years went by. he was currently a second-year student at Kuoh academy.

right now he was in school having his lunch break when he heard some shouting "Issei! you perve!!" he went to check only to see Issei getting beaten up by the kendo club members.

Rihan facepalmed himself shaking his head, he gave an internal sigh and said "girls! I think he had enough." the kendo club members looked at him "humph next time you once get saved Issei!" they shouted before leaving "thanks Rihan" said Issei sheepishly, he just nodded his head and said to Issei "you should honestly stop doing this, can't always save you, dude"

Issei had a small smile and said in a low voice "yeh, thanks" before standing up and leaving for the nurse's office, Rihan sighed before leaving, break was nearly over and he still didn't finish his lunch.


so yeh this is my first chapter, first of all, mc is not Rihan nura, he has his human appearance and name but that's all, secondly, mc will not have a sacred gear but as you can tell by all the abilities he already has, he will use blazers power, specify a mix of 'Narukami' and 'Intesu' they will be scaled to match the power of the DxD world, and lastly, mc has no knowledge of the DxD, Nura and Rakudai Kishi anime's, meaning he thinks the world is a normal humane world with nothing special, for people who are wondering if I will make the mc a devil, the answer is no! why should I make him a slave! maybe I will make him a demon? and one last thing before I leave and this is important, please leave a message of the love interest you want, it can be anyone even if they are not in DxD vers but I will not make a harem, if I get no clear answer I will choose myself. P.S Ries, Akeno and xenovia are off the list!!

next chapter
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