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30.33% DxD: Multiversal Therapist / Chapter 53: Black Elder Gooze

Bab 53: Black Elder Gooze

With the two goddesses gone, the ripples that had spread in that world were undeniable.

All eyes had looked at the sky that day. All eyes were glared upon from above by that mysterious deity that went as far as to prevent the light of the sun from reaching them. They all felt fear regardless of their power and among those mere ants... there were those who tried to pinpoint the exact location. 

What exactly was that gigantic eye overlooking? 

It was in the midst of the budding tensions in the world that all the floor overseers and Ains Ooal Gown sat in the throne room, the deepest level of Nazarick; looking at Solution Epsilon who knelt in the middle, in front of her master.

Her mind was riddled with questions that no one in this room could answer.

'How exactly did I evolve? did that massage have anything to do? how can I return to that room?'.

Her eyes darted back and forth in silence awaiting her judgement while looking and hearing her superiors divagate about the incident. 

In the middle of the room, a spell was used and a mirage illusion manifested, in this they could see the brief interaction they had with those two goddesses as well as their fixed appearances. 


"Ains-sama, that silver-haired woman, Elysir, she was… problematic" (Demiurge)

"That level of power, I had never seen before" (Cocytus)

"Both of them were dangerous but compared to the golden one, Yasaka. The silver one, Elysir was way more hostile and prideful" (Mare)

"It is proof that she was likely more dangerous despite having concealed her powers all along" (Aura)

"Solution. What can you tell us about them?" (Shaltear)

"They're three. Those two goddesses you saw just now are his 'assistants', they're not the ones in charge. They treated me kindly on the other side and although they discovered my true nature quickly, they still didn't antagonise me" (Solution).

"As expected… that golden fox kept mumbling something about her 'master' and how we disrespected him. Blocking the gate may have been a mistake we won't be able to redo, Ains-sama" (Albedo).

"I'm conscious of it. But there is nothing we can do at this stage; time heals everything and this time it won't be any different. Solution, what do you know about him?" (Ains)

"His name is Ray Lux and he's not a God but instead a Demigod as he claims. As it was described, the service was a massage… but it felt… Ains-sama I don't have words to describe it, when you mentioned it is for 'Gods' perhaps that was not far-fetched" (Solution).

"Whatever it may be that he did to you… it made you evolve. Elder Black Ooze… you have ascended to the same race that your creator once was" (Ains).


They were all conscious of how important all the Supreme Beings were, the original creators of Nazarick, just like Ains Ooal Gown they were all powerful beings who created each one of them.

One of the mightiest was known as Herohero, the one that created Solution Epsilon and his race was precisely a Black Elder Gooze. Solution was shaken, she looked at her goo and it was indeed no longer blue, it was now black... she knew she had evolved but she didn't think the evolution had been so prominent and powerful. 

A fire lit in her soul, eager to test her new abilities. 

"Are you sure all he did to you was a massage, Solution?" (Ains).

"I'm completely certain, Ains-sama. S-Should I describe the process in detail?" (Solution)

"Tell us everything from the moment you entered until you left" (Shaltear).


With a bit of shame, Solution began explaining the procedure of the massage, how she chose to do it naked, how they treated her, and how his hands felt. By the time she finished all the ladies in the group were blushing and coughing thinking her explanation was unnecessarily detailed.

"S-So that's what happened" Ains coughed, bringing order back to the room. 

"That golden fox mentioned that his hands were 'miraculous'. Wouldn't it be beneficial for us to try that service another time, Ains-sama?" The blushing Albedo asked earning a glare from the also flustered Shaltear. 

"If that was to be the case then I'd postulate myself to go this time" The Vampiress asserted dominance and a streak of lightning shot between the two. 

It was an opportunity not only to enjoy themselves but also to become stronger in the process!


"I'm sorry, Ains-sama" (Albedo / Shaltear).

"I'd like to ask Horus about this but that golden icon is no longer in front of me, I don't seem to be able to contact him anymore, there is a chance we have been banned from this godly service after the previous stunt" the lich spoke regretfully. 

He thought his decision back then had been impulsive but warranted considering how uncertain everything was. Thankfully, Solution was the 'solution'.

"About that Ains-sama… I have a golden icon in my vision right now" the blonde maid stated.

"You do!?" (Demiurge).


"That means he has acknowledged you. In any case… this is wonderful news for us" The lich was overjoyed, it wasn't an opportunity that he wanted to let go of. No, if anything it may have been a blessing in disguise given their current circumstances. 

"Is it, Ains-sama?" The overseers all wished to experience that wonderful massage at least once, it was the possibility to evolve and Ains was no different.

'It means that with a good enough sacrifice… I can get all of the NPC here evolved!?'

He couldn't even begin to believe the possibilities, 'Could I evolve as well? what are the limits…? It mentioned that the session quality was X2. Can it be more...? If I'm not wrong, the next evolution of my skin is 'Undead King' and that's the race the previous Demon Lord in YGGDRASIL had, he was very powerful and it required at least five guilds together to defeat him. It was so OP that players were unable to obtain this evolution'.

While mumbling in his thoughts he watched his overseers one by one. 

'The ones with the greatest potential here are Shaltear and Cocytus... is evolution the only thing that can be attained? I must know...'

"Everyone, leave the throne room now except for Solution" He ordered, flashing one last gaze at Shaltear, the latter's eyebrows raised but she nodded nonetheless.

"As you wish, Ains-sama" 

The guardians all departed the rooms and each headed to their respective floors until the next meeting. When everyone left he told her to touch that golden icon.

"What does it say?"

"There are three options: 'Make a booking', 'chat' and 'customer service'. Although the chat is in grey unlike the other two" the maid explained, making her own analysis.

'What a modern interface, so she has the option to chat with someone? is it Horus or that Ray?'.

"Click on customer service first".

She did so and for a moment nothing happened except for the blinking of the button, it took a few seconds before she got a response.

[What can I help you with? Do you wish to make another booking?]

'A voice...?!"

"Ains-sama there is a voice in my head!" She exclaimed. 

[There is no need to get agitated. I'm Horus, if you have any questions regarding the service, feel free to ask me].

'Are you reading my thoughts?'.

[You and I can talk like this. What do you need?]

"Solution, ask him why I don't have that button on my head any longer...? It was me who made the sacrifice" Ains asked to relay the message and she did as requested.

[Ains Ooal Gown is not one of my master's customers, you are].

"Tell him to add me to the list".

[That's impossible. Only one customer may be added at every world].

"Tell Horus to remove you and add me instead, Solution".


It was an order and yet she didn't execute it right away. A budding feeling welled up in her heart, she didn't want to do that. But she didn't have any choice.

[Are you sure you want to do this… Solution?]

She maintained her poker face with her now pitch-black eyes firmly fixed on her master, recalling those feelings that the Egyptian god awakened in her.

'If I do what Ains-sama says... I may not have the chance to experience that room again in the future… I'd need his approval and he may not allow me. But I live to serve Nazarick...'

She was between the sword and a hard spot. 

"Solution…?" The Supreme Being insisted but she had already made her decision, wearing the same mask. 

"He said that's impossible. Once a customer is added, it can't be removed unless Ray Lux removes them himself, we can't do anything, Ains-sama".

"..." Ains' eyes shone, glaring at her with harshness yet not uttering a single word. The black slime didn't shed a single droplet of sweat. 

[Hahaha~ what a pleasant surprise, my master's hands are indeed something else]

'Shut up'.

[All it took was one session for your mental barriers to crumble].

'Shut up! I live for Nazarick! T-This is all for Ains-sama's sake... if I become stronger I can be of more use to him, r-right?'


"Then nothing can be done, Solution. The bookings will have to go through you. I was going to send you outside with Sebas to explore the new world, but you may stay at Nazarick until I know what to do next".

"Ains-sama… I'd like to be able to leave and explore in the name of Nazarick" The slime requested, still on her knees.

"…" His silence indicated her to continue her train of thought.

"Until we're completely sure about their intentions. It may be wise to not make any further bookings, instead, I believe we should focus on this brand new world before us, but that's just my humble opinion".

"You have a point… but I still need to pay extra attention to your safety. You may leave with Sebas and Lupusregina as your bodyguards, I'll arrange a meeting regarding this issue so that each of you knows what to do".

"Thanks Ains-sama, I won't disappoint you".

"You may leave".

Solution began walking out of the throne room when she recalled a piece of important information she had forgotten to reveal, thinking it was not of importance. 

"Ains-sama, there is some other information that I managed to recall during my time in that other world".

"What is it?"

"Ray said the world where he resides is called 'The Earth' in a country called 'Japan' although I don't know if you consider that relevant. If there is nothing else, I'll be on my way to reunite with the rest of the Pleiades".

Solution bowed one last time before leaving the room unaware what kind of unprecedented shock she had given to her master.

'J-Japan...? There is no way... she can't be making that up! There is no way any of the NPC here even know that word, The Earth, Japan!? But that doesn't make sense; since when are there living gods in Japan? Ray Lux or Elysir are not even Japanese names, she looks like an ancient Egyptian... but she was wearing a kimono...? that woman Yasaka Okami is Japanese, no doubt about it, and she's also a Kitsune a mythological Youkai... I have no idea what's going on! so were Youkais real all along? does it have anything to do with how I was transmigrated to YGGDRASIL?'

His skeletal hands covered his face with more questions than answers. After Solution left, someone manifested from the darkness, it was Shaltear Bloodfallen.

"Are you okay, Ains-sama? You look a bit taken aback. The Earth, Japan... is that anyhow important?"

He thoroughly ignored her concern and instead gave a simple order.

"Keep an eye on her, Shaltear...".

"As you wish, Ains-sama~"

'Hero hero put a setting of ultimate loyalty in Solution's settings when he created her, that's the reason I sent her and yet she was still able to lie to me. Ray Lux… you're one interesting God'.

He sighed and was once again left to his own designs in this empty room. 

'There is not much I know about this world aside from Carne Village. Rather than making brash movements to return to Japan, I should see first what this world has to offer... in due time I'll make another sacrifice but first, let me see what you will do, Solution~'.



The blonde maid in question, unaware that her intentions had already been exposed, continued to walk up the stairs of the dungeon deep in thought, unbeknownst to her, a shadow followed close by. 

'If I'm unable to leave Nazarick, I'll also be unable to attain a great sacrifice for the next session'.

There were plenty of treasures in Nazarick but she couldn't even begin thinking about stealing them, it had already taken all she had to lie to her master, stealing was out of the question.



"What would make a fitting sacrifice? could I sacrifice people's lives?~"

[Anything that has energy constitutes a fitting sacrifice. It could be a magical item, a body filled with life force or something as simple as a bonfire. The bigger the energy, the greater the sacrifice. That said, if you wish to go for higher session qualities with more miraculous effects there are more details you should take into consideration]


[If the sacrifice is something valuable for you. Something you'd feel pain over losing, that's something that will greatly enhance the session quality].

'Something I'd feel pain over losing? is there such a thing for me?' She couldn't think of anything other than the obvious things she couldn't ever sacrifice. Her partners in the Pleiades and Nazarick itself.

[As for living beings, the stronger they are the more valuable their lives].

She came to an abrupt stop.

"If I were the sacrifice myself… how much would you give me?"

[With you, your power, your lifeforce as the sacrifice… two hours with an X10 session quality].

'X10...' She bit her lips and exhaled a hazy breath in delusions.

"If I decrease the quality to X2... how long?"

[Then you'd get... twenty hours. But I'm afraid that's not within my master's preferences. The maximum amount of time a session can last is three hours in which case it could be a X7].

"Three hours with an X7... That's it, that's what I want!"

[... do you wish to sacrifice yourself?]

"Of course not, fool. This means I must hunt someone as strong as me somewhere in this world~"

She licked her lips and kept walking upstairs amidst eerie giggles, unaware that her words were being listened to and considered by an even more dangerous being.

Ray Lux had no idea what sort of thirsty monsters he had unleashed in this world. Sooner rather than later anarchy would prevail, all due to his brief and humble service. 

Entire kingdoms would be sacrificed, love would be sacrificed... and he would be none the wiser. 

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