Ford's eyes widened, and a fresh influx of emotion boiled up from within him. Of course. Of course this perfect girl, with her pretty face and loving family and perfect life also had magic. Just to absolutely perfect the unfairness of the world.
He tried to smile instead of sneer. It was hard, and he wanted information. She talked more readily when he wasn't glaring at her.
"What's your power?"
"I find things," Mia shrugged at him, as if that was nothing.
"What kinds of things?" He pressed.
"All kinds. Anything I'm looking for, I feel a sort of pull in that direction, until I find it. Nobody wants to play hide-and-seek with me."
The light joke was accompanied by a pretty smile, which faded quickly when Ford didn't laugh. He just stared at her.
"Anything?" He clarified. Mia thought about it a moment and then nodded slowly.
I have this thing where after socializing with new people I will spend 2-3 days dissecting the conversation to make sure I didn't accidentally make them hate me, and this whole interaction is like my absolute worst nightmare. Enjoy.