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12% Dreamers Insanity - Pokemon Fanfic / Chapter 3: No officer Jenny Here

Bab 3: No officer Jenny Here

The small boat was calmly guided towards the concrete dock by Lapras, who scanned the area for a vacant spot to dock. As they approached, Kukui and Bane collected their bags and stepped onto the walkway, while Jared stood in awe, taking in the bustling scene around him. The crowd began to form in front of them, but Jared was too captivated by the environment to notice.

Kukui exchanged a silent nod of appreciation with Lapras before he retrieved a red and white sphere from his bag, "Hey Jared, watch this" Jared watched with anticipation as Kukui activated the ball with a click. A bright beam of crimson light burst forth, enveloping Lapras, and to Jared's surprise, the majestic Pokemon began to glow red and then vanished in a flash of light, leaving him momentarily stunned, as Kukai laughed "hah, priceless."

Regaining his composure, Jared accepted Kukui's outstretched hand and was helped out of the boat, but they were stopped by an energetic young boy before they could take another step. "Professor Kukui! When I saw that Lapras coming in, I knew it was you, so I rushed back home to get this. Please, will you sign your autograph?" "Of course, and thank you for your support!" Kukui said with a smile.

It was only after a few more greetings and autograph before Kukui got past the crowd.

Bane felt envious of Kukui's fame, wondering when he too would be as well-known. The trio made their way along the concrete dock, passing several colorful houses on stilts, and people bustling about with their Pokemon. As they reached a walkway leading further in, Jared began to wonder about Kukui. Who was this man, and why did everyone seem to know him?

As they ascended the lengthy stone pathway, Kukui cordially exchanged greetings with numerous individuals, and a few more autograph signings commenced. "You seem to be well known," Jared remarked. Kukui scratched the back of his head and replied, "Haha, just a little bit."

"Many of them called you professor. If you don't mind me asking, what is it that you are a professor of?"

"Many things, but I specialize in pokemon attacks."

"Interesting..." Jared said in passing, but his mind was elsewhere. He felt like a kid in a candy store, and his eyes kept pulling his attention this way and that. He admired the colorful houses on stilts and the bustling activity of people with their Pokemon. He noticed several Poliwags lazily sunbathing on the dock, their round, blue bodies contrasting against the brown wood. A couple of Marills were playfully chasing each other, their light blue fur shimmering in the sun.

"Are any of these pokemon wild," Jared asked.

"A few maybe" Kukui smiled, before pointing up, "up there though... its a different story."

Turning his gaze to the sky, Jared saw dozen and dozens of small bird's flying around

Jared squinted his eyes to get a better look and realized that they were all spearow. Their brown feathers glistened in the sun, and their sharp beaks were visible as they screeched loudly. Each one had a distinct pattern on their wings, some with more spots than others. Jared noticed that some spearow had longer tails than others, and some had slightly curved beaks. He marveled at how the spearow could fly so gracefully, changing direction in unison as if they were one entity.

"They are all wild?"

Kukui nodded cheerfully, "Yup" holding up a finger, Kukui explained, "Spearow don't get along with any pokemon outside their flock, so you can be certain that most spearow groups are wild. "

"Ah ok"

The sunglass wearing professor chuckled hearing Jared's absentminded reply.

After fifteen minutes of walking, they finally reached the final stretch. Kukui and Bane were still energized, while Jared was panting and questioning his choice of diet and exercise. Despite his fatigue, the sight of more Pokemon along the path increased Jared's spirits. "Are those Bellsprouts also wild?" Jared asked. Kukui gave them a glance and replied, "Hmm, probably, but are you able to bond with grass Pokemon?" Jared was curious and asked, "How do you bond with pokemon?" Kukui replied, "Haha, let's keep going, shall we?"

As Jared ascended the cobblestone steps, he more closely observed the small green Pokemon standing tall with stem-like bodies and long vine-like arms, all along the steep hillside. Their round heads featured beady eyes and a small mouth, with a sharp-toothed grin.

The Bellsprouts were clustered together in a field, their vines waving lazily in the breeze. Some were shorter, while others towered over their peers. Their leaves rustled in the wind, producing a soft rustling sound that was soothing to the ear.

Jared felt a sense of tranquility wash over him as he gazed at the Bellsprouts. They seemed content and peaceful, as if they were in tune with the world around them. Kukui noticed Jared's fascination and smiled, "They're quite beautiful, aren't they? They are also easy to raise, and are quite popular with grass-focused trainers."


Despite his exhaustion, Jared persevered, one step at a time, with Kukui occasionally looking back, offering words of encouragement. Finally, they arrived at the peak. Seeing Jared's exhausted state, Kukui suggested they take a break to rest.

Finally catching his breath, Jared saw a sprawling paradise appearing just over the hill. He saw dozens of neat rows of brightly colored homes and businesses, tidy pruned gardens, along with rows of colorful flowers arranged in a beautiful assortment. And, of course, there were many people and Pokemon going about their day.

The coconut trees stood tall and proud, with their long leaves rustling gently in the sea breeze. They cast a welcome shade over the pavement

Walking along, Jared shielded his eyes from the sun's intense rays, as sweat dripped off his body. He gazed around, and he couldn't help but marvel at the meticulous arrangement of the trees, which appeared to create a natural barrier between the sidewalk and the road. The smooth and even concrete pathway was devoid of any cracks or potholes, and it was evident that the residents took immense pride in their community and worked tirelessly to maintain its pristine condition.

Jared's musings were abruptly interrupted as he asked himself, '...That's weird, how do they have electricity and concrete but no cars?' But his questions were soon answered.

Despite the presence of all kinds of pokemon on the roads, Jared's attention was immediately drawn to a few magnificent Ponyta. As he watched them trot down the road, their fiery manes and tails blazing in the sunlight. Each one was a stunning shade of cream, with a striking contrast of flames that ran down their spine, legs, and tail. The Ponyta's muscular build was unmistakable, with a powerful chest and strong legs that propelled them forward with ease.

Some of the Ponyta were carrying riders, while others were harnessed to small wagons, carrying goods and supplies. His question as to what the roads were used for was now answered at least.

As he surveyed his surroundings and abruptly found himself in a daze. He was plagued by an unsettling sensation that he couldn't quite shake off. It felt as if he was standing on the precipice of two realities - one that was familiar and another that was foreign. The atmosphere was shrouded in an uncanny quality that made him feel like he was a mere pawn in a set piece. Despite the similarities to his old world, he realized that the smaller details were slightly off-kilter. "There were no cars; people walked differently, and even the smells were unfamiliar," Jared observed. He also noticed that the houses were built differently than on Earth. Despite this, he couldn't deny that they looked natural, and not out of place, but in his mind, they still looked jarring somehow. Jared began to wonder if the world was even stranger, then perhaps he would find it easier to accept.

Jared's heavy breathing caught Kukui's attention, and he asked, "Are you alright, do you need another break?"

As the world spun around him, Jared gazed at the ground and tried to regulate his breathing. "No, I'm just out of shape. I'll be okay once I catch my breath," he replied with a feigned sense of assurance.

Kukui responded sympathetically, "It must be hard for you."

"No, really, I just need a second," Jared replied.

Bane snorted and interjected, "He means it's hard for non-trainers like you without the bond boost."

"Bane!" Kukui said with exasperation.

"What's a bond boost?" Jared asked innocently.

The two looked at Jared with surprise.

"Is that a strange question?" Jared asked, confused.

Kukui shook his head, "I'm sorry, i thought you were making a joke earlier, so you really don't know about this stuff?"

"I guess he really did hit his head"

"BANE!" Kukui scolded.

"Just saying," Bane shrugged.

"Really, Bane..." Kukui said, while sighing inwardly, 'This kid used to be so sweet and loved everybody. I didn't see him for a few years and found out he became a sponsored trainer, but meeting again I now wish I hadn't. How does a good kid go so wrong, even going so far as to degrade common people over and over. I really must be blind' Kukui shook his head inwardly, as his thoughts continued, 'But it's not really his fault. This engrained behaviour is a symptom of the overall poor attitude that trainers have. But so what if we are a bit stronger and live a bit longer than normal people? Without them building our cities, making our food, and supporting us, how many trainers would still have the blessed life that they take for granted?'

Ending his thought, Kukui offered the tired man a shoulder. Initially, Jared refused the assistance, but Kukui insisted, and they continued to move forward. "To address your inquiry, the bond boost is a symbiotic relationship between a trainer and their Pokemon. As the Pokemon develops and becomes stronger, so too does the trainer, with benefits ranging from increased strength and resistance to elemental energy, to a longer lifespan. Not only that, but the strength of pokemon attacks receive a boost based on the strength of the trainers affinity. That's why trainers yell out their moves, they are acting like a small amplifier for their pokemon, but I like to think of us more like conductors helping along a play haha. "

Jared's eyes widened with intrigue. "A longer lifespan? Does that mean one can become immortal?"

Kukui chuckled in response. "It's possible, well, maybe."

After pondering for a brief moment, Jared asked, "Can anyone become a trainer, even me?"

Upon hearing this conversation, Bane laughed condescendingly, causing Kukui to frown as he tried to ignore him. He was growing increasingly discontent with Bane's behavior.

"For the most part, no. Without a strong affinity, the gains from your bond will be minute, however, that does not preclude the possibility of becoming companions with a pokemon regardless" Kukui replied.

Kukui then paused and began rummaging through his bags, eventually pulling out a clean cloth. "I am unsure of your natural affinity for Pokemon, but I have several elemental stones that I keep for research purposes. Mind you, I only have five types here: Thunder, Water, Normal, Grass, and Ice. Take a look at this."

With care, Kukui opened the cloth to reveal a small stone that began to faintly spark as it came into contact with the air. Removing the cloth and holding the stone in his bare hand, it quickly began to glow. "Isn't this cool? This is a Thunder Stone, a naturally occurring byproduct that sometimes emerges when lightning strikes rock. This glow indicates that I have a small affinity with Electric-type Pokemon. Now it's your turn," Kukui said, handing the Thunder Stone to Jared.

With expectation, Jared held the stone in his hand, but nothing happened. Scratching his head, Kukui took the stone back, saying, "It appears that you do not have an affinity for Electric-type Pokemon. Let's try another."

Jared noticed that each stone was contained in a different way. The thunderstone was smothered in a cloth, the water stone was contained in a glass beaker filled with water, the bug stone was kept in a beautifully adorned stone bowl, the ice stone in a metal thermas, while the normal stone was not kept in anything special.

Regardless, he didn't show the slightest affinity for any of them.

Bane shook his head as he thought inwardly, 'He doesn't have a response with the four most common elements, let alone the thunder stone. Almost all sponsored trainers have at least a little affinity for every element, which means even if he finds some affinity, it doesn't matter, he will still be the dregs of the dregs. A commoner from now until the end.'

Seeing Jared slight disappointment, Kukui waved it off, " Don't worry about it, these are only a fraction of all the elements. Everyone has some affinity, no matter how small. "

Hearing that, Jared was slightly hopeful, "Then do you know where i can get tested for the others?"

"Well, normally you would be tested at birth, but you could maybe pop around my lab sometime if you decide to visit Hau'oli island in the future. We keep at least one or two of every kind of elemental stone." Kikui hummed " But, by then you might have recovered from your temporary amnesia. Anyways, let's get going."

The three resumed walking, but when they passed by a certain cafe, Jared chuckled when he saw a clothed Mr.Mime acting as a waiter.

After traveling for another twenty-five minutes, the three found themselves outside a building with a cursive sign that read "Tapu Village Police Station."

Kukui and Bane strode confidently into the police station, but Jared lagged behind, lost in thought.

Jared had always felt nervous talking with law enforcement, whether in his old world or in this one, but then he had an amusing thought, 'there's always a chance they might have Officer Jennys working here.'

With that hopeful thought, Jared finally made his way into the station. He quickly noticed a large pokemon sleeping in the corner, which he quickly identified to be a fire-breathing arcanine. The small dog bed the pokemon sat on looked slightly humorous for the arcanines oversized appearance, but he doubted anyone would be brave enough to laugh. Jared now noticed that the interior was pleasantly cool, a welcome respite from the hot Alolan sun outside. 'ahh, air conditioning, at least this is one thing that isn't different from earth.'

The building was large from the outside, but the reception area was actually relatively small, with white walls adorned with glass-encased diplomas and certifications, giving the space a solemn and serious atmosphere.

The rest of the building was partitioned off, with a single door accessible only behind a long service counter. Two men sat behind the counter: a middle-aged man with a moustache on the left, and a younger, clean shaven bald man, almost looking like a monk. Both men's eyes widened in recognition as the trio approached.

"If it isn't Kikui, what brings you here today?" the first man asked in a friendly tone. Jared couldn't help but think that there was probably no Officer Jenny working here after all.

Kukui took charge of the situation, addressing the older mustachio'd officer with a polite greeting shaking his hand, "Hey Makoa" then he nodded to the other officer, "and hello Kahiau, it's good to see you both again, my acquaintance and I..."

As Kukui continued with the explanation, Bane was frowning. When he heard Kikui describe him as an aquantance, it really irked him, 'Damn, whys he so angry over a commoner? That geezer said it himself, he doesn't even have a pokemon. Of all commoners, he's clearly the bottom feeder of all bottom feeders.'

Jared watched as Kukui effortlessly navigated the conversation, also marvelling at the fact that trainers were able to act as unofficial police. But, the thought of irresponsible kids like Bane running around with the power to arrest people made him uneasy.

As Kukui continued to discuss Jared's circumstances with the bald officer, Bane's perpetually annoyed expression gave Jared pause to think. Was this kid always in a bad mood or if it was this just his resting expression.

With the report concluded, Kukui patted Jared's back and slipped him a piece of paper with his number on it. "It was nice meeting you Jared, and I'm glad I could help you out," Kukui said with a smile. "But I have some business to attend to with Bane, me and him need to have a long chat. These officers will take it from here and make sure you are taken care of. When you get a phone, be sure to let me know how you're doing, alright?"

Jared nodded and stuffed the paper into his pocket, watching as Kukui and Bane made their way out of the station. As Kukui gave one last wave and shouted, "You're gonna be alright Jared, before long this will all just be a funny story!" before disappearing through the automatic sliding glass doors, Jared couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude.

If I had met a few kind people like him back on Earth," Jared thought to himself, "then maybe I wouldn't be the wreck I am today. But perhaps I'm just shifting blame. Either way, I hope I run into more people like him." With a sigh, Jared shook his head, steeling himself for whatever lay ahead.

Jared followed Makoa down a long, white hallway with bare walls that contrasted with the reception room's decor. He could also hear sounds emanating from deeper in the building, perhaps people were working.

After a few twists and turns, the officer led Jared into a small, brightly-lit room furnished with a single table and two chairs. The officer politely gestured for Jared to take a seat.

Although not as appealing as a smoking hot officer Jenny, the bald officer seemed like a decent fellow. Jared took a seat opposite him, the chair creaking slightly under his weight.

"Hello, Mr. Jared. I am Officer Makoa," the bald officer introduced himself properly. "I heard about your story from Kukui, but I would like to ask you a few more questions if that is alright with you. I'll be honest, I've never seen a situation like yours and I'm not a completely sure how to handle it."

Meanwhile Jared barely heard what the man said, 'he asks it like a question, but it's not like I can refuse, and why would I? I'm not suspicious! I'm not a alien from another planet or anything, no way...' Despite his inner turmoil, he managed to reply, "Yes, sure. What do you want to know?"

The bald officer pulled his chair closer to the table, took out a small notebook and pen from his shirt, and neatly folded his fingers together on the table.

"You are from Pallet Town, correct?" the bald officer asked.

Jared's heart sank as he thought, 'Oh god, Jared you are a lying bastard, and your lies are already catching up to you! If they try to confirm this, what am are you going to do? If they find my birth record and don't see me on it... what will happen to me? '

"Yes, I'm from Pallet Town," Jared replied nervously, his palms starting to sweat.

Brian took a moment to scribble some words into the notebook before continuing, "What kind of work did you do there?"

Jared's mind raced, 'Hah... it just gets worse and worse, why didn't I think up an answer for such an obvious question when I had the chance? Now I have no time to think!... oh actually I know what to say!'

"I walked people's Pokemon for them," Jared stuttered. "I was a p-Pokemon walker."

Jared breathed heavier, as his thoughts swirled, 'Oh god, why didn't I say something more believable like a Pokemart clerk? and why did I stutter? since when do I have a stutter? Oh no, It's all going downhill now, Jared thought to himself.'

'He's going to write this in the notebook again, isn't he?'

Hearing the scribbling, Jared eye twitched, 'Oh god, oh god, he is. He's writing my lies into his book, ahh ahhhh, its no longer a note book, it's a book of lies now, all lies!' Jared panicked internally, but did his best to keep a straight face. Unfortunately, he didn't notice his blistered face getting redder and redder by the second.

next chapter
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